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Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Open the trading day on the Amsterdam stock exchange

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

KLM 65th listing anniversary

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Banging the drums, a 400-year-old tradition
Every day at exactly 9am, trading on Euronext Amsterdam is ceremonially opened by sounding the gong.
De gong; een eewenoude traditie

The gong: an age-old tradition

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in the world and a household name in the Netherlands and abroad. As early as the 17th century, trading was opened and closed by sounding a gong. Today, all securities trading is automated and the opening is a ceremonial act. Directors of listed companies, business people, politicians and charity ambassadors have helped keep this tradition alive in recent years. 

Amsterdam Gong Ceremonies

  • InnovationQuarter

     |  Amsterdam



    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship – InnovationQuarter sounds gong at Euronext Amsterdam

    InnovationQuarter, the regional development agency for the South Holland province, opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange and sounds the gong for innovative entrepreneurs who are seeking investment capital. Together with the InnovationQuarter Capital team, Rinke Zonneveld, Director InnovationQuarter, sounds the gong.

    From 24 August to 28 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of Regional Entrepreneurship Euronext has invited the Dutch Regional Economic Development Agencies to put their work in the spotlight. Hans Leufkens, Head of Client Coverage EnterNext: ''The Regional  Economic Development Agencies are extremely important for the growth of the Dutch economy and the acceleration of innovation.''

    InnovationQuarter is the regional development agency for the South Holland province. InnovationQuarter finances innovative and fast-growing companies, assists foreign companies in establishing their businesses in West Holland, and organizes collaboration between innovative entrepreneurs, knowledge institutes and government. In this way, and in cooperation with the business community, InnovationQuarter supports the development of West Holland to become one of the most innovative regions in Europe.

    The exchange and entrepreneurship have gone hand in hand for over 400 years. Euronext plays an important role in financing the real economy. With its subsidiary EnterNext it supports entrepreneurs in their growth - along with industry partners - to develop funding initiatives in the form of loans and bonds to increase visibility of listed, medium-sized enterprises.

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  • Limburgs Development and Investment Company (LIOF)

     |  Amsterdam


    Limburgs Development and Investment Company (LIOF)

    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship – LIOF visits Beursplein 5

    Euronext welcomes Limburgs Development and Investment Company (LIOF) at Beursplein 5. Also present are directors of innovative companies that LIOF invests in, such as DynaGroup, AFTC Group, Samco Aircraft Maintenance BV, Mediaan Holding and Hartelt Fund Management. The company opens trading during the Week of Regional Entrepreneurship.

    From 24 August to 28 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of Regional Entrepreneurship Euronext has invited the Dutch Regional Economic Development Agencies to put their work in the spotlight. Hans Leufkens, Head of Client Coverage EnterNext: ''The Regional  Economic Development Agencies are extremely important for the growth of the Dutch economy and the acceleration of innovation.''

    As a regional development company, Industriebank LIOF stimulates economic infrastructure improvement in Limburg by creating economic growth and jobs. As part of its efforts, LIOF is concentrating on Limburg's SMEs, with a focus on the strong industrial and logistics sectors in the province. LIOF is also working for companies in these sectors which connect with the four other 'campus domains' in Limburg: food, materials, health, and smart services.

    The exchange and entrepreneurship have gone hand in hand for over 400 years. Euronext plays an important role in financing the real economy. With its subsidiary EnterNext it supports entrepreneurs in their growth - along with industry partners - to develop funding initiatives in the form of loans and bonds to increase visibility of listed, medium-sized enterprises.

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  • Impuls Zeeland

     |  Amsterdam


    Impuls Zeeland

    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship – Impuls Zeeland sounds gong

    NV Economische Impuls Zeeland, the regional development agency for Zeeland, sounds the gong to underline the importance of regional development for the Dutch economy. The goal of Impuls Zeeland is to increase the dynamism of the Zeeland Economy. Erwin van der Meer, Senior Manager (Foreign) Direct Investments, sounds the gong.

    From 24 August to 28 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of Regional Entrepreneurship Euronext has invited the Dutch Regional Economic Development Agencies to put their work in the spotlight. Hans Leufkens, Head of Client Coverage EnterNext: ''The Regional  Economic Development Agencies are extremely important for the growth of the Dutch economy and the acceleration of innovation.''

    Impuls Zeeland visibly contributes to the development of Zeeland. They do this by linking people in surprising and innovative ways, from inside and outside the province, leading to new economic impulses. This further develops Zeeland to an innovative and healthy province. Impuls Zeeland also supports initiatives from businesses and governments, and is sponsored by the Province of Zeeland.

    The exchange and entrepreneurship have gone hand in hand for over 400 years. Euronext plays an important role in financing the real economy. With its subsidiary EnterNext it supports entrepreneurs in their growth - along with industry partners - to develop funding initiatives in the form of loans and bonds to increase visibility of listed, medium-sized enterprises.

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  • PPM Oost

     |  Amsterdam


    PPM Oost

    Week of Regional Entrepreneurship – PPM Oost opens trading

    Regional Venture Capital Company PPM Oost kicks off the Week of Regional Entrepreneurship with the sounding of the gong by PPM Oost director Marius Prins. He opens trading together with his colleagues and members of the executive boards of the innovative companies in which PPM Oost invests,such as SlimOpgewekt, Micreos, Lagerwey, Lead Pharma,  Solmates, 2-B Energy, Huismerk Energie and Bussman Medical & Research.

    From 24 August to 28 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of Regional Entrepreneurship Euronext has invited the Dutch Regional Economic Development Agencies to put their work in the spotlight. Hans Leufkens, Head of Client Coverage EnterNext: ''The Regional  Economic Development Agencies are extremely important for the growth of the Dutch economy and the acceleration of innovation.''

    PPM Oost invests in promising companies that contribute to economic growth and employment in East Netherlands, using funds made available by the central government and the provinces Gelderland and Overijssel. PPM Oost administers a fund of over € 290 million that it has invested in over 200 companies. PPM Oost is a regional venture capital company that is part of the East Netherlands Development Agency (Oost NV).

    The exchange and entrepreneurship have gone hand in hand for over 400 years. Euronext plays an important role in financing the real economy. With its subsidiary EnterNext it supports entrepreneurs in their growth - along with industry partners - to develop funding initiatives in the form of loans and bonds to increase visibility of listed, medium-sized enterprises.

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  • JCDecaux

     |  Amsterdam



    JCDecaux opens Amsterdam exchange

    Euronext Paris listed JCDecaux (ticker symbol: DEC), the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, opens trading at Euronext.

    The company is partner of Amsterdam since 1987 and responsible for supplying, managing and maintaining street furniture in the Dutch capital. In 2013 JCDecaux installed a complete new and modern line of street furniture in Amsterdam.

    This week JCDecaux The Netherlands dominated the headlines with a remarkable news fact: the company donated a thousand beach chairs to the citizens and visitors of Amsterdam. With the chairs as a spot to relax amidst crowded (touristic) and less crowded places, JCDecaux, Amsterdam South and Amsterdam Marketing react on the fact that lately more and more people seem to feel that Amsterdam is getting too crowded. René Witzel, Managing Director JCDecaux The Netherlands: “With this initiative, next to our regular work, we help to improve the public and urban environment in Amsterdam.”

    During the nautic event SAIL Amsterdam, with an expected two million visitors, JCDecaux is also part of an initiative that is focused on the development of mobile apps that contribute to a better public and urban environment. With this so-called Amsterdam Beacon Mile, Smart City Apps are being tested. The apps work with location based messaging through Beacons that are placed in the objects of JCDecaux and are aimed on wayfinding and serving useful information about the surroundings.

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  • Transavia

     |  Amsterdam



    Transavia sounds gong and shares ambitions

    Transavia, subsidiary of Euronext-listed company Air France – KLM (ticker symbol: AF), sounds the gong at Beursplein 5 and shares its ambitions. The airline aims to be the most affordable and accessible airline company in Europe, and to be a leader in the area of hospitality and service, including online services.

    This summer, Transaviawelcomed a growing number of passengers on board; in July, approximately 825.000 passengers flew to one of over 100 destinations with a the load factor 87%. In that month, the fleet of 36 aircrafts was airborne for 14,000 hours in total, which is an average of over 12 hours per aircraft per day. This adds up to 3,600 flights in the period July until the first week of August and an average of 85 flights per day.

    The summer schedule of 2016 is under development. Growth is central and the fleet will be increased by 3 additional aircrafts. New destinations will be added to the network, taking into account both the business traveler and the leisure passenger.

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  • Amsterdam City Swim

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam City Swim

    Sounding of the gong announces Amsterdam City Swim

    The sounding of the gong announces the fourth edition of the Amsterdam City Swim. Chairman of the Amsterdam City Swim Foundation, Marc ter Haar, sounds the gong.

    The Amsterdam City Swim will take place on 6 September 2015. Over 2,500 swimmers will participate in the 2015 meter swim through the canals and river Amstel, to raise money for the ALS Foundation in the Netherlands and call attention to the still incurable disease ALS.

    Over the past three years, the total amount of over € 4.5 million was raised for the ALS Foundation in the Netherlands. All proceeds of the Amsterdam City Swim will go to the ALS Foundation.

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  • SAIL Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    SAIL Amsterdam

    Port of Amsterdam sounds gong for SAIL Amsterdam

    The Port of Amsterdam sounds the gong for the 9th edition of SAIL Amsterdam, to be held from 19-23 August. This world-class event provides a unique opportunity to marvel at dozens of Tall Ships and other historic vessels from around the world. Some 2.5 million visitors are expected to attend the world’s largest nautical spectacle.

    The 2015 edition  of SAIL will be bigger than ever and features a 12-kilometre parade, the Sail Music Marina with daily concerts and the traditional pieremachocheltocht through the Amsterdam canals.

    “For us as Port of Amsterdam, SAIL Amsterdam is a fantastic event that combines our history and our current activities. Under the new setup considerable attention is devoted to innovation and sustainability. SAIL offers the public an opportunity to discover both the history and the current navigation as well as the Port of Amsterdam" says Dertje Meijer, CEO of Port of Amsterdam.

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  • Terre des Hommes

     |  Amsterdam


    Terre des Hommes

    Terre des Hommes sounds gong in fight against child exploitation

    Terre des Hommes opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange to call attention to the fight against child exploitation. The gong is sounded by director Albert Jaap van Santbrink of the children's charity. He is part of an expedition of directors and owners of companies and institutions later this month, climbing the highest mountain in Africa to raise money.

    The proceeds of the ascent of Kilimanjaro (5895 m) will be for children who are being exploited in gold mines in Tanzania. The children are involved in heavy physical labour that is also hazardous. In addition, these children are often victims of physical and sexual abuse. With the sponsorship children can go back to school or receive vocational training for building a better and safer future.

    The expedition will start next Saturday. Terre des Hommes is being supported - among others - by ASML Foundation, the corporate foundation of Euronext-listed ASML (ticker symbol: ASML).

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  • Better Options and Giving Back Foundation

     |  Amsterdam


    Better Options and Giving Back Foundation

    Better Options and Giving Back Foundation open trading

    Better Options LLP, trading company based in the Amsterdam exchange building, opens trading in the company of Giving Back Foundation. Better Options invited the Amsterdam pupils and mentors of Giving Back Foundation for a day at the exchange.

    Giving Back Foundation is committed to a diverse society in which everyone has an equal chance, to develop his or her talent. Giving Back focuses on a broad group of talented pupils and students who have the potential to play a successful role in society. Giving Back offers these young people a challenging program aimed at both personal and professional development. This program consists of workshops and events, plus a mentoring program. Giving Back offers programs for pupils, students and young professionals.

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  • Grachtenfestival

     |  Amsterdam



    Opening of trading marks start of Grachtenfestival

    Mandonlin player Ferdinand Binnendijk, winner of the Audience Award of the Grachtenfestival Conservatorium Concours and to be seen and heard at the next Grachtenfestival Amsterdam, opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange. Ferdinand Binnendijk will perform during Grachtenfestival Amsterdam, which takes place from 14 - 23 August.

    Themed ‘Expedition’ this year, Grachtenfestival Amsterdam spreads its wings with concerts in not only Amsterdam, but also Zaanstad, Diemen, Muiden, Ouder-Amstel and Amstelveen. The locations of the UNESCO World Heritage Stelling van Amsterdam are a big part of the festival this year. Visitors can also go to concerts at several squares and parks and of course beautiful locations along the canals.

    Grachtenfestival Amsterdam is a platform for young musicians from all over the world. During this largest classical music festival in the Netherlands, they treat young and old to unique concerts. The complete program consist of over 250 concerts at more than 90 locations.

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  • UNICEF youth participation

     |  Amsterdam


    UNICEF youth participation

    UNICEF sounds gong to promote youth participation

    King of the Youth Stijn Harder and UNICEF director Jan Bouke Wijbrandi open the Amsterdam exchange on International Youth Day. By sounding the gong they symbolically ask attention for the right of youth participation, Wijbrandi explains: "According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children have the right to express their opinion. Adults should take their insights and ideas seriously. "

    15-year-old Harder is 2015 King of the Youth and explores the situation of children in the Netherlands. He talks about his findings on Kleine Prinsjesdag, traditionally held in the Ridderzaal the Friday before Budget Day.

    UNICEF encourages young people to have a voice in politics, but also in business. UNICEF Netherlands and the Missing Chapter Foundation have joined forced to stimulate organizations to set up a Children’s Council. These children advise Management Boards on existing dilemmas.

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  • Amsterdam Institute of Finance

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam Institute of Finance

    Amsterdam Institute of Finance visits Beursplein 5

    Amsterdam Institute of Finance (AIF) visits Beursplein 5 with the participants of the Master of Science in Risk Management for Executives program, a Master’s program aimed at professionals in Risk Management. This program is spread over several modules and is held in New York, Amsterdam and Abu Dhabi over the course of one year. The program is offered in collaboration with NYU Stern School of Business.

    AIF is a foundation specialized in providing high-level financial training for finance and other professionals. Located in Amsterdam, AIF was established in 1990 as an initiative of the Dutch financial community. Since then, AIF has built a strong presence worldwide for its open enrollment programs as well as its custom made in-company training.

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  • KiKa Foundation

     |  Amsterdam


    KiKa Foundation

    Stichting KiKa sounds gong to call attention to childhood cancer research

    Children Cancer Free Foundation (KiKa) visits Beursplein 5 and opens trading. Lisanne Spaander sounds the gong.

    Lisanne, currently under treatment for childhood cancer, has released a CD single. Lisanne sings the song “Vechtersbaas” (Fighter) to put her emotions into words. In addition, she wants to help others to stay positive. Lisanne has completed the toughest part of her treatment. She will receive several treatments until October, after which she hopes to be done.

    Kika funds research on childhood cancer. At this time, 75% of the children with cancer are cured. That's good, but not good enough. KiKa aims to increase the cure rate to 95% in 2025. To achieve this, there is still much costly research required.

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  • Startupbootcamp sounds the gong for startup city Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    Startupbootcamp sounds the gong for startup city Amsterdam

    Amsterdam has entered the top 20 of best startup cities worldwide. For this occasion, co-founder of startup-accelerator Startupbootcamp Ruud Hendriks, sounds the gong at the Amsterdam Exchange.


    Startupbootcamp is active is eight cities across the world and offers startups a 3-month accelerator program to grow their business and attract investors. The next program in Amsterdam focuses purely on the E-commerce industry. The 10 participating E-commerce teams will be presented on the 9th of September after an intense selection process.  The program officially kicks off on 12 October.


    The exchange and entrepreneurship go hand in hand. Euronext plays an important role in financing the real economy. With its subsidiary Enternext, she supports entrepreneurs in their growth - along with industry partners - to develop funding initiatives in the form of loans and bonds to increase visibility of listed, medium-sized enterprises.


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  • 828436820dcf-fc89-4846-b19d-b63cec0c083c

    Dutch men’s basketball team and TEAMKPN Sports Fund open trading

    The Dutch men's basketball team opens trading to celebrate the first participation in the European Championships since 1989. Team captain Arvin Slagter sounds the gong in the company of a delegation of sponsor TEAMKPN Sports Fund.

    Euronext listed company KPN (ticker symbol: KPN) has established TEAMKPN Sports Fund to temporarily support outstanding sport performances. Until 2018, it annually makes up to 200 thousand euros available to teams.

    The European Championship Basketball is played in four different countries and will take place from 5 to 20 September. The Netherlands plays its five matches in the group stage in Zagreb. On 5 September the Dutch team plays Georgia in its first match. The final will be played on 20 September in Lille.

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  • 828388d03b07-2f66-4048-9b3d-a098a9e5fc90

    Net4kids launches new campaign ‘”Small is of great significance’’ at Beursplein 5

    Odette van Zijdveld, Managing Director, sounds the gong at Beursplein 5 and opens trading. On this occasion Net4kids launches its new advertising campaign "Small is of great significance". The campaign was developed pro bono by Havas Boondoggle Amsterdam and aims to show entrepreneurs and businesses that a small contribution can be of great significance. The campaign uses recognizable logos of companies and literally takes a piece out of it. With this Net4kids concretely show what one piece can do for one child.

    Net4kids is a Business-to-Business platform for impactful support for children, where specific children's aid projects in Africa and Asia are directly and permanently connected to project investors. Net4kids stands for children's aid business in Asia and Africa and soon in the Netherlands. The foundation believes that a better world starts with children.

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  • 82825f1bd9fd-72b4-4b8d-8132-2b8a037515a7

    Sounding of the gong by Pluk de Nacht Foundation marks start of open air film festival

    Pluk de Nacht Foundation sounds the gong at Beursplein 5 and kicks off the 12th edition of the open-air film festival. Visitors of Pluk de Nacht can enjoy plenty of (inter)national feature films, short films, documentaries and animations that have hardly been shown in Dutch cinemas. Precisely these films deserve an accessible way to reach a large audience, according to the group of film lovers who founded the Pluk de Nacht Foundation.

    From 5 to 15 August, Pluk de Nacht shows 15 films in Amsterdam. From 20 to 22 August the film festival is located in Arnhem. The tour ends in Utrecht, from 26 to 29 August.

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Would you like to sound the gong with your company at Beursplein 5?

Open the trading day at Euronext Amsterdam

Companies or institutions that have a natural connection to the Amsterdam capital market can be invited to take part in a gong ceremony. For example, this might be to mark a special milestone or to raise awareness of a charity. 

The ceremony starts with a reception hosted by a senior Euronext Amsterdam representative in the former Board Room at Beursplein 5. Just before 9 am, the participants and their guests take their place on the gong stage to open the trading day, The gong is sounded at 9 am precisely. The group then  returns to the Boardroom for a cup of coffee. 

Media coverage

The gong strike is broadcast live every morning on RTL Z. A picture of the gong strike illustrates the daily stock market report on the Financiële Telegraaf's website. In addition, Euronext shares the images on its social media channels.

Photos and video footage taken of the gong ceremony are shared with guests, who are free to use them for their own communications and on social media. 

Media coverage gong

Practical information


Timings for gong ceremonies at Beursplein 5 are as follows:

Reception: 8.30 am

Sounding of the gong: 9.00 am

End: 9.15 - 9.30 am

Group size: minimum 8 people, maximum 15 people.

There is no charge for the gong ceremony.

Additional options

You can combine your gong ceremony with the Amsterdam Exchange Experience: a special tour of the stock exchange building. 

Or if you would like to use the gong ceremony to kick off a conference or event, consider organising your event at Beursplein 5. Euronext has several historic rooms where events for 10 to 150 people can be held.

The Euronext Events Team will be happy to give you all the information you need about the options available. 

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