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  • Inspiring Fifty

     |  Amsterdam


    Inspiring Fifty

    Opening of trading by Inspiring Fifty

    Inspiring Fifty recently revealed the names of fifty women who were nominated by a group of high profile judges as the most inspiring women in Dutch technology. The judges have recognized the exceptional achievements and the great contributions of these women but more importantly; they are considered role models that can inspire the next generation of women and girls in technology. Jalila Essaidi, Director Inspidere, sounds the gong together with Neelie Kroes, Member of the Board at Uber.

    Inspiring Fifty is a not-for-profit organization established in 2013 by the two successful Dutch entrepreneurs Janneke Niessen and Joelle Frijters, co-founders at Improve Digital. They aim to improve the gender balance in the tech sector.

    The launch of Inspiring Fifty Netherlands follows the European list, that was released in March. Later this year Inspiring Fifty will also announce the Nordics, UK, DACH and France top 50 women in technology. Moreover, the not-for profit organization will continue to inspire in other countries, for the first time now also outside Europe. In cooperation with the Dutch Embassy Inspiring Fifty South Africa will be launched.  

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  • Week of the Entrepreneur

     |  Amsterdam


    Week of the Entrepreneur

    Opening of trading for Week of the Entrepreneur

    Trading is opened on the occasion of Week of the Entrepreneur (Week van de Ondernemer). The event takes place for the 20th time in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Yet again around 5,000 entrepreneurs are expected to attend this year. The gong is sounded by Gerard van den Broek, Director of De Ondernemer.

    This year's edition of the Week of the Entrepreneur, the oldest and largest live entrepreneurial event in the Netherland, is fully focused on growth. Many successful entrepreneurs and top speakers are present to share their knowledge and experience with the attending entrepreneurs.

    The Week of the Entrepreneur is part of the 'Wereld van de Ondernemer' (World of the Entrepreneur,) a cross-media platform that consists of a quarterly magazine, a weekly newspaper page, a weekly newsletter, a website and events, and aims to stimulate entrepreneurship by inspiring and informing entrepreneurs. This platform is part of De Persgroep.

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  • Liberation Day

     |  Amsterdam


    Liberation Day

    Amsterdam Committee 4 and 5 May sounds gong

    The Amsterdam Committee 4 and 5 May visits the Amsterdam exchange and opens trading by sounding the gong.

    The National Committee takes care of organising the national activities on 4 and 5 May, including the coordination of the Liberation Festivals, and it runs educational projects, develops mass media campaigns and gathers knowledge and makes it available to others, for example about war monuments and commemorations throughout the country. In this connection, the National Committee works together with numerous other parties on the local, provincial and national levels.

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  • 2017 Dutch Family Businesses Award

     |  Amsterdam


    2017 Dutch Family Businesses Award

    Terberg Group sounds gong after winning 2017 Dutch Family Businesses Award

    Terberg Group B.V.  was recently announced winner of the 2017 Dutch Family Businesses Award during a ceremony in the Nieuwe Kerk in The Hague, the Netherlands. This prestigious award was presented by Her Royal Highness Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands. George Terberg, Chairman of the board, sounds the gong to celebrate the company’s prize.

    From the initial 500 family businesses, 10 were nominated, and then 4 finalists were selected: Brabantia, Koninklijke A-Ware Food Group, Koninklijke Zeelandia, and Terberg Group.

    George Terberg, Chairman of the Board: "Who would have thought that our village forge, set up in 1869, would develop into the Dutch Family Business of the Year. We are incredibly proud of this and consider it the icing on the cake that underlines the hard work undertaken by our family and employees every day to operate successfully throughout the world".

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  • Giving Back Foundation

     |  Amsterdam


    Giving Back Foundation

    Better Options and Giving Back Foundation open trading

    Better Options LLP, trading company based in the Amsterdam exchange building, opens trading in the company of Giving Back Foundation. Better Options invited the Amsterdam pupils and mentors of Giving Back Foundation for a day at the exchange.

    Giving Back Foundation is committed to a diverse society in which everyone has an equal chance to develop his or her talent. Giving Back focuses on a broad group of talented pupils and students who have the potential to play a successful role in society. Giving Back offers these youngsters a challenging program aimed at both personal and professional development. The program consists of workshops and events, plus a mentoring program. Giving Back offers programs for pupils, students and young professionals.

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  • World’s Best Designed Newspaper

     |  Amsterdam


    World’s Best Designed Newspaper

    Het Parool sounds gong as World’s Best Designed Newspaper

    Newspaper Het Parool has recently been voted World’s Best Designed Newspaper. Ronald Ockhuysen, editor-in-chief of the newspaper, sounds the gong and opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange together with his colleagues.

    The prize was awarded at the annual meeting of the Society for News Design, an international umbrella organization of designers and journalists. The jury praises Het Parool for ‘an enchanting design that makes news stories tempting to read’. The ‘clear signature’ and ‘striking mix of solid news and elegant white space’ was called ‘innovative’.

    Het Parool also received two ‘awards of excellence’ for the PS section. These pages – the second half of the newspaper on working days– were called ‘hopeful’ for ‘a vital future of paper newspapers’ by the jury.

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  • ABN AMRO and EIB

     |  Amsterdam


    ABN AMRO and EIB

    ABN AMRO and EIB sound the gong for financing green shipping

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) and ABN AMRO (ticker symbol: ABN) have signed an agreement to support investment in green European shipping. It is the first agreement on investment in green shipping with a financial institution in the Netherlands. On this occasion they visit the Amsterdam exchange and open trading by sounding the gong.

    The agreement ensures that promoters of green projects, in the maritime transport sector, can benefit from favorable financial conditions through the EIB's AAA-rating. These conditions apply to both retrofitting of existing shipping and the construction of new vessels with a green innovation aspect, and for both inland waterways and sea shipping.

    The EIB Facility is an additional incentive for ABN AMRO to encourage shipping customers to seek sustainable solutions and fits perfectly with the bank's other efforts to promote sustainable solutions in this important sector.

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  • King’s Day

     |  Amsterdam


    King’s Day

    Koninklijke Bond van Oranjeverenigingen sounds gong on King’s Day

    On King’s Day many ‘Oranjeverenigingen’ are busy organizing a village or town festival. The KBOV is the national representative of all ‘Oranjeverenigingen’. They visit Beursplein 5 and sound the gong.

    The KBOV helps ‘Oranjeverenigingen’ with advice and information and organizes meeting points for exchange of experiences and ideas. In addition, the KBOV want to make clear that this kingdom, which is not bound by party or group, represents the plural society for every Dutch citizen, regardless of origin, race or religion.

    The KBOV stresses the importance of promoting and strengthening the bond between the Dutch population and the House of Orange. It seeks to achieve this by initiating and stimulating celebrations and other commemorations to mark heyday in the House of Orange. By now, more than 320 local ‘Oranjeverenigingen’  are a member of the KBOV.

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  • DSI Screening sounds gong for 10-year anniversary

     |  Amsterdam


    DSI Screening sounds gong for 10-year anniversary

    DSI Foundation, the self-regulation institute for the financial sector, celebrates 10 years of DSI Screening by sounding the gong. DSI organizes certification, screening and discipline in the financial sector, and provides a public register in which consumers and businesses can check which financial professionals are DSI certified and thus meet high quality standards in terms of integrity, knowledge and professional competence.

    Since 2007, DSI is the court supplier of personnel screening for the financial sector. In cooperation with the financial sector, DSI developed the standard for staff screening. The method on which DSI performs the screening is supported by the AFM. Since 2007, non-profit DSI has performed over 40,000 professional screenings at cost price, for both professionals who applied for a job in the financial sector and for various service providers to the sector, such as accountants. The purpose of DSI is to strengthen trust in the financial sector by providing transparency, high-quality permanent education and professional screening that cares for individuals and companies from A to Z.

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  • Inside ETFs Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    Inside ETFs Amsterdam

    Sounding of the gong for Inside ETFs Amsterdam

    Sponsors of the Inside ETFs Amsterdam event, Dimensional and Think ETF’s, visit the Amsterdam exchange to open trading by sounding the gong.

    The Inside ETFs Amsterdam event takes place at the EYE Filmmuseum, 25 April. The program of Inside ETFs Amsterdam is changing the way the Dutch manage assets by providing bright ideas, cutting-edge research and new solutions for today’s evolving markets. Designed for fund selectors, financial advisers, family offices and other investors, the program will leave attendees with actionable ideas and insights they can put to work immediately in any portfolio.

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  • 7th anniversary Mutual Fund

     |  Amsterdam


    7th anniversary Mutual Fund

    Mutual Fund and Mint Tower Capital Management sound the gong

    Mint Tower Capital Management opens trading together with Mutual Fund on the Amsterdam exchange to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Mutual Fund.

    Mutual Fund strives to be a linking pin between highly motivated university students and the Financial Markets. By contacting organizations in the financial world, Mutual Fund strives to build durable relations with firms like Mint Capital Management, located on Beursplein 5, Amsterdam. 

    Mutual Fund is a student organization for highly motivated students with interest in Financial Markets. The main goal of Mutual Fund is to facilitate an educational platform for students with interests in buying and selling financial instruments. The common focus of the students contributes to a highly motivational environment where knowledge and new insights are developed.

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  • Friday 21 April 2017

     |  Amsterdam


    Friday 21 April 2017

  • NN Investment Partners


    NN Investment Partners

    Multi-Asset funds NN Investment Partners awarded again

    NN IP visits the Amsterdam exchange after being awarded by research entity Lipper for two defensive Multi-Asset funds from NN IP’s fund offering. Ewout van Schaick, Head of Multi-Asset Portfolio’s at NN IP, sounds the gong and opens trading.

    In the category ‘best defensive Multi-Asset fund’, Lipper granted, for the fourth year in a row, the NN Dynamic Mix Fund II an award. Moreover, the portfolio management team and the investment process itself were granted the award for “Mixed assets large company” (just as in 2015 and 2016). Furthermore, NN IP got to take home the price for best overall large company 2017. This year ,Lipper chose a defensive Multi-Asset funds as a winner and awarded the NN Dynamic Mix I fund.

    Ewout van Schaick, Head of Multi-Asset Portfolios at NN IP:  “In addition to an extensive and highly experienced investment team, the success of the mix funds is explained by combining thorough macroeconomic analysis, valuations and other fundamental factors with the study of investor behavior. We think that factors such as momentum, investment flows and investor sentiment play an increasingly important role in explaining markets. This approach worked well last year. We saw that economic data improved slowly during the year while rising political uncertainty led to the fact that many investors remained very carefully positioned. We kept our preference in our mix funds for riskier investments while, in part, we hedged ourselves against the unexpected results of the Brexit referendum and the US election with specific positions in, for example, currencies like the British Pound or Mexican Peso. We consider winning these awards as a confirmation for consistent team performance."

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  • Amsterdam Exchange Experience

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam Exchange Experience

    Sounding of the gong for 1250th Amsterdam Exchange Experience tour

    The Amsterdam exchange celebrates the 1250th tour of the Amsterdam Exchange (AEX) Experience; an interactive exhibition about the importance and role of the exchange for the economy, the listed companies, the history and the traded products. Coordinator of the Experience, Ton Ruitenburg, sounds the gong together with members of the Experience team.

    During a visit to the Experience visitors learn about the exchange and its social role as a growth engine of the economy. The exhibition also shows its rich history, which goes back to the East India Company (VOC) and the activities of the listed companies. Visitors get the opportunity to determine their investor profile and can test their skills as a trader in the crowd. Visiting the trading floor is also a part of the tour.

    The Experience was opened in November 2013 by Her Majesty Queen Máxima during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange at Beursplein 5.

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  • Artcadia

     |  Amsterdam



    Cals College from Nieuwegein wins Artcadia finals

    Cals College from Nieuwegein recently won the Artcadia Art and Technology finals. The winning design is the Multi Mill, a design that combines a windmill at sea with solar and wave energy plus tidal power. The winners visit the Amsterdam exchange and open trading.

    The contest was organized by design and consultancy firm Arcadis (ticker symbol: ARCAD), the KNHM foundation and supplier of digital printing systems Canon Business Services with the objective of having secondary education pupils experience the fascinating world of technology. The Cals College won first prize with the idea for the Multi Mill: a trip for ten pupils and two teachers to visit exceptional places and technically interesting projects in Paris where they will be taking a look behind the scenes. Secondary education pupils in the Netherlands were challenged to produce a project with which to present their take on our future society. Issues in the field of buildings, water, the environment & public space and mobility were tackled with creative technical solutions.

    Technology and art contest Artcadia, for pupils in group 2 of the higher intermediary educational programs, was held for the eighth time. A record number of 117 schools entered the contest this year.

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  • Kempen & Co

     |  Amsterdam


    Kempen & Co

    Kempen & Co kicks off 10th Life Sciences conference by sounding gong

    Kempen & Co is proud to host the annual Kempen Life Sciences conference for the tenth time. On this occasion they visit the Amsterdam exchange to open trading.

    This conference has become a central meeting place for global institutional investors and European Life Sciences companies, with its signature format focused on one-on-one meetings and small group meetings, as well as a networking lunch and showcase session. Like previous years, the conference will be attended by executives from a wide range of companies from continental Europe including pharma, biotech, diagnostics and medtech.

    As one of the few focused merchant banks in Europe, Kempen & Co is uniquely positioned as a specialist in the Life Sciences and Healthcare markets. Over the past years, Kempen & Co have built a strong position in this sector in securities brokerage, mergers and acquisitions, and equity capital market transactions.

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  • Logistics manager of the year

     |  Amsterdam


    Logistics manager of the year

    Logistics manager of the year sounds gong for WDP

    Logistics real estate specialist WDP (ticker symbol: WDP), since 2015 with a second listing on Euronext Amsterdam, invites Marc van het Bolscher (Tanatex) to sound the gong.

    From the 2016 edition WDP sponsors the ‘LMvhJ’ event which aims to get more attention for the profession of the logistics sector and the people work here. At the end it is the people who make the difference. The board of the ‘LMvhJ’ is also invited to take part in the ceremony.

    WDP develops and invests in logistics property (warehouses and offices). WDP's property portfolio amounts to more than 3 million m². This international portfolio of semi-industrial and logistics buildings is spread over more than 170 sites at prime logistics locations for storage and distribution in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Romania.

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  • SME Export Award

     |  Amsterdam


    SME Export Award

    Winner SME Export Award sounds gong

    Bart Veldhuizen from Hoenderdaal Fasteners, winner of the SME Export Award, opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange. He opens trading accompanied by Annet Koster of MKB-Nederland, initiator of this export award for SMEs.

    New markets, innovative products and efficient logistics. These are the ambitions of Hoenderdaal Fasteners from Veenendaal, manufacturer of fasteners. The company has won the SME Export Award because of the sophisticated export plan that focuses on Sweden as a prelude to further expansion in Scandinavia.

    The SME Export Award has been awarded for the fourth year in a row. The award is an initiative of SME Netherlands in collaboration with the National Enterprising Netherlands ( and Language Institute Regina Coeli, designed to encourage SME entrepreneurs to cross the border or to expand their existing international activities.

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