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Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Open the trading day on the Amsterdam stock exchange

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

KLM 65th listing anniversary

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Banging the drums, a 400-year-old tradition
Every day at exactly 9am, trading on Euronext Amsterdam is ceremonially opened by sounding the gong.
De gong; een eewenoude traditie

The gong: an age-old tradition

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in the world and a household name in the Netherlands and abroad. As early as the 17th century, trading was opened and closed by sounding a gong. Today, all securities trading is automated and the opening is a ceremonial act. Directors of listed companies, business people, politicians and charity ambassadors have helped keep this tradition alive in recent years. 

Amsterdam Gong Ceremonies

  • MillionsMissing

     |  Amsterdam



    MillionsMissing opens trading

    The Dutch organizers of the worldwide MillionMissing campaign open the Amsterdam stock exchange by sounding the gong. By opening the trading day, they raise a symbolic alarm about the funding of research of the disease Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

    The MEAction Network is an international organization for equal health rights for people with ME, a neuro-immunological disorder with severe disabling consequences that causes heavy exhaustion, pain, cardio logical problems and exercise intolerance that occurs 24 to 76 hours after small effort and can  lead to a crash.

    MEAction continuously campaigns for more biomedical research, education of doctors and equal civil rights for people with ME under the title MillionsMissing. On 12 May, the MillionsMissing, who miss their lives, show themselves all over the world. This year in the Netherlands, this campaign will be mostly virtual.

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  • Businesswoman of the Year

     |  Amsterdam


    Businesswoman of the Year

    Businesswoman of the Year opens stock exchange

    Businesswoman of the Year 2018, Aukje Kuypers, opens the stock exchange in Amsterdam. Kuypers is chief executive of technical service provider Kuijpers. The Businesswoman of the Year is an international prize that is supported by champagne brand Veuve Clicquot, part of the LVMH Group, listed on Euronext (ticker symbol: MC).

    As a fourth generation member of the family, Aukje Kuypers heads up the family business (established in 1921) with offices throughout the Netherlands. With a turnover of almost €200 million and 1150 employees, the company is engaged in the sustainable design, construction, maintenance and operation of technical installations. The company's mission is to realize energy-neutral, smart and healthy installations only. Kuijpers is active in various sectors, such as culture, food, pharma, high tech, health care and education.

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  • Listing Parx Plastic

     |  Amsterdam


    Listing Parx Plastic

    Parx Plastic celebrates listing Euronext Access

    Dutch company Parx Plastics N.V. realized its listing on Euronext Access in Paris recently. To celebrate this listing, Michael van der Jagt, CEO of Parx Plastics, opens the trading day by striking the gong.

    Parx Plastics (ticker symbol: MLPRX) has developed an innovative technology to make plastics antibacterial by using an essential nutrient. The integration of a body’s own trace element into plastic results in a defence mechanism against bacteria, which leads to a reduction of at least 99% of the number of bacteria on the surface of the treated plastic. The technique is particularly interesting for food packaging and for medical applications such as implants.

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  • Fair Trade week

     |  Amsterdam


    Fair Trade week

    Fair Trade week starts with sounding of the gong

    Director of the Max Havelaar foundation Peter d'Angremond opens the trading day on the Amsterdam exchange for the start of the Fair Trade week, which runs from 5 to 13 May.

    This spring Max Havelaar calls on companies, municipalities, consumers and volunteers to make their commitment to Fair Trade visible during the Fair Trade Week. Through the international stand4fairness campaign, the importance of Fair Trade for millions of people in developing countries is emphasized. The actions on the shop floor during the Fair Trade Week ensure that the volume for farmers' organizations in developing countries continues to grow so that more Fair Trade development premiums can be paid.

    The Max Havelaar Foundation is the organizer of the Fair Trade Week and owner of the Fair Trade quality mark in the Netherlands. Fair Trade contributes to the sustainable development of producers in developing countries. They work to improve their business through better trade conditions, living conditions and protection of the environment.

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  • Remembrance Day 2018

     |  Amsterdam


    Remembrance Day 2018

    Sounding of the gong for Remembrance Day 2018

    The Amsterdam 4 and 5 May Youth Committee opens the trading day in Amsterdam. In addition, attention will be paid to the start of a special day in the Netherlands: the national remembrance of the dead.

    Amsterdam joins the rest of the Netherlands on 4 May when its citizens pause to pay their respects to the victims and fallen soldiers of World War II, as well as more recent military conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Then it's time for a national party on 5 May, as the crowds take to the streets to celebrate their freedom on Liberation Day. On the 4th and 5th of May, there are over 300 activities taking place in Amsterdam to keep alive the memories of World War II.

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  • Merlin Technology

     |  Amsterdam


    Merlin Technology

    ABN AMRO Participaties celebrates stake Merlin Technology

    The sounding of the gong is performed by Ron van Veenendaal, founder of Merlin Technology. ABN AMRO Participaties has recently acquired a substantial equity stake in Merlin Technology.

    Merlin Technology, specialist in currency processing and payment solutions, designs, develops, produces and maintains equipment for the payment industry and smartsafes (through its label Lincsafe). ABN AMRO Participaties will support Merlin Technology in accelerating its growth and expanding its international network by investing in the development of new and innovative payment solutions.

    Merlin Technology is an innovative, fast growing technology company specialized in hybrid (cash and non-cash) payment solutions. Merlin Technology’s payment solutions are found in the B2C segment and include petrol, retail, gaming, banking and government.

    ABN AMRO Participaties is a subsidiary of ABN AMRO Bank (ticker symbol: ABN), which provides for sufficient access to knowledge and equity capital in order to support their portfolio companies in their growth plans.

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  • Wierda en Partners asset management

     |  Amsterdam


    Wierda en Partners asset management

    Wierda en Partners Vermogensbeheer celebrates 10-year anniversary

    Founder and CEO Edwin Wierda sounds the gong to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of asset management company Wierda en Partners Vermogensbeheer.

    Wierda en Partners Vermogensbeheer celebrates its 10-year anniversary this month. In the past 10 years Wierda en Partners Vermogensbeheer has grown into one of the larger independent asset managers in the Netherlands. With offices in Assen and Laren they offer personal services and customized portfolio’s for their customers in the Netherlands. The focus is on asset management in bonds and individual shares combined with derivatives.

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  • Philips Innovation Award 2018

     |  Amsterdam


    Philips Innovation Award 2018

    Philips Innovation Award 2018 opens trading

    The Philips Innovation Award 2018 finals are coming up. Friso Tigchelaar, chairman of the Philips Innovation Award 2018, sounds the gong and opens the trading day on the Amsterdam exchange.

    The Philips Innovation Award, the biggest student-entrepreneur award in the Netherlands, organized for students, by students, will take place 7 May. During the final, the organisers will announce the next student entrepreneur of the Netherlands as well as the winner of the grand prize of 50.000 euros!

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  • King’s Day

     |  Amsterdam


    King’s Day

    Oranje Bond Celebrate King’s Day

    On King’s Day many ‘Oranjeverenigingen’ are busy organizing a village or town festival to celebrate the birthday of the king of the Netherlands. The KBOV is the national representative of all ‘Oranjeverenigingen’ and sounds the gong.

    The KBOV helps ‘Oranjeverenigingen’ with advice and information and organizes meeting points for exchange of experiences and ideas. In addition, the KBOV want to make clear that this kingdom, which is not bound by party or group, will be present in the plural society for every Dutch citizen, regardless of origin, race or religion.

    The KBOV stresses the importance of promoting and strengthening the bond between the Dutch population and the House of Orange. It seeks to achieve this by initiating and stimulating celebrations and other commemorations to mark heyday in the House of Orange. Meanwhile, more than 310 local ‘Oranjeverenigingen’  are a member of the KBOV.

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  • Allen & Overy

     |  Amsterdam


    Allen & Overy

    Allen & Overy opens trading

    International Financial Law Review (IFLR) has chosen Allen & Overy Amsterdam as the leading law firm in the Netherlands in 2018. A delegation from the company opens trading at the Amsterdam stock exchange with a sounding of the gong.

    Allen & Overy is a law firm that operates globally with an extensive business practice, a litigation practice and a team of experts in the field of legislation and regulations. In addition to the office in Amsterdam, it has 44 offices across the world.

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  • 20th listing anniversary NSI

     |  Amsterdam


    20th listing anniversary NSI

    NSI celebrates 20th listing anniversary 

    By sounding the gong, NSI celebrates that they have been listed in Amsterdam for 20 years. Dick van Klooster, one of the Young Talents at NSI, sounds the gong.

    On 25 August 1992, Houthaven Plan B.V. was founded and renamed in 1993 to Nieuwe Steen Investments, which listed on the Dutch stock exchange in 1998.

    NSI (ticker symbol: NSI) is a specialist in commercial real estate and the only listed real estate FBI focused on the Netherlands. The NSI team focuses on maximizing the result for shareholders through proactive management of the portfolio and a disciplined rotation of objects. At the end of June 2017, the portfolio had been valued at € 1.1 billion.

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  • SME Export Award

     |  Amsterdam


    SME Export Award

    Winner MKB Export Award sounds gong

    The 29-year-old Anne Pleun van Eijsden, owner of the company On the Rocks, opens trading. With a sounding of the gong she celebrates winning the MKB Export Award, an annual prize from MKB-Nederland, TNT and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( The prize is intended to stimulate SME entrepreneurs to cross the border or to expand their existing international activities.

    On the Rocks makes high-quality notebooks of stone paper; a durable type of paper, made of gravel and without the use of trees, water or bleach. The paper is water resistant, extra strong and writes soft and smoothly. The jury of the MKB Export Award is impressed by the mission and vision of the young entrepreneur, who combines sustainability and quality into a special and promising export product. In total, almost 100 companies had signed up for the SME Export Award.

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  • RTL Z Beursspel

     |  Amsterdam


    RTL Z Beursspel

    Start RTL Z Beursspel by sounding gong

    RTL Z presenter Janneke Willemse sounds the gong at Euronext Amsterdam. RTL Z’s Beursspel starts on Monday April 23 and runs until Friday June 1.

    With 100,000 euros fictional starting capital, players can learn how to invest on the stock market through the Beursspel. The player who achieved the highest return after six weeks wins an all-inclusive trip to New York, including a visit to Wall Street. Around 10,000 players compete for the main prize.

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  • 20th listing anniversary Ctac

     |  Amsterdam


    20th listing anniversary Ctac

    Ctac sounds gong for 20th listing anniversary 

    This year Ctac (ticker symbol:CTAC) has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam for twenty years. On this occasion, Henny Hilgerdenaar, CEO Ctac, opens the trading day by sounding the gong.

    Ctac is an IT company that specializes in Business & Cloud integration. As a SAP Platinum Partner and Microsoft Gold Partner it offers IT solutions and consulting services. Ctac has substantive expertise and broad experience in the Retail, Wholesale, Manufacturing, Housing Corporation and Real Estate industries.

    Additionally, Ctac offers various proprietary products such as the XV Retail Suite which consists of an omnichannel driven point-of-sale and loyalty platform and a cloud solution for Housing Corporations.

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  • CFA Society VBA Netherlands

     |  Amsterdam


    CFA Society VBA Netherlands

    CFA Society VBA Netherlands celebrates merger

    CFA Society VBA Netherlands arose from the merger between CFA Society Netherlands and VBA investment professionals.

    The association has more than 2,200 members in the Netherlands and shows strong growth. The association has a wide range of professional training opportunities, including the internationally recognized vocational training for Chartered Financial Analyst, the postgraduate VU-VBA course 'Investment Management', the postgraduate course 'Risk Management for Financial Institutions', the CIPM training focused on performance measurement and general CFA Foundations training.

    CFA Society VBA Netherlands offers a wide range of possibilities for maintaining knowledge and skills and keeps a register of the permanent education of its members. With members working in virtually all disciplines within the financial sector, the association is deeply embedded in the Dutch industry. The association is part of the international network of CFA Institute.

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  • Arcadis

     |  Amsterdam



    Arcadis celebrates new assignment

    Arcadis (ticker symbol: ARCAD) recently received instructions from Rijkswaterstaat to ensure that 135 movable bridges, locks, aqueducts and eleven tunnel complexes continue to work for the long term. It is a three-year contract on national conservation advice, as it is called. Arcadis does this together with the specialists from A-Quin and Dover Traffic Measures.

    Rijkswaterstaat has many movable bridges, locks, tunnels and other complex objects. The extent to which the objects function properly determines the 'performance' that roads and waterways deliver. The Netherlands has a very good performing infrastructure. At the same time, the objects age faster due to more intensive use. To ensure that the performance of these properties remains at the highest level, Arcadis uses the latest digital techniques to predict risks as well as possible and to make the management and maintenance regime as efficient as possible.

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  • Société Générale Turbo Life

     |  Amsterdam


    Société Générale Turbo Life

    Société Générale introduces Turbo Life in the Netherlands

    With the official launch of the Turbo Life on Euronext Amsterdam, Société Générale is taking  a new step on the market for turbos. Ernst Gevaerts, Head of Cross Asset Retail Distribution Sales, opens the trading day by sounding the gong.

    Turbos are listed investment products with leverage. In contrast to classic turbos, the innovative Turbo Life will not be deactivated if the stop loss-level is exceeded. Within 15 minutes after reaching the stop-loss level, an adjustment of the product features (funding level, stop loss level, parity) takes place, after which it can be traded again.

    Ernst Gevaerts, responsible for the distribution of listed products of Société Générale in the Netherlands: ‘This innovation meets the often-heard desire of turbo-investors to have the ability to remain in the market and therefore benefit from a possible recovery after a sudden movement in the market.’

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  • Kempen Life Sciences conference

     |  Amsterdam


    Kempen Life Sciences conference

    Kempen kicks off Life Sciences Conference

    Kempen is proud to host the annual Kempen Life Sciences conference on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 April 2018. On this occasion they visit the Amsterdam exchange to open trading. Alex Cogut, Co-Head Life Sciences Research, sounds the gong.

    The Kempen Life Sciences conference has become a central meeting place for global institutional investors and European Life Sciences companies, with its signature format focused on one-on-one meetings and small group meetings, as well as a networking lunch and showcase session. Like previous years, the conference will be attended by executives from a wide range of companies from continental Europe including pharma, biotech, diagnostics and medtech.

    As one of the few focused merchant banks in Europe, Kempen is uniquely positioned as a specialist in the Life Sciences and Healthcare markets. Over the past years, Kempen has enhanced their position in securities brokerage, mergers and acquisitions, and equity capital market transactions.

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Would you like to sound the gong with your company at Beursplein 5?

Open the trading day at Euronext Amsterdam

Companies or institutions that have a natural connection to the Amsterdam capital market can be invited to take part in a gong ceremony. For example, this might be to mark a special milestone or to raise awareness of a charity. 

The ceremony starts with a reception hosted by a senior Euronext Amsterdam representative in the former Board Room at Beursplein 5. Just before 9 am, the participants and their guests take their place on the gong stage to open the trading day, The gong is sounded at 9 am precisely. The group then  returns to the Boardroom for a cup of coffee. 

Media coverage

The gong strike is broadcast live every morning on RTL Z. A picture of the gong strike illustrates the daily stock market report on the Financiële Telegraaf's website. In addition, Euronext shares the images on its social media channels.

Photos and video footage taken of the gong ceremony are shared with guests, who are free to use them for their own communications and on social media. 

Media coverage gong

Practical information


Timings for gong ceremonies at Beursplein 5 are as follows:

Reception: 8.30 am

Sounding of the gong: 9.00 am

End: 9.15 - 9.30 am

Group size: minimum 8 people, maximum 15 people.

There is no charge for the gong ceremony.

Additional options

You can combine your gong ceremony with the Amsterdam Exchange Experience: a special tour of the stock exchange building. 

Or if you would like to use the gong ceremony to kick off a conference or event, consider organising your event at Beursplein 5. Euronext has several historic rooms where events for 10 to 150 people can be held.

The Euronext Events Team will be happy to give you all the information you need about the options available. 

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