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  • TEDxAmsterdamWomen

     |  Amsterdam


    TEDxAmsterdamWomen – Tenth edition

    Carine de Meyere Director TEDxAmsterdamWomen and Startup Award 2019, opens trading in Amsterdam today, together with the TEDxAmsterdamWomen Partnership & Organizing Team.

    On 9 December, the 10th edition of TEDxAmsterdamWomen will take place at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam. Princess Martha Louise of Norway, Science Editor Niki Korteweg, and Foreign Minister of Somalia Edna Adan Ismail will be among those who will take the stage at the to share with the audience their views in a TEDTalk pertaining to this year’s theme: State of Mind. 

    Also final of the 5th TEDxAmsterdamWomen Startup Award competition will take place.

    For more information:

  • True Partner Capital

     |  Amsterdam


    True Partner Capital – 10 years

    Together with his Amsterdam-based colleagues and CEO Ralph van Put, Co-CIO Tobias Hekster will sound the gong to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of True Partner Capital.

    True Partner Capital is a team of former market makers and IT specialists who have been working together for over a decade. Their combined expertise on trading, execution and risk management as well as the proprietary trading technology, allows the team to identify and capitalize on trading opportunities.

    Tracing its roots to the trading floors of Euronext Amsterdam, True Partner Capital covers the world from offices in Hong Kong, Chicago and Amsterdam.

    True Partner Capital 20191206 True Partner Capital
  • Sinterklaas

     |  Amsterdam



    Who else but Sinterklaas can open trading today? Euronext has the privilege to welcome many famous or remarkable persons on Beursplein 5, but seldom do we receive more distinguished visitors than Sinterklaas.

    Sinterklaas 20191205 Sinterklaas
  • Arcadis

     |  Amsterdam


    Arcadis – Improving PFAS knowledge with Australian technology

    Arcadis signed a Heads of Agreement with EVOCRA, enabling an exclusive commercial negotiating period within which the parties will finalize a license agreement for sole rights to the EVOCRA technology for PFAS solutions. This technology, which has already been proven at commercial scale on projects in Australia, will be a welcome addition to Arcadis’ existing suite of PFAS solutions, allowing Arcadis to continue to offer a differentiated solution for clients globally.

    To celebrate that Arcadis environment director Marc Raessen will open the stock exchange. 

    PFAS, or per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances, were incorporated in commercial, industrial and consumer products, including textile coatings, stain repellents, electronics and mist suppressants. PFAS were also components of firefighting foams known as Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF). In recent years, under increasing scientific and regulatory scrutiny and community awareness, more is being understood about PFAS toxicity, environmental persistence, aquifer mobility and the potential for this emerging contaminant to bioaccumulate in natural environments and enter the food chain.

    Arcadis is at the forefront of a global effort to remove PFAS from impacted sites and environments, with over 75 projects in their portfolio, representing over 300 individual sites in 12 countries. This deal will continue Arcadis’ push to achieve greater market share within the PFAS space and provide their clients with a unique and innovative solution that can be used on its own and/or in conjunction with other technologies to remove PFAS from impacted sources. In the beginning of 2020 Arcadis will start tests in The Netherlands tests with the EVOCRA technology.

    Arcadis Arcadis
  • CIO of the Year 2019

     |  Amsterdam


    ICT Media B.V. - CIO of the Year 2019: Perry van der Weyden

    Perry van der Weyden, who sounds the gong today, is CIO of Rijkswaterstaat and recently proclaimed the winner of the CIO of the Year Award 2019. He can call himself the best "chief information officer" in the Netherlands. Van der Weyden owes the prize to the way in which he manages to achieve results within the government, a complex environment with many stakeholders.

    Winning the CIO of the Year Award 2019 is the reason for opening the Amsterdam stock exchange. Rob Beijleveld, CEO of ICT Media and initiator of the CIO of the Year Award, finds Van der Weyden a shining example in the government world. "You can see that he manages to get digital initiatives off the ground in an unconventional way and subsequently knows how to find support for them." The other jury members were also very enthusiastic about the winner.

    At Rijkswaterstaat the share of the IT function in the primary process is growing. Digitization is making its entrance into the monitoring of traffic flows, and the management and maintenance of roads, shipping lanes and other objects. "A true digital revolution" is what Van der Weyden calls it.​

    CIO of the Year 2019 20191203 CIO of the Year 2019
  • Rabobank’s Tribe Savings & Investments

     |  Amsterdam


    Rabobank – Tribe Vermogensopbouw

    Rabobank’s Tribe Savings & Investments has a new structure, that enables them to better serve their customers on their way to a healthy financial life and improves their cooperation with their partners, such as Euronext. Sandra Hurkmans-Stuut, Product Manager Investments, sounded the gong.

    Rabobank’s Tribe Savings & Investments 20191202 Rabobank – Tribe Vermogensopbouw
  • 20191129 Kepler Cheuvreux

    Kepler Cheuvreux

     |  Amsterdam


    Kepler Cheuvreux – Tenth IR Summit

    A firm hit with the gong hammer by Marlon Kelly, Global Head, Equity Brokerage van Kepler Cheuvreux, marks the symbolic opening of trade on Euronext Amsterdam, as well as the start of Kepler Cheuvreux’ tenth IR Summit. Mr. Kelly is assisted by Simone Huis in ‘t Veld, CEO of Euronext Amsterdam, and Anne Lacarrière, Managing Director of Kepler Cheuvreux.

    The theme of the IR Summit, which is co-hosted by Euronext, is “ESG: Green Is the New Gold”. Over two hundred IR professionals from across Europe gather together in Amsterdam today for a day of workshops and keynote speeches on the most important trends in investor relations.

    About Kepler Cheuvreux

    Kepler Cheuvreux is an independent European financial services company specializing in research, execution, advisory, and asset management services. Kepler Cheuvreux has twelve offices in Europe, two in the United States, and 600 employees worldwide.

    Kepler Cheuvreux 20191129 Kepler Cheuvreux Amsterdam
  • Aidsfonds

     |  Amsterdam


    Aidsfonds – Start World AIDS Day Campaign

    Stefanie van der Bruggen rings the bell to announce the start of Aidsfonds’ World AIDS Day campaign.

    Sunday, December 1, is World AIDS Day. On this day, people all over the world reflect on the importance of the fight against AIDS. Because as we speak, every 40 seconds somewhere on this planet somebody dies as a result of AIDS.

    With the support of loyal donors and friends, Aidsfonds stands up for everybody who is infected or affected by HIV or AIDS. In The Netherlands as well as the rest of the world. They are fighting for a world without HIV and AIDS.

    For more information:

    Aidsfonds 20191128 Aidsfonds
  • Beleggers Belangen

     |  Amsterdam


    Beleggers Belangen – Tenth edition of annual broker survey

    Editor Jeff Thijssen of Beleggers Belangen sounded the gong. Thijssen has conducted the tenth edition of the broker survey by Beleggers Belangen. This is the study of costs, trading opportunities, service and ease of use of banks and brokers operating in the Netherlands. The study was published on the 27th of November.

    The broker survey, carried out annually by Beleggers Belangen, is the largest independent broker survey in the Netherlands. Both banks and brokers and private investors attach great value to it. In the survey, Beleggers Belangen examined the services of nine banks and brokers.

    Beleggers Belangen is a weekly magazine and a website with current information for private investors.  Beleggers Belangen offers specific, well-founded and independent investment advice from its own investment experts. Both in print and online, Beleggers Belangen provides advice and tips on shares, investment funds, options, ETF’s, bonds, commodities and currencies. Beleggers Belangen also manages successful model portfolios for various strategies.

    For more information:

    Beleggers Belangen 20191127 Beleggers Belangen
  • Young captain Award 2019

     |  Amsterdam


    Young captain Award 2019 – Winner: Nicoline van Leersum

    Nicoline van Leersum, winner of the Young Captain Award 2019, opens trading on the Amsterdam stock exchange by sounding the gong.

    Nicoline van Leersum was in the final with two other management talents from the Dutch business community:

    1. Eric Jones, ABN AMRO, Managing Director Skillpool Advice

    2. Dustin Woodward, Friesland Campina, Managing Director Africa


    About the Young Captain Award

    The Young Captain Award is an initiative of the Young Captain Netherlands Foundation. With the awarding, the upcoming generation of decision makers will be brought under the public’s attention.

    In cooperation with the Nyenrode Business University, the Young Captain Foundation organizes the Young Bilderberg Conference, a unique think tank of young business leaders.

    The foundation also organizes the two-day Young Captains program in collaboration with the Award partners. Candidates are prepared for the next steps in their careers.

    The award has been awarded since 2005 to the most talented young business leader who showed daring, decisiveness and originality in an early phase of their career, who thinks internationally and who sees leadership as a social, personal and economic responsibility.


    For more information:

    Young captain Award 2019 20191126 Young captain Award 2019
  • Salvation Army

     |  Amsterdam


    Salvation Army – Start national collection week 2019

    By striking the gong, commissioner Hannelise Tvedt, Territorial Commander of The Salvation Army in The Netherlands, opens trading at the stock exchange in Amsterdam. This marks the start of the national collection week of The Salvation Army.

    From 25 till 30 November, volunteers of The Salvation Army will go door to door with their collection boxes. The proceeds of this annual collection go to local activities to combat social exclusion and loneliness. More and more people stand alone these days and a lot of them cannot manage on their own. The Salvation Army wants to offer an open door and inclusive fellowship to these people, including providing meal projects, debt counselling, second hand clothing shops and a soup bus.

    The Salvation Army does not receive any public subsidies for these activities, they are fully funded by private donations. That is why The Salvation Army organizes a national collection week each year.

    The Salvation Army is a Christian movement that offers help to anyone – without exceptions.


    For more information:

    Salvation Army 20191125 Salvation Army
  • L’Oréal

     |  Amsterdam


    L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women In Science – For Women in Science 2019 Awards

    The For Women in Science 2019 Award winners Sandra Khor Manickam (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Lisa Becking (Wageningen University) received a prestigious fellowship during the 8th edition of the event on 21 November 2019. On this occasion, For Women in Science will open trading at Beursplein 5.

    For Women in Science is an initiative from L’Oréal, Unesco, the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH), the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) to support women in science.          

    Each year, the Dutch For Women in Science Fellowship Program hands-out two fellowships of up to €25,000 to women scientists.         

    In addition, this year the Rising Talent Award was presented for the first time to young women scientists at the start of their career. This Rising Talent prize of €3,500 was handed-out to Jorinde van de Vis, promising researcher at Nikhef/DESY.

    The participation of women in scientific research is essential for economic, social and cultural development. Nowadays, women achieve the highest academic level; nevertheless, they are still under-represented. Only 29% of researchers worldwide is female, and in the Netherlands just 21% of university professors is female.

    For more information:

    L’Oréal 20191122 l'Oreal
  • Dutch Circular Leadership Conference

     |  Amsterdam


    Dutch Circular Leadership Conference sounds gong at Exchange Drumming 2019

    Assisted by 60 Amsterdam school children, today’s gong at Euronext Amsterdam is sounded by Mildred Hofkes, initiator of the Dutch Circular Leadership Conference, and Abel Koentjes, Future Circular Leader. The Dutch Circular Leadership Conference will take place on 28 November. One hundred Dutch managers, captains of industry and future leaders gather to shape the principles of circular management and circular leadership.

    About the Dutch Circular Leadership Conference

    Circular leadership is the leadership of the future. During the Dutch Circular Leadership Conference on 28 November in Circl Amsterdam current and future leaders in business, healthcare, education, financial markets, energy, banking, culture and NGO’s will work on an ‘action plan Netherlands as a frontrunner in circular leadership’. Every manager contributes, on behalf of their organization, to the Dutch Circular Leadership position paper, outlining the circular leadership agenda of the Netherlands. This position paper will be presented to the Dutch Government before the end of the year and will serve as inspiration during national and international meetings on leadership.

    About Exchange Drumming

    The annual Exchange Drumming (“Beurstrommelen”) is a centuries’ old tradition at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. We commemorate the brave action of an Amsterdam orphan boy, who during the Eighty Years’ War foiled an attempt by the Spanish to blow up the Exchange Building. As a thank you gesture, orphans were allowed to bang their drums in the building for a day.

    This tradition is continued by Amsterdam schoolchildren to this day.

    More information:

    Dutch Circulair Leadership Conference:

    Exchange Drumming:

    Dutch Circular Leadership Conference 20191121 Dutch Circular Leadership Conference
  • Amsterdam Light Festival

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam Light Festival – 8th Edition

    Managing director Frédérique ter Brugge sounds the gong to kick-off the education project of Amsterdam Light Festival #8.


    With various educational projects Amsterdam Light Festival offers students a playful introduction to light art and offers a new generation of artists a platform. For example, 850 pupils from 17 primary schools together with the creative collective 72andSunny and Juf op Straat are creating a mysterious, daily changing work of art with dozens of animal eyes on the Entrepotdok side of ARTIS. Emerging talents get special attention every year in the exhibition as well: Amsterdam Light Festival collaborates with Amsterdam Smart City, the Breitner Academy and the Amsterdam School of the Arts.

    About Amsterdam Light Festival

    Each year, co-created light artworks by (inter)national artists illuminate the city centre of Amsterdam during the Amsterdam Light Festival. The eighth edition of the festival will take place from 28 November 2019 to 19 January 2020 and will cover an exhibition and an extensive program. During 53 days, the twenty light artworks can be admired daily

    from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the historic city centre. All the works will be illuminated simultaneously throughout the festival period. It's one exhibition that visitors can experience by boat, by bike and by foot along several routes. For this edition, national and international artists have been challenged to work with the theme DISRUPT!


    More information:

    Amsterdam Light Festival Amsterdam Light Festival – 8ste Editie
  • Martine Hafkamp

     |  Amsterdam


    Martine Hafkamp – Beste Beleggingsexpert 2019

    Martine Hafkamp, Fintessa’s general manager, sounds the gong for winning the cashcow award as the best investment expert.

    Earlier this year, Fintessa was voted the best asset manager for the eight time, by the readers of cash and cashcow. In September, Martine Hafkamp won this award as the best investment expert. “It is a big compliment and huge token of appreciation for our investment policy and the personal way we manage our clients’ assets.

    Over the past 11 years, Fintessa has grown into one of the larger indepent asset managers  in the Netherlands. Fintessa mainly works for individuals, entrepreneurs, foundations and institutions. We offer customized asset management and do not have our own products. Therefore, we can always make independent choices for our  clients.”

    For more information:

    Martine Hafkamp 20191119 Martine Hafkamp
  • NN Investment Partners

     |  Amsterdam


    NN Investment Partners – Beste aanbieder impactbeleggen 2019

    Ivo Luiten is Senior Portfolio Manager in the Sustainable & Impact Investing team at NN Investment Partners. Together with Huub van der Riet, he is responsible for the success of the NN Global Equity Impact Opportunities fund. Ivo will open the stock market as a symbolic representation of NN IP’s dedication to responsible investing. NN IP recently received an award naming the firm as the best provider in impact investing.

    At NN IP they see responsible investing as the best way to enhance risk-adjusted returns and to contribute to society as a whole. They believe that companies with sustainable business practices and high standards of corporate governance will become the success stories of the future. Their clear vision on how to invest responsibly forms the basis for the broad range of strategies they offer.

    ESG is embedded into the investment process for the majority of our strategies. They also offer two specific product ranges with an even stronger focus on ESG. Their sustainable strategies incorporate a clear tilt towards sustainability opportunities, while their impact products target companies that make a clear positive contribution to the UN SDGs.

    As the stand-alone asset manager of NN Group, they manage €287 billion in assets for our clients. Through active management and sustainable solutions, we create value for our stakeholders and for society as a whole.

    NN Investment Partners Nationale Nederlanden
  • MKB Amsterdam - Van Keulen

     |  Amsterdam


    MKB Amsterdam - Van Keulen

    Day of the Entrepreneur for sustainable distribution

    René van Griensven, director of distribution company Van Keulen in Amsterdam Noord will open the trading with the gong Friday morning 15th of November. Van Keulen redistributes different goods over several trucks, in order to reduce truck freight in the city. Furthermore goods are loaded on ships, that will sail into the city center. The gong of this partner from MKB-Amsterdam will be executed in the context of the Day of the Entrepreneur.

    Bart Drenth, chairman MKB-Amsterdam: ‘’This week MKB-Amsterdam wants to draw extra attention for sustainable and efficient city distribution. Van Keulen is a very good example and has won the MKB-Sustainable Price in 2012.  Quite new is their transportation over water, this will be even more important in the future”.

    Besides Van Keulen there are also other companies present that deal with new forms of city distribution and creating pick-up points for packages at different locations in the city. Drenth: ‘MKB-Amsterdam thinks that it’s outdated that everyone delivers their packages at home. It is bad for the environment and results in too much traffic in the city. Therefor pick-up points can play an important role.


    MKB Amsterdam - Van Keulen 20191115 MKB-Nederland - Van Keulen
  • BlackRock

     |  Amsterdam


    BlackRock celebrates launch of Europe’s first ESG High Yield bond UCITS ETFs

    Stephen Cohen, Head of iShares EMEA, of BlackRock, opened the trading day at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange by ringing the opening bell.

    With the opening of the stock exchange on Thursday 14 November, BlackRock celebrates the launch of Europe’s first ESG High Yield bond UCITS ETFs in collaboration with Dutch insurer a.s.r.

    BlackRock has launched the iShares € High Yield Corp Bond ESG UCITS ETF and the iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond ESG UCITS ETF (TICKERS: DHYE NA, EHYA NA), to offer investors a larger toolbox to reflect their sustainability objectives, as a growing number of bond investors seek to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into their investments.

    The two new funds will enable investors to achieve a more sustainable high yield exposure through debt issued by companies with the strongest commitment to ESG, while also screening out companies involved in controversial business activities. The ETFs have been seeded by Dutch insurer a.s.r.

    For additional information on BlackRock, please visit     

    BlackRock 20191411 BlackRock