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Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Open the trading day on the Amsterdam stock exchange

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

KLM 65th listing anniversary

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Banging the drums, a 400-year-old tradition
Every day at exactly 9am, trading on Euronext Amsterdam is ceremonially opened by sounding the gong.
De gong; een eewenoude traditie

The gong: an age-old tradition

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in the world and a household name in the Netherlands and abroad. As early as the 17th century, trading was opened and closed by sounding a gong. Today, all securities trading is automated and the opening is a ceremonial act. Directors of listed companies, business people, politicians and charity ambassadors have helped keep this tradition alive in recent years. 

Amsterdam Gong Ceremonies

  • TechShare 2018-2019

     |  Amsterdam


    TechShare 2018-2019

    TechShare 2018 – 2019 kicks off by sounding gong 

    The Dutch participants and partners of the fourth edition of the Euronext TechShare program 2018-2019 sound the gong to open trading. TechShare is an educational program that is specifically aimed at fast-growing and innovative tech companies, who want to know more about the process around an initial public offering. The program helps owners and directors of tech companies to better understand the function and dynamics of the financial markets. CEOs of the participating parties are better able to assess the possibilities of a listing and their opportunities in relation to their strategy and growth ambitions.

    The official start of TechShare 2018-2019 is at the HEC in Paris, on 21 September. On behalf of Euronext, this international renowned business school in Paris provides a two-day campus for all participants. All companies and partners from both Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland are present. Throughout the year, various workshops and interactive sessions take place, with all local partners and companies.

    Dutch partners of the TechShare program are ABN AMRO, AFS Group, Baker McKenzie, Brainport Development /Brainport Network, CFF Communications, Deloitte, Kempen & Co, NLGroeit and Rutgers & Posch. Each partner exposes a specific subject within the process of a possible listing during their workshop. In addition to the detailed information, TechShare provides all the participants with many valuable new contacts.

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  • InsingerGilissen sustainable index funds

     |  Amsterdam


    InsingerGilissen sustainable index funds

    Sounding of the gong by InsingerGilissen

    InsingerGilissen, represented by Paul Broholm, opens the trading day marking the public listing at Euronext Amsterdam of three sustainable index funds. Broholm oversees the bank’s offering to institutional clients which covers services like sustainable investments and was closely involved with the development of sustainable index funds at InsingerGilissen.

    Since 2010 the sustainable index funds have been – aside from professional investors – already available to private clients of the bank and since their introduction the fund assets (assets under management) have grown over the years to almost EUR 1 billion. With the listing also other – both private and institutional investors - get easy access to invest in the most sustainable companies in the world.

    InsingerGilissen Bankiers N.V. is a private bank that focuses on serving high net worth individuals and families, foundations, associations and institutions, while also offering specific services for independent asset managers. In addition to discretionary asset management and investment advice, InsingerGilissen offers private clients a wide range of private banking products and services. The range of products and services for institutional clients includes asset management, asset consulting and investment products.

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  • RELX Group

     |  Amsterdam


    RELX Group

    Euronext Amsterdam welcomes RELX Group

    The Euronext Amsterdam’s markets are opened by RELX Group to mark the simplification of its corporate structure and the first day of trading under a single parent company. Nick Luff, CFO of RELX Group, sounds the gong to celebrate.

    On 15 February 2018, RELX Group announced its dual parent holding companies RELX PLC and RELX NV would be merged into a single parent company, RELX PLC, to reduce complexity and increase the transparency of the Group’s corporate structure.

    RELX Group is a global provider of information and analytics for professional and business customers across industries. The Group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs about 30,000 people of whom almost half are in North America. The shares of RELX PLC, the parent company, are now traded on the Amsterdam, London, and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: Amsterdam: REN; London: REL; New York: RELX

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  • Madaster

     |  Amsterdam



    Sounding of the gong for Madaster

    Thomas Rau, board member of the Madaster Foundation, sounds the bell in celebration of the successful first year of the Madaster Platform, and invites the business community to take their financial responsibility within the circular economy.  

    The Madaster Platform, an independent public platform from which material passports can be generated with the ultimate goal of eliminating waste, worldwide, was launched on 29 September 2017. A large number of big names in the Dutch economy have committed to Madaster’s objectives, over the past year. They are thus contributing to the platform’s development, which, to date, contains registrations for nearly 1,000,000 m2 in floor area. In addition, a national infra-learning environment has been set up, to encourage the reuse of materials in infrastructural projects. 

    The Madaster Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) — a non-profit organisation with waste elimination as its primary objective. The foundation includes representatives from various economic sectors. It promotes, stimulates and oversees the development and use of material passports, via the Madaster platform for new and existing buildings around the world.

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  • Amsterdam City Swim

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam City Swim

    Gong ceremony announces the 7th edition of the Amsterdam City Swim

    The sounding of the gong announces the seventh edition of the Amsterdam City Swim. By annually organizing a unique, impactful and social swimming event in the Amsterdam canals, the Foundation Amsterdam City Swim strives to raise as many funds for research into underexposed diseases. As long as there is no cure for ALS, the Amsterdam City Swim aims to raise money for the ALS Foundation in the Netherlands and draw attention to the disease ALS. Sunday September 3 the 6th edition of the Amsterdam City Swim takes place, and over 2500 adults and 300 kids will participate and swim in the Amsterdam canals to raise money for the ALS Foundation.

    Unilever (ticker symbol: UNIA) has been the main sponsor of Amsterdam City Swim with their Dove Men + Care brand since 2015. Unilever has chosen to support the event with Dove Men + Care because it stands for: CARE MAKES A MAN STRONGER. Not only does this mean to take care of your own body with the Dove Men + Care products, but also care for the people around you.

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  • Forbes’ Under 30

     |  Amsterdam


    Forbes’ Under 30

    Sounding of the gong for Forbes’ Under 30 list

    The honourees of Forbes’ Under 30 list, along with Randall Lane, Chief Content Officer and creator of the Forbes Under 30 List, will sound the opening and closing gong to officially kick off the first-ever Forbes Under 30 Summit Europe, taking place in Amsterdam 5-7 September.

    This ceremony will officially kick off the Forbes Under 30 Summit Europe in Amsterdam. Over three days, Forbes will bring together the most creative and accomplished young game changers from across the continent for inspiring programming, excursions that will immerse attendees in Dutch culture, and unparalleled networking opportunities thanks to the global reach of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 community.

    Forbes Media, the defining voice of entrepreneurial capitalism, is a global media leader that champions success by celebrating those who have made it, and those who aspire to make it. Forbes convenes and curates the most-influential leaders and entrepreneurs who are driving change, transforming business and making a significant impact on the world. Forbes’ Under 30 franchise is a global platform, which comprises Forbes Under 30 lists featuring young game changers published in print and online all over the world, live summits in the U.S., Asia, Europe and Israel, and an Under 30 Channel on

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  • DPA Professionals

     |  Amsterdam


    DPA Professionals

    DPA Professionals sounds the gong for Sustainable Tuesday

    Leonie Jesse, director of DPA Sustainability, opens the trading day on the with the traditional sounding of the gong. DPA (ticker symbol: DPA) raised awareness for Sustainable Tuesday and the importance of sustainability in general.

    Sustainable Tuesday is a special day on which, since 2012, the sustainable throne speech takes place and a platform is given to hundreds of sustainable ideas and initiatives from all corners of our society. DPA Sustainability was founded earlier this year and supports organisations in realising their ambitions and objectives in the area of Sustainability & Social Responsibility. DPA Sustainability focuses on the financial sector, the supply chain and the public sector.

    DPA Sustainability is part of DPA Professionals, a Dutch operating service provider for and by specialised professionals whose mission is to help people and organisations to get the most out of themselves.

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  • 5th anniversary Evi van Lanschot

     |  Amsterdam


    5th anniversary Evi van Lanschot

    Evi van Lanschot celebrates 5th anniversary

    Evi van Lanschot celebrates its 5th birthday this month. In honor of this milestone Doryne Bouwman, senior investment coach at Evi, opens the trading day at Euronext Amsterdam by sounding the gong. 

    Evi is an online asset manager that makes investing easily accessible to all people since 2013.  As the youngest offspring of the Van Lanschot Kempen Group (ticker symbol: VLK), Evi capitalizes on the Group’s asset management knowledge with an innovative online proposition. Evi’s loyal customerbase resulted in a consistent growth, both in clients and in assets under management since inception. At the moment, nearly 1.5 billion euro is entrusted in its funds and savings portfolio. Despite its young age, Evi has been awarded the 'Gouden Stier' for best online asset manager two times in a row (2016/2017).

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  • 5th anniversary Rutgers & Posch

     |  Amsterdam


    5th anniversary Rutgers & Posch

    Rutgers & Posch opens trading day for 5-year anniversary

    Rutgers & Posch is legal advisor of Euronext and is proud that in honor of their 5-year anniversary it may sound the gong at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Partner Inge de Laat sounds the gong.

    Rutgers & Posch is an independent law firm located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The firm was founded by partners from leading international firms. The key principle is to provide clients with the top quality service they would expect to receive from leading international law firms, combined with the personal attention, dedication and involvement typically provided by boutique firms.

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  • Neways Electronics

     |  Amsterdam


    Neways Electronics

    Neways opens trading on Euronext

    Huub van der Vrande and Paul de Koning, CEO and CFO Neways Electronics (Euronext: NEWAY), open trading on Euronext Amsterdam.

    Neways, which has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam since 1986, once started as a manufacturer of primarily print-circuit boards but today has earned the reputation of a first-rate knowledge and development partner, throughout the entire product lifecycle. Leading global companies in various sectors of the economy come to Neways for its technological expertise and added value it offers from the first development and the design to maintenance. A substantial and growing share of the revenue is realized through orders where Neways has played an important role in the development.

    Neways is a proven specialised partner in lifecycle management that stands to benefit from developments such as the Internet of Things, e-mobility and the growing demand for electronics. Neways is based in Brainport Eindhoven, the high-tech cluster in the Netherlands, and has various leading, global companies in the semiconductor, automotive and industrial sectors among its clients.

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  • Atria Securities

     |  Amsterdam


    Atria Securities

    Atria Securities thanks investors by sounding gong

    Atria Securities visits the Amsterdam exchange and opens trading. By sounding the gong, Atria Securities wants to thank her investors for their support and is looking forward to cooperating with them in growing the company further in technology driven arbitrage trading.

    Atria Securities, located at Beursplein 5, is a trading firm founded in 2015 and focuses on trading in cash equity and derivatives in a growing number of European markets. Besides further growth in Europe, they plan to expand to the US and Asia the coming years.

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  • Algorithmic Trading Group

     |  Amsterdam


    Algorithmic Trading Group

    Algorithmic Trading Group opens trading 

    Trading director and founder of Algorithmic Trading Group (ATG),Tom Voûte, opens the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong on the occasion of ATG Netherlands’ fifth anniversary.

    ATG was founded in October 2008 in Hong Kong. ATG specializes in algorithmic trading on the global financial markets. ATG is currently based in Hong Kong and the Netherlands, where it moved to Beursplein 5 in 2017.

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     |  Amsterdam



    EY and VODW  sound gong as EY VODW 

    EY and VODW, under the name EY VODW, open te trading day at the Amsterdam exchange. Barend van Doorn, Managing Partner at EY Advisory, and Patrick Ruijs, Managing Partner at EY VODW, sound the gong.

    EY and VODW are joining forces, thereby strengthening their position on the Dutch consultancy market. This merging of expertise, sector knowledge and networks will lead to a broader range of services for customers. Under the name EY VODW, the 100 employees of VODW will be continuing their consultancy services for strategic marketing, client-focused innovation and digital transformation. As a result, EY’s Dutch consultancy practice is growing to 500 professionals and a turnover of around €70 million. Van Doorn: “VODW is a world-class player in the Benelux countries, who will join us in conquering the world. The VODW consultants are among the best in the market and are acknowledged specialists in the field of client-focused innovation and digital transformation. The acquisition of VODW is a major gain for EY and a logical next step within EY’s strategy of becoming market leader in the Netherlands in the field of digital transformation. Merging with this market leader underlines EY’s ongoing focus on innovation.”

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    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship - Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship - Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

    From 20 August to 24 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of the Regional Entrepreneurship, Euronext highlights the important role of regional development agencies (ROMs). Aart Slobbe, co-ordinating policy officer and responsible for the shareholdings of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate in the ROMs, opens the Amsterdam exchange with a sounding of the gong. He does this in the presence of all involved from the Ministry of Economic Affairs at the regional development companies.

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, together with regional authorities (usually provinces), is a shareholder and subsidiary of six ROMs (NOM, East NV, LIOF, BOM, Impuls and IQ). The ROMs link national innovation and top sector policy to regional economic policy and are important for (regional) services to innovative SMEs. ROMs guide and finance innovations of SMEs and contribute to the economic growth and employment of the region. In addition, the ROMs have three important tasks. The ROMs play an important role in the Netherlands in providing risk-bearing capital to start-ups and financing young companies. The capacity of the joint ROMs amounts to almost € 300 million, apart from the additional resources made available by the provinces. The ROMs are therefore one of the largest providers of risk capital in this market segment in the Netherlands. In addition, ROMs connect startups, SMEs and large companies with each other, building on joint ventures, new clusters, programs and business consortia. Finally, ROMs attract foreign companies, which leads to additional employment and innovation and makes it possible for SMEs to make the leap to international markets.

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  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

     |  Amsterdam


    Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship - Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

    From 20 August to 24 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of the Regional Entrepreneurship, Euronext highlights the important role of regional development agencies (ROMs). Aart Slobbe, co-ordinating policy officer and responsible for the shareholdings of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate in the ROMs, opens the Amsterdam exchange with a sounding of the gong. He does this in the presence of some involved from the Ministry of Economic Affairs at the regional development companies.

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, together with regional authorities (usually provinces), is a shareholder and subsidiary of six ROMs (NOM, East NV, LIOF, BOM, Impuls and IQ). The ROMs link national innovation and top sector policy to regional economic policy and are important for (regional) services to innovative SMEs. ROMs guide and finance innovations of SMEs and contribute to the economic growth and employment of the region. In addition, the ROMs have three important tasks. The ROMs play an important role in the Netherlands in providing risk-bearing capital to start-ups and financing young companies. The capacity of the joint ROMs amounts to almost € 325 million, apart from the additional resources made available by the provinces. The ROMs are therefore one of the largest providers of risk capital in this market segment in the Netherlands. In addition, ROMs connect startups, SMEs and large companies with each other, building on joint ventures, new clusters, programs and business consortia. Finally, ROMs attract foreign companies, which leads to additional employment and innovation and makes it possible for SMEs to make the leap to international markets.

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  • LIOF

     |  Amsterdam



    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship - LIOF

    From 20 August to 24 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of the Regional Entrepreneurship, Euronext highlights the important role of regional development agencies (ROMs). LIOF, regional development agency for the province of Limburg, opens trading in the company of local Limburg-based companies FI&S, Grassa, Novisem and Urban Ponics, all agro-food companies. LIOF also provides growth for these Limburg companies.

    LIOF helps Limburg SMEs grow from before the start to beyond the finish. And with that the BV Limburg grows. For LIOF, growth is not only more sales and profit, but also a greater competitive advantage and a social return. The gong is sounded by Tys van Elk, director of LIOF.

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  • Innovation Fund Noord-Holland

     |  Amsterdam


    Innovation Fund Noord-Holland

    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship – Innovation Fund Noord-Holland

    From 20 August to 24 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. Trading is opened by the Innovation Fund Noord-Holland, which was founded by the province of Noord-Holland, the holding companies of the University of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam UMC and the University of Applied Sciences (HvA) and Sanquin.

    Entrepreneurs in the province of Noord-Holland in small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups that originate from the knowledge institutions can receive a loan for the development of a sustainable and innovative product or process. The Innovation Fund provides loans during the so-called Proof-of-Concept phase of the development of a new product or process. In this phase there is a detailed idea on paper that has to be put into practice, for example by building a prototype. Practice shows that traditional financiers are hesitant to invest in the early phase. That is why the province of Noord-Holland, together with a number of important knowledge institutions, has set up this Innovation Fund. Special attention is given to initiatives in the areas of circular economy, sustainable mobility and energy transition and in the area of ​​health care. In the first phase, 12.5 million euros is available, of which the European Union contributes 5 million. In total, 21 million is available in the long term. The province of North Holland contributes a total of 8 million euros.

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  • InnovationQuarter

     |  Amsterdam



    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship -  InnovationQuarter

    From 20 August to 24 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of the Regional Entrepreneurship, Euronext highlights the important role of regional development agencies (ROMs). InnovationQuarter, the regional development agency for Zuid-Holland, sounds the gong for the Roadmap Next Economy (RNE). The RNE is the appealing long-term vision for the region of West Holland. The RNE focuses on the digitisation of the economy, energy transition, circular economy, next education and how society should deal with these transitions. Implementation of the vision will make the region of West Holland a strong and sustainable new economy and society, ready for the future.

    Ria Oonk, transition manager Roadmap Next Economy, opens the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange with the traditional sounding of the gong. The Strategy Group RNE and the RNE implementation teams are driving system interventions and breakthrough projects that are needed to accelerate and manage the transition. The RNE implementation team at InnovationQuarter connects governments, researchers and entrepreneurs to accelerate the Next Economy. The RNE team can support governments, researchers and entrepreneurs by bringing together various stakeholders and initiatives; sharing knowledge about the transition, business development and facilitating access to finance.

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Would you like to sound the gong with your company at Beursplein 5?

Open the trading day at Euronext Amsterdam

Companies or institutions that have a natural connection to the Amsterdam capital market can be invited to take part in a gong ceremony. For example, this might be to mark a special milestone or to raise awareness of a charity. 

The ceremony starts with a reception hosted by a senior Euronext Amsterdam representative in the former Board Room at Beursplein 5. Just before 9 am, the participants and their guests take their place on the gong stage to open the trading day, The gong is sounded at 9 am precisely. The group then  returns to the Boardroom for a cup of coffee. 

Media coverage

The gong strike is broadcast live every morning on RTL Z. A picture of the gong strike illustrates the daily stock market report on the Financiële Telegraaf's website. In addition, Euronext shares the images on its social media channels.

Photos and video footage taken of the gong ceremony are shared with guests, who are free to use them for their own communications and on social media. 

Media coverage gong

Practical information


Timings for gong ceremonies at Beursplein 5 are as follows:

Reception: 8.30 am

Sounding of the gong: 9.00 am

End: 9.15 - 9.30 am

Group size: minimum 8 people, maximum 15 people.

There is no charge for the gong ceremony.

Additional options

You can combine your gong ceremony with the Amsterdam Exchange Experience: a special tour of the stock exchange building. 

Or if you would like to use the gong ceremony to kick off a conference or event, consider organising your event at Beursplein 5. Euronext has several historic rooms where events for 10 to 150 people can be held.

The Euronext Events Team will be happy to give you all the information you need about the options available. 

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