Listing ETFs on Euronext

List your ETFs on Euronext. Access 7 local venues in Europe through one single entry point.  Euronext operates regulated markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo, and Paris for listing ETFs.


ETP Listings



*December 2024

Why list ETFs on Euronext

A dynamic European ETF market

A diverse pool of liquidity and investors

Fastest ETF listing process in Europe

The fastest listing process in Europe, within 2 to 5 business days.

Secure ETF market

Excellent market quality and heightened security with strong safeguards, ensuring liquidity and tight spreads.

ETF Fee incentives & specific requirements 

  • Great discounts on annual listing fees and an issuer incentive scheme based on ADV.
  • Simplified rule-book for listing ETFs.

Tailor-made ETF services

Euronext also offers tailor-made services with the possibility for

  • Multi-listing
  • Cross–listing
  • Multi-currency listing and trading (up to 20 currencies)

High-quality indices for ETFs

Leverage our wide range of trusted and high-quality indices to support your various ETF product creations.

How to list ETFs on our markets

Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Milan, Paris & Oslo Børs

Euronext Dublin


Listing ESG ETFs

Join the leading Asset Management firms and list your Sustainable ETFs on the Euronext markets. Our ambition is to drive investment in innovative, sustainable products and services.

Learn which ESG ETFs are already listed on Euronext.


Euronext ETF Listing services

Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Milan, Paris, and Oslo Børs offer the following services

ETF Multi & Cross listing

  • Cross-listing on the Single Order Book
  • Multi-listing on two (or more) markets. List on multiple Euronext markets and benefit from local visibility and access to the member network in all countries.

ETF Multi-currency listing

We support ETF trading in 20 currencies, facilitating investor access and removing currency barriers: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, HUF, ISK, JPY, MXN, NOK, NZD, PLN, RON, SEK, TRY, USD, ZAR

Market quality and liquidity

Euronext guarantees a high quality, secured market for your ETFs thanks to a reliable platform with strong safeguards ensuring liquidity and tight spreads even during high volatility periods. 

 More information on ETF market quality and listing services

List of traded ETFs

Visit our Live Markets site for a directory of all available ETFs, issuers, trading information, announcements and quotes. 


ETF Team

General assistance

Euronext Corporate Actions Team

Listing Assistance, Listing in Amsterdam Brussels Lisbon and Paris