All Euronext News articles
Trading US and European stocks on Euronext GEM
#Market Insights350+ major US and European stocks are now available on Euronext’s retail-focused multilateral trading facility (MTF), the Euronext Global Equity Market, known as Euronext GEM.
US… -
Euronext expands clearing operations across Cash…
#Euronext Clearing, #News & Insights, #Post-Trade InsightsMonday 27 November saw the Euronext cash markets in Amsterdam, Dublin, Lisbon and Paris start sending their clearing activity to Euronext Clearing, the new pan-European clearing house managed by…
Euronext Clearing goes live for Brussels
#Post-Trade Insights, #News & InsightsEuronext has successfully completed the first phase of its cash markets migration to Euronext's multi-asset clearing house Euronext Clearing as default CCP (Central Counterparty), with Euronext…
Euronext publishes 1,900 ESG company profiles
#Listed companies, #ESG Insights, #ESGEuronext launches My ESG Profile, the new tool showcasing listed companies’ sustainability efforts and facilitating investors’ access to ESG data.
Euronext has become the first stock exchange to…
IPOready, Euronext’s new pan-European pre-IPO…
#Listing Insights, #Pre-IPO ProgrammesEuronext is proud to announce that IPOready will now be Euronext’s unique pan-European business educational pre-IPO programme. IPOready aims to support European companies…
Euronext CEO wins Outstanding Contribution Award
#Corporate InsightsEuronext’s CEO Stéphane Boujnah received the Outstanding Contribution Award 2023 at Financial News’s Trading & Tech Awards in London earlier this month. …