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Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Open the trading day on the Amsterdam stock exchange

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

KLM 65th listing anniversary

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Banging the drums, a 400-year-old tradition
Every day at exactly 9am, trading on Euronext Amsterdam is ceremonially opened by sounding the gong.
De gong; een eewenoude traditie

The gong: an age-old tradition

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in the world and a household name in the Netherlands and abroad. As early as the 17th century, trading was opened and closed by sounding a gong. Today, all securities trading is automated and the opening is a ceremonial act. Directors of listed companies, business people, politicians and charity ambassadors have helped keep this tradition alive in recent years. 

Amsterdam Gong Ceremonies

  • B&R Beurs Erasmus Investment Society

     |  Amsterdam


    B&R Beurs Erasmus Investment Society – Opening yearly Flow Traders Investment Competition

    Mark Pinckers, Head of Trading at Flow Traders, sounds the gong to open the yearly Flow Traders Investment Competition.

    Every year, the student investment society B&R Beurs from the Erasmus University Rotterdam organizes the Flow Traders Investment Competition. This competition is the largest student investment competition of the Netherlands, with over 40 active student investment groups participating.

    About B&R Beurs Erasmus Investment Society

    With around 1300 members in Rotterdam, B&R Beurs is the largest student investment society of the Netherlands. We strive to guide and aid our members to gain a better understanding about the financial world. We achieve this by hosting weekly academies about investing that are given by industry professionals and experienced members. Furthermore, we kick-start the financial career of our members by organizing various events such as in-house days, company dinners, workshops and masterclasses in order to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Flow Traders enables the organization of a yearly investment competition and encourages members to be active with investing.

    B&R Beurs Erasmus Investment Society 20191031 B&R Beurs Erasmus Investment Society
  • Stichting Museumnacht Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    Stichting Museumnacht Amsterdam – 20 years

    The gong is sounded by Jordy den Haan, Project Manager at Stichting N8 I Museum Night Amsterdam. The occasion is the foundation's 20-year anniversary. In addition, 2019 is Jordy's last Museum Night. All in all a festive year!

    20 years of Museum Night Amsterdam

    Museum Night Amsterdam has become one of the largest cultural events in Amsterdam in 20 years. Museum Night Amsterdam introduces and connects a young and local audience with the Amsterdam museums. For this target group, Museum Night is the gateway to the museums in their city and wants to inspire and convince them that these museums are also there for them. The first and largest museum night in the Netherlands now attracts more than 32,000 visitors, about half of whom actually come for the first time and nearly 80% are younger than 35 years. Museum Night provides its visitors with a first experience in the museum every year: whether it is Museum Night in Amsterdam for the first time or your twentieth. Every edition is unique and feels like an introduction.

    About the N8 Foundation

    The N8 Foundation is the laboratory for museum youth marketing, aimed at as many as possible, preferably all youth target groups of Amsterdam. This includes all activities, with the annual Museum Night as the focal point. This year, Museum Night Amsterdam takes place on Saturday, November 2, 2019. Between 19:00 and 02:00, the Amsterdam museums open their doors at night to welcome a young audience. Inspired by the permanent collection or temporary exhibitions, the participating locations have put together a special program for a young audience.

    Stichting Museumnacht Amsterdam Stichting Museumnacht Amsterdam
  • Kempen Global Property Fund

     |  Amsterdam


    Kempen Global Property Fund NV – 5 years

    Lucas Vuurmans, Senior Portofolio Manager of the Kempen Global Property Fund, sounds the gong for the 5-year anniversary of Kempen Global Property Fund NV.

    This month, the Kempen Global Property Strategy celebrates its fifth anniversary. This milestone coincides with attaining the highest position in the Morningstar database: the average annual return of the Kempen Global Property Fund N.V. over the five-year period is 12.7% (net). This is substantially higher (net annual average of 2.7%) than the benchmark (FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Developed Index)*.

    The strategy also scores high on sustainability aspects, with Morningstar awarding four points, so-called sustainability globes, on the sustainability rating scale.

    Egbert explains: “With our team of experienced real estate investors, we apply a unique, data-driven investment process that allows us to analyse approximately 25 million relevant data points for 200,000 properties around the world. These data are processed in our own data infrastructure into useful and relevant investment information.

    “This enormous quantity of available data enables us to make a better assessment of the quality and risks of the real estate. This leads to better investment decisions, which in turn results in higher investment returns at lower risks for our clients. We are very proud of the fact that this approach yields excellent results for our clients.”

    Kempen Global Property Fund 20191029 Kempen Global Property Fund

     |  Amsterdam


    KAS BANK rebrands to CACEIS

    Sikko van Katwijk, member Executive Committee CACEIS, sounds the gong on the occasion of KAS BANK’s rebranding to CACEIS. Today’s gong also represents the last week of trading for KAS BANK shares. The last day of trading on Euronext is scheduled for 4 November.

    KAS BANK rebrands to CACEIS

    From the 28th of October KAS BANK will continue with the name and brand of the new owner CACEIS (K-say-ies). On the 25th of February 2019 KAS BANK announced the public offer from CACEIS that was settled on the 30th of September. From that day onwards, KAS BANK is part of the CACEIS-group benefitting from the large balance sheet and the scale business of one of the largest European Custodian banks.

    About CACEIS

    CACEIS is a large European custodian bank and the largest European Fund Administrator. CACEIS is part of the Credit Agricole group, a French mutual bank that is one of the largest global banking groups. Through the merger with KAS BANK CACEIS becomes a market leader in custodial services in the Dutch market and will also benefit from KAS BANK’s expertise in pension fund services. About 4,000 people work for CACEIS, whereof 400 in the Dutch/Amsterdam office.


    For more information:

  • Stadsarchief Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    Stadsarchief Amsterdam – Amsterdam 744 years

    Bert de Vries, director of Stadsarchief Amsterdam, announces the Birthday of Amsterdam with the gong. On October 27, 1275, Floris the Fifth, Count of Holland  granted Amsterdammers toll exemption in his county. The Tolprivilege is the oldest document in Amsterdam and the basis for the powerful, prosperous and tolerant trading city.

    The Tolprivilege laid the foundation for Amsterdam that would grow into the most powerful trading city in the world in the seventeenth century. The City Archives preserves the Tolprivilege and all other archive records of Amsterdam. In the document from 1275, Amstelledamme is mentioned for the first time in history. Count Floris V (the Fifth) granted toll-free freedom for "People staying near the Amsteldam" to transport their wares through the County of Holland. This cost advantage laid the foundation for the then young trading city. Based on the year 1275, mentioned in this insignificant but meaningful document, Amsterdam will turn out big in 2025 with the celebration of its 750 anniversary.

    The Amsterdam City Archives preserves the archives of the municipal government, besides those of private institutions, families or individuals, and companies connected with the city. In addition, the City Archives houses a large collection of images and audio-visual material, as well as a library.

    Among the various documents of international significance kept at the Amsterdam City Archives are the archives of the Heineken brewery and the renowned Concertgebouw, letters written by Charles Darwin and Mahatma Gandhi, an eighteenth-century trade agreement between the city and the newly founded United States of America, the book containing the excommunication of seventeenth-century philosopher Spinoza, and a police report about the theft of Anne Frank’s bike in 1942.

    Archival material is made available for consultation both on site and through the internet. The website of the Amsterdam City Archives features an Image Bank, containing more than 460.000 photos, drawings, and prints related to the city, and an Archives Database, providing scans of archival material on request, including a wealth of sources for genealogical research, accessible through several indexes. These scans now number more than seven million.

    The Amsterdam City Archives shares the available expertise on Amsterdam and its history through exhibitions, publications, films and events. Noteworthy documents are on permanent display in the so-called: Amsterdam Treasure Room. Wander through the Treasure Room, dating from 1926. Find out about Rembrandt or Johan Cruyff and their times. Marvel at the medieval charter cabinet. And follow the change from a small city in a medieval world to a world city in our times. Historical films about Amsterdam are shown in a small movie theatre.

    Stadsarchief Amsterdam 20191025 Stadsarchief Amsterdam
  • Icoinic

     |  Amsterdam


    Icoinic – Winner Cashcow Award 2019

    Arthur Stolk, managing director Icoinic, sounds the gong on the occasion of Icoinic winning the Cash Cow Award 2019 for Best Dutch Crypto Fund.

    This being the first presentation of the award category, combined with crypto investments being a full part of the BeleggersFair for the first time, is indicative for the increasing interest in cryptocurrencies.

    In the weeks leading up to the event, the public had an opportunity to vote and select the winner from five nominated crypto funds. Icoinic had a lot of support to fall back on. What stood out was their algorithmic approach to the vastly fluctuating crypto market.  Participants also praised Icoinic’s pioneering spirit and character. ‘It’s extremely helpful to have a good Dutch organization around.’

    Cryptocurrencies are known for their extreme price volatility, and prices can differ vastly from one minute to the next. Says Stolk: ‘Our algorithm can react to market developments and knows how to cushion them if necessary. To me, this award is a tangible acknowledgement for the hard work we do.’

    For more information:

    Icoinic 20191024 Icoinic
  • Aegon

     |  Amsterdam


    Aegon – Winner Gouden Spreekbuis 2019

    Sibylla Bantema, COO Aegon Hypotheken, sounds the gong for Aegon Hypotheken winning the Gouden Spreekbuis 2019. She and her management team are responsible for the mortgage business and the distinctive developments in the field of customer and advisor service


    Winner of the Golden Speak Tube 2019 for the best mortgage lender.

    On October 3rd, Aegon Hypotheken was awarded the ‘Gouden Spreekbuis 2019’ for mortgage providers. The prize is awarded annually by Blauw Research to the mortgage lender who, in the past year, developed best in terms of communication, image, reputation and services.

    As a winner in the field of digitization, Aegon Hypotheken has taken enormous steps and has taken the lead in redesigning the mortgage chain, without losing sight of the human aspect. This to the great satisfaction of customer and intermediary.

    About Aegon

    Aegon wants to enable customers to make conscious choices for a healthy financial future. We do this by informing them, showing alternatives, giving appropriate advice and delivering the products and services that are important for every phase of your life. Whether it concerns your pension, mortgage, investments, banking or non-life insurance.

    About 4,300 people work for Aegon and her daughters in the Netherlands, in The Hague, Leeuwarden, Groningen and Amsterdam.


    Over the past 5 years, Aegon Hypotheken was one of the top 5 mortgage providers in the Netherlands; more than 225,000 consumers have financed their home with an Aegon mortgage.


    For more information:

    Aegon 20191023 Aegon
  • Rotterdam School of Management

     |  Amsterdam


    Rotterdam School of Management

    Dirk Schoenmaker, Professor of Banking and Finance at RSM, Erasmus University sounds the gong to draw attention to the launch of the upcoming online course “Principles of Sustainable Finance”. Alongside is Dieuwertje Bosma, Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation, and Justin Sheehan, project manager for the online course. 


    About the “Principles of Sustainable Finance” Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 

    Finance is widely seen as an obstacle to a better world. Principles of Sustainable Finance explains how the financial sector can be mobilized to counter this. Using finance as a means to achieve social goals we can divert the planet and its economy from its current path to a world that is sustainable for all. 


    This online course combines theory and policy to explain the sustainability challenges for corporate investment. It shows how finance can steer funding to certain companies and projects without sacrificing return and thus speed up the transition to a sustainable economy. It analyses the Sustainable Development Goals as a strategy for a better world and provides evidence that environmental, social, and governance factors matter, explaining in detail how to incorporate these factors in the corporate and financial sectors.


    About the Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation

    The purpose of this platform is to develop new insights through research and education in close collaboration with leading sustainable finance players in the industry and academia. The platform brings together academic faculty research, PhD, Master and Bachelor students, MBAs and executive education, NGOs and professionals in the financial industry.


    For more information:

    20191022 Rotterdam School of Management
  • APG Partnership with E Fund

     |  Amsterdam


    APG Partnership with E Fund

    Mr. Zhang, Executive Vice President responsible for IT and technology at E Fund Management, sounds the gong to open the trading day. Yesterday, staff of E Fund have run the Amsterdam Marathon together with its partner APG to celebrate the success of this Dutch-Sino partnership: “APG has inspired us to join the running event in Amsterdam, to further build on the great teamwork between both firms. We’re in it for the long run!”


    About the APG-E Fund partnership

    The APG and E Fund partnership want to be regarded throughout the investment management industry as a thought leader and enabler for long term responsible investing inside and outside China. APG and E Fund investment professionals innovate and work together to produce industry-leading investment solutions based on a shared motivation to contribute to society with excellent returns and a genuine interest in long term and responsible investing. By bringing together experience, combined global investment capabilities and insights into China and the world’s markets the partnership stands for managing assets for a better and more sustainable world, with the first “ESG Focus China A Shares investment strategy” as the first co-created and co-executed product. The partnership is currently building a broader suite.


    About APG

    APG is the largest pension delivery organization in the Netherlands; its approximately 3,000 employees provide executive consultancy, asset management, pension administration, pension communication and employer services. APG performs these services on behalf of (pension) funds and employers in the sectors of education, government, construction, cleaning and window cleaning, housing associations, energy and utility companies, sheltered employment organizations, and medical specialists. APG manages approximately €529 billion (August 2019) in pension assets for the pension funds in these sectors. APG works for approximately 21,000 employers, providing the pension for one in five families in the Netherlands (about 4.6 million participants). APG has offices in Heerlen, Amsterdam, Brussels, New York and Hong Kong.


    About E Fund

    E Fund Management Co., Ltd. (“E Fund”) is the largest comprehensive fund manager in China. It offers both mutual fund and customized asset management solutions to help its onshore and offshore clients fulfill their investment objectives, assisting them to achieve long-term and sustainable returns. As of June 30, 2019, E Fund manages RMB 1.3 trillion (USD 186 billion). It is ranked No.1 for assets under management.  E Fund has cumulatively distributed over RMB 120 billion (USD 17.5 billion) dividends to its mutual fund clients since inception, obtaining considerable returns for investors. It is widely recognized as one of the most trusted and outstanding asset managers of China.


    For more information:

    20191021 APG / E Fund
  • RELX

     |  Amsterdam


    RELX Diversity & Inclusion Awareness Month

    Anita Chandraprakash, Executive Vice President of Global Operations at Elsevier, part of RELX, based at Elsevier’s HQ in Amsterdam, sounds the gong. She is responsible for production, enrichment/transformation and distribution of all Research and Health content and customer service. In her previous role, Anita also served on the RELX India Board. Anita is a strong supporter of Diversity & Inclusion. As a leader, she believes that people from diverse backgrounds bring different perspectives and by inviting different opinions, they achieve better decisions, engagement and outcomes. By opening today’s stock exchange, Anita would like to encourage all to help drive cultures of Diversity & Inclusion across all businesses and professions.

    October: RELX Diversity & Inclusion Awareness Month

    During October at RELX they celebrate their commitment and strong drive to reinforce Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) throughout all their business areas: Science, Technical & Medical; Risk & Business Analytics; Legal; and Exhibitions. In 2018, their Employee Resource Groups grew to over 40 networks, such as women’s forums and Pride groups, to facilitate support, mentoring and community involvement.

    About RELX

    RELX is a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. The Group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs over 30,000 people, of whom almost half are in North America. The shares of RELX PLC, the parent company, are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX. The market capitalisation is approximately £35.2bn, €40.5bn, $44.7bn.

    For more information:

    RELX 20191018 RELX
  • CES Unveiled

    CES Unveiled

     |  Amsterdam


    CES Unveiled

    Gary Shapiro, CEO the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), and State Secretary Mona Keijzer (Economic Affairs and Climate Policy) open the stock exchange today at Beurs van Berlage.

    By doing so, they also open the event CES Unveiled Amsterdam. In the Beurs van Berlage international media, European investors, knowledge institutes and government officials will experience how tech improves lives.

    CES Unveiled Amsterdam

    CES Unveiled is held in Amsterdam for the third year. The 50 Dutch startups who will be at the Holland Tech Square in CES Las Vegas in January 2020, will be presented at CES Unveiled, together with 50 other European companies who too are working on emerging technology and trends improving our world and changing our lives.

    CES Unveiled offers a global platform to tech powerhouses and innovative startups to share their revolutionary technologies. The event brings together an audience of 1,000+ entrepreneurs, investor communities, senior-level executives, researchers, government officials, media, thought leaders & influencers and global corporations from across Europe.

    The Netherlands has the most competitive economy of Europe and offers an exceptional  ecosystem for innovative companies to grow and expand internationally. Also, the Netherlands is the gateway to Europe for international companies who are looking for expansion into Europe.

    Euronext Amsterdam stage for growth 

    Euronext Amsterdam is an outstanding platform to open CES Unveiled. The entrepreneurs who present themselves at CES Unveiled are ambitious and will be looking for funding now and in the future to finance the growth of their company. A listing at Euronext will contribute to a solid business image and a stronger position in the market.

    For more information:…

    CES Unveiled CES Unveiled Amsterdam
  • National Icons

     |  Amsterdam


    National Icons

    Three Dutch companies InReda Diabetic, Ioniqa and Hiber have been pronounced National Icons by Mona Keijzer on behalf of the Dutch government. The companies are shining examples of Dutch innovation. Together they open the stock exchange.

    About National Icons election 

    State Secretary Mona Keijzer (Economic Affairs and Climate Policy) recently announced the winners: “Inreda Diabetic, Ioniqa and Hiber are Dutch solutions to global challenges in the field of healthcare, recycling and digitisation. These new National Icons are shining examples of our innovative force. Their inventions have great economic potential. We expect a lot from them – and the government will support them with that.”

    In the next three years, the government will support the three National Icons in fulfilling their ambitions. They are each assigned a Minister or a State Secretary as an ambassador. This will provide them access to a large network – both national and abroad –, help finding capital and new partners, and ensures support from the government.

    About InReda Diabetic

    InReda Diabetic developed an artificial pancreas for people who suffer from diabetes type 1. It is the only device in the world that works fully automatically, saving patients lots of effort. Developer Robin Koops, who suffers from diabetes himself, first tested the device on himself and then developed it into a promising product. []

    About Ioniqa 

    Ioniqa developed a technique with which eventually 25% of the world wide plastic production can be recycled infinitely, and that in a highly energy-efficient way. A number of large multinationals have already partnered up with this Dutch innovation. This is the example of how to make our economy more sustainable. []

    About Hiber 

    Hiber has their own satellite network, with which the Internet of Things (IoT) can be used all across the globe. Regular mobile networks cover about 10% of the world. The company is a frontrunner in a field in which the Netherlands want to excel: digital infrastructure. This sector will change drastically because of the starkly increasing use of smart devices. []

    National Icons 20191016 National Icons
  • Dutch Food Week

     |  Amsterdam


    Dutch Food Week

    Aalt Dijkhuizen, Chair of Dutch Food Week, sounds the gong together with the 5th graders from the Brede School Annie M.G. Schmidt of Amsterdam: the food producers, connoisseurs, salesmen and consumers of the future.

    It is Dutch Food Week (from October 5-16) and the Dutch food sector is showing the passion it puts into working on our food: both now and in the future. Ten days are spent celebrating the fact that it is for good reason that our sector is a top economic player in the world, and that every day we can be assured that delicious, healthy and sustainable food will end up on our plate.   

    About Dutch Food Week
    Dutch Food Week is committed to drawing national and international attention to the quality and innovations of the Dutch food sector. The entire chain shares its enthusiasm, knowledge, and skills with society, inviting everyone to discuss the question “What are we actually eating?”. Farmers, market gardeners, entrepreneurs from the supply and processing industry, retail, government, and scientists show how they work on the development, production, and distribution of our food. In a week full of master classes, surprising tours, tasty workshops, and an international event, Dutch Food Week shows all the beauty that the Netherlands has to offer in the area of food and drink for the consumers of today and tomorrow!

    For more information: 

    Dutch Food Week 20191015 Dutch Food Week

     |  Amsterdam



    Julius Lindenbergh of the municipality of Almere, opened the Amsterdam Stock Exchange because Almere has  the most sustainable houses and buildings of all the 15 largest municipalities in the Netherlands Engineering and consultancy firm Sweco made an analysis of the energylabels of all houses and buildings in the 15 largest municipalities in the Netherlands. 

    A conclusion from this analysis is that relatively young municipalities ánd municipalities with a lot of new houses, are scoring higher in the ranking, whilst municipalities with large historical areas are challenged to make their buildings sustainable. Sustainable houses and buildings are an important tool to reduce the use of energy and to achieve the climate goals. 

    To analyse the energy labels, Sweco used their self-developed tool the Energy Strategy Atlas: a GeoWeb tool based on public data, combining more than 70 map layers with local data and analytics.

    For more information: 

    SWECO 20191014 SWECO
  • Let’s Grow Together 2022

     |  Amsterdam


    Euronext announces new strategic plan: Let’s Grow Together 2022

    Staff of Euronext, the pan-European exchange, sound the gong on the occasion of the announcement of the new strategic plan: Let’s Grow Together 2022.

    With innovation and sustainability at the heart of the plan, “Let’s Grow Together 2022” sets the path for Euronext to achieve its goal of building the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting local economies to global capital markets.

    Let’s Grow Together 2022 20191011 Let’s Grow Together 2022
  • Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week

     |  Amsterdam


    Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week – 6th edition

    Natasja Stockic sounds the gong because this year will be the 6th edition of the Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week, an event that takes place between 4 and 13 October.

    During these ten days, this " event presents sustainable innovation, young & established designers and ready-to-wear fashion to a large audience of more than 900,000 consumers, companies, retailers, schools and organizations.

    All over the Netherlands, the Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week organizes catwalk shows, festivities, lectures, shopping routes, workshops, exhibitions, award ceremonies and debates.


    In 2014, the first Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week took place. In collaboration with Urgenda, special attention was paid to the current theme of sustainable fashion around Sustainability Day. The goal was to bring entrepreneurs and brands & designers into contact with each other and to give consumers insight into all possibilities and developments. The event has grown enormously in a short time and every year new cooperation partners join in.


    For more information:   

    Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week 20191010 Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week
  • Borstkankervereniging

     |  Amsterdam


    Borstkankervereniging – Breastcancer awareness month

    Goli Abdurahman, active member of Borstkankervereniging Nederland, opened the stock exchange to draw more attention for people with breastcancer or genetic predisposition for breastcancer.


    About breastcancer awareness month

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Every year, more than 17.000 Dutch women and more than 100 men get breast cancer. Breast cancer has many faces. There are different types of breast cancer and all kinds of people are affected by it: young women, older women, people with metastatic breast cancer, with hereditary predisposition to breast cancer and men. Every patient experiences breast cancer differently. Not only when it comes to treatment, but also when it comes to consequences. From chronic fatigue to sexual problems. From physical complaints to misunderstanding at work. From fear of return to broken relationships. Support all these people in October.


    About Borstkankervereniging Nederland

    Borstkankervereniging Nederland is a professional patient organization for everyone who has (had) to deal with breast cancer, or has a hereditary or familial predisposition to breast cancer. BVN strives for optimum quality of care and the best possible quality of life. BVN does this by providing good, up-to-date information, organizing contact with fellow sufferers and promoting the interests of breast cancer patients. BVN brings the patient perspective to the attention of hospitals, care providers, researchers, health insurers and other stakeholders. In this way, patient experiences and patient interests get a valuable place in policy and research.


    For more information:

    Borstkankervereniging 20191009 KWF Borstkankervereniging
  • Binck Academy

     |  Amsterdam


    Binck Academy

    Peter Siks, investor trainer at the Binck Academy and co-author of "Investing for Dummies" will sound the gong together with Anja van Koetsveld, customer of BinckBank and winner of a competition. He is supported by five customers who have won a competition. Colleague trainer and co-author Hans Oudshoorn will also attend the ceremony.


    The reason that the Binck Academy sounds the gong is emphasizing the increasing importance of financial education. And in view of the social developments, as a result of which people are increasingly becoming responsible for their own financial future, the education of (new) investors will only become more important in the future.


    About BinkBank N.V.

    BinckBank N.V. is an online bank for investors, established and active in the Netherlands and recently part of SAXO Bank. Binck has activities in Belgium, France and Italy, and a representation in Spain. BinckBank offers investment and asset management services and focuses its services on private individuals, companies / legal entities and independent asset managers.


    For more information:

    Binck Academy 20191008 Binck Academy

Would you like to sound the gong with your company at Beursplein 5?

Open the trading day at Euronext Amsterdam

Companies or institutions that have a natural connection to the Amsterdam capital market can be invited to take part in a gong ceremony. For example, this might be to mark a special milestone or to raise awareness of a charity. 

The ceremony starts with a reception hosted by a senior Euronext Amsterdam representative in the former Board Room at Beursplein 5. Just before 9 am, the participants and their guests take their place on the gong stage to open the trading day, The gong is sounded at 9 am precisely. The group then  returns to the Boardroom for a cup of coffee. 

Media coverage

The gong strike is broadcast live every morning on RTL Z. A picture of the gong strike illustrates the daily stock market report on the Financiële Telegraaf's website. In addition, Euronext shares the images on its social media channels.

Photos and video footage taken of the gong ceremony are shared with guests, who are free to use them for their own communications and on social media. 

Media coverage gong

Practical information


Timings for gong ceremonies at Beursplein 5 are as follows:

Reception: 8.30 am

Sounding of the gong: 9.00 am

End: 9.15 - 9.30 am

Group size: minimum 8 people, maximum 15 people.

There is no charge for the gong ceremony.

Additional options

You can combine your gong ceremony with the Amsterdam Exchange Experience: a special tour of the stock exchange building. 

Or if you would like to use the gong ceremony to kick off a conference or event, consider organising your event at Beursplein 5. Euronext has several historic rooms where events for 10 to 150 people can be held.

The Euronext Events Team will be happy to give you all the information you need about the options available. 

Aanvraag Gongceremonie

Door het versturen van dit formulier geef ik de Euronext groep toestemming contact met mij op te nemen over de mogelijkheden voor het bijwonen of organiseren van een gongceremonie. Privacy Statement. 

Events team


+31 (0)20 721 4119