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Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Open the trading day on the Amsterdam stock exchange

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

KLM 65th listing anniversary

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Banging the drums, a 400-year-old tradition
Every day at exactly 9am, trading on Euronext Amsterdam is ceremonially opened by sounding the gong.
De gong; een eewenoude traditie

The gong: an age-old tradition

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in the world and a household name in the Netherlands and abroad. As early as the 17th century, trading was opened and closed by sounding a gong. Today, all securities trading is automated and the opening is a ceremonial act. Directors of listed companies, business people, politicians and charity ambassadors have helped keep this tradition alive in recent years. 

Amsterdam Gong Ceremonies

  • World Press Photo

     |  Amsterdam


    World Press Photo

    Sounding of the gong marks start of World Press Photo world tour

    Winner of World Press Photo 2014, Mads Nissen, opens trading by sounding the gong. He does this in the company of exhibition sponsor Delta Lloyd (ticker symbol: DL). The sounding of the gong marks the start of the World Press Photo world tour, on Saturday 18 April at De Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.

    The worldwide tour of the international press photography contest features awe-inspiring press photos by 42 prize winners from 17 countries in eight categories: General News, Daily Life, Spot News, Contemporary Issues, Long-Term Projects, Nature, Portraits and Sports. First, second and third prizes for both single shots and photo series are awarded in each category. The special display system developed in 2014, when the World Press Photo exhibition returned to De Nieuwe Kerk for the first time in 15 years, will be used again this year. The photos appear to be floating in space in the interior of the large Gothic church on Amsterdam’s Dam Square.

    World Press Photo receives support from the Dutch Postcode Lottery and is sponsored worldwide by Canon. The exhibition in Amsterdam is sponsored by Delta Lloyd.

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  • ‘Vermogen voor Morgen’

     |  Amsterdam


    ‘Vermogen voor Morgen’

    Sounding of the gong is kick-off for online event ‘Vermogen voor Morgen’‘

    Vermogen voor Morgen’ is a two-day online event about investing, saving, and pension accrual. On 22 and 23 April, various experts will elaborate to private investors how to secure their financial future during 15 interactive webinars. The gong ceremony is the official opening of the first edition of ‘Vermogen voor Morgen’.

    Investors (to be) can participate in the webinars from home for free and choose between the four financial themes that will be at the heart of the event: ‘Golden tips exist’, ‘What do real investors do?, ‘Save or invest? The art of straightforward asset growth’, and ‘Retirement, not a distant reality’.

    Vermogen voor Morgen is an initiative of De Financiële Telegraaf, OnlineSeminar and Beleggingsinstituut.

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  • AMREF Flying Doctors

     |  Amsterdam


    AMREF Flying Doctors

    ASN Bank and AMREF Flying Doctors open trading

    Midwife Esther Madudu opens trading at Beursplein 5 by sounding the gong. Madudu comes from Uganda and is one of the midwives trained by AMREF Flying Doctors. In the investment campaign of ASN Bank, she stresses the importance of obstetric care in Africa.

    The campaign gives investors the opportunity to contribute to the training and working conditions of midwives in Uganda and Tanzania. ASN Bank donates 5 euros to AMREF Flying Doctors for any investor deposit of € 2000 or more in the ASN Investment Funds. This donation goes towards the training of midwives. Each newly trained midwife also receives a WakaWaka solar lamp and charger. Along with WakaWaka and AMREF Flying Doctors, the bank wants to finance 25 trainings of midwives in Africa. Investors will also receive a WakaWaka solar lamp as a gift.

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  • Sustainable Housing

     |  Amsterdam


    Sustainable Housing

    Amsterdam and BNG Bank sound gong for sustainable housing

    By sounding the gong, mr. Abdeluheb Choho, Alderman of the City of Amsterdam, calls attention to the installation of the first solar panels on individual subsidized rented homes of Eigen Haard, a large housing association based in Amsterdam.

    Thanks to the services of an Energy Service Company (ESCo), the housing association will not have to worry about the realization, financing, monitoring or maintenance of the solar panels for 20 years. Tenants will have lower energy bills, thereby also reaping the benefits. Over the coming year, more than 7,500 solar panels will be installed, making this project the largest of its kind in the Netherlands. The project was developed by HuurDeZon and is financed by the Amsterdam Climate & Energy Fund, Amsterdams Investeringsfonds (Amsterdam investment fund) and BNG Bank.

    Alderman Abdeluheb Choho hopes that the roll-out will continue: "The City's goal is for 20 percent more energy per inhabitant to be produced sustainably by 2020 than in 2013, in part by promoting the use of solar panels. In principle, any housing association could apply this concept. Some 45 percent of Amsterdam's housing supply is held by the associations, so the potential yield is tremendous."

    BNG Bank is the bank of and for local authorities and public sector institutions. The bank makes a sustainable contribution to minimizing the costs of social provisions for the public.

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  • BNP Paribas Investment Partners

     |  Amsterdam


    BNP Paribas Investment Partners

    BNP Paribas Investment Partners celebrates partnership

    By sounding the gong at the Amsterdam Exchange, BNP Paribas Investment Partners celebrates its partnership with the recently established Dutch pension fund for the dairy sector and related industries (BPF Zuivel).

    Early in 2015, a dozen dairies, together with dairy sector unions, set up this pension fund. This is noteworthy because the number of Dutch (sector) pension funds has been declining for years. Many of these funds are migrating to an insurer or a larger pension fund because of high costs or stricter legislation.

    With this new pension fund, employers and unions in the dairy industry are opting for a uniform and contemporary pension which employers and employees can afford and which is future-proof.

    Almost 100 years after establishing the first Dutch sector pension fund in Leeuwarden, for employees in parts of the dairy industry, this new fund shows that the interests of employers and employees can be well-aligned.

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  • Week of the Entrepreneur Placeholder

    Week of the Entrepreneur

     |  Amsterdam


    Week of the Entrepreneur

    Gaby Arts of Powerling sounds the gong in the company of Norbert van den Hove, deputy Director Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Hans de Graaf, Directeur MKB, ING Netherlands, Michaël van Straalen, Chairman MKB Netherlands and Maurice van Tilburg, CEO Euronext Amsterdam at the Week of the Entrepreneur.

    The Week of the Entrepreneur has been the entrepreneurial event in the Netherlands for the past 18 years. On this occasion, the gong is moved to the Beatrix Theater in Utrecht and trading is opened by an attending entrepreneur. The program of 14-16 April consists of plenary sessions, lunch meetings and inspiration sessions for entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. Euronext is present during the entire week of the Entrepreneur: the stock market and entrepreneurship are inextricably linked.

    On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Maurice Tilburg, CEO of Euronext Amsterdam speaks during the morning sessions to explain the potential of the stock market with Enternext to small and medium‐size enterprises (SMEs) as a good alternative to bank loans. EnterNext is the subsidiary of the Euronext Group designed to develop and promote its stock markets specifically for SMEs.

    This year at the Week of the Entrepreneur, ministers Ploumen, Kamp, and Bussemaker will make an appearance.

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    Photo: Congres in Beeld\Hennie Keeris 

    Week of the Entrepreneur Placeholder Amsterdam
  • Week of the Entrepreneur Placeholder

    Week of the Entrepreneur

     |  Amsterdam


    Week of the Entrepreneur

    Remco Wijnia of DSW Rijswijk sounds the gong in the company of Berthold Leeftink, Director General for Enterprise and Innovation at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Hans de Graaf, Directeur MKB, ING Netherlands, Michaël van Straalen, Chairman MKB Netherlands and Maurice van Tilburg, CEO Euronext Amsterdam at the Week of the Entrepreneur.

    The Week of the Entrepreneur has been the entrepreneurial event in the Netherlands for the past 18 years. On this occasion, the gong is moved to the Beatrix Theater in Utrecht and trading is opened by an attending entrepreneur. The program of 14-16 April consists of plenary sessions, lunch meetings and inspiration sessions for entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. Euronext is present during the entire week of the Entrepreneur: the stock market and entrepreneurship are inextricably linked.

    On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Maurice Tilburg, CEO of Euronext Amsterdam speaks during the morning sessions to explain the potential of the stock market with Enternext to small and medium‐size enterprises (SMEs) as a good alternative to bank loans. EnterNext is the subsidiary of the Euronext Group designed to develop and promote its stock markets specifically for SMEs.

    This year at the Week of the Entrepreneur, ministers Ploumen, Kamp, and Bussemaker will make an appearance.

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    Photo: Congres in Beeld\Hennie Keeris

    Week of the Entrepreneur Placeholder Amsterdam
  • Bank Indonesia Placeholder

    Bank Indonesia

     |  Amsterdam


    Bank Indonesia

    Delegation of Bank Indonesia closes trading day

    A delegation of Bank Indonesia (BI) visits Beursplein 5 and closes trading. Mr. Prasaja Widiatmaka, assistant director of the Monetary Management Department of Bank Indonesia, sounds the gong.

    In 2014, the central banks Bank Indonesia (BI) and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) established a cooperation partnership for a five-year period with the aim of transferring knowledge in the areas of retail and wholesale payments, and the trading, clearing and settlement of securities transactions. To this end, DNB and BI organise a seminar every six months, one in Amsterdam in the spring and one in Jakarta in the autumn. The partnership programme is supported by the Dutch embassy in Jakarta.

    The spring 2015 seminar in Amsterdam deals with the trading, clearing and settlement of securities transactions. The first part, about trading in securities and derivatives, was hosted by Euronext Amsterdam this afternoon.

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    Bank Indonesia Placeholder Amsterdam
  • Week of the Entrepreneur Placeholder

    Week of the Entrepreneur

     |  Amsterdam


    Week of the Entrepreneur

    Sound of the gong on location at Week of the Entrepreneur

    Roland Soedamah of Buro CITE sounds the gong in the company of Peter Waasdorp, Director Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Annemein Kolk, Directeur Grootbedrijf & Instellingen ING Netherlands, Michaël van Straalen, Chairman MKB Netherlands and Maurice van Tilburg, CEO Euronext Amsterdam at the Week of the Entrepreneur.

    The Week of the Entrepreneur has been the entrepreneurial event in the Netherlands for the past 18 years. On this occasion, the gong is moved to the Beatrix Theater in Utrecht and trading is opened by an attending entrepreneur. The program of 14-16 April consists of plenary sessions, lunch meetings and inspiration sessions for entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. Euronext is present during the week of the Entrepreneur: the stock market and entrepreneurship are inextricably linked.

    On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Maurice Tilburg, CEO of Euronext Amsterdam speaks during the morning sessions to explain the potential of the stock market with Enternext to small and medium‐size enterprises (SMEs) as a good alternative to bank loans. EnterNext is the subsidiary of the Euronext Group designed to develop and promote its stock markets specifically for SMEs.

    This year at the Week of the Entrepreneur, ministers Ploumen, Kamp, and Bussemaker will make an appearance.

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    Photo: Congres in Beeld\Hennie Keeris 

    Week of the Entrepreneur Placeholder Amsterdam
  • Battle of the Schools

     |  Amsterdam


    Battle of the Schools

    Winners Battle of the Schools open trading

    Students of the Olympus College in Arnhem sound the gong of the Amsterdam Exchange as winners of the investment competition Battle of the School. The Olympus College won the prize for the best risk/reward.

    Battle of the Schools is an investment competition for economy students and teachers in HAVO and VWO secondary education. Students are divided into groups of three or four. Each group will step into the role of investment adviser and draw up an investment plan for example a parent or grandparent. The students get a virtual starting capital of 100,000 euros which they can invest in shares and investment funds listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

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  • Morningstar Awards 2015

     |  Amsterdam


    Morningstar Awards 2015

    Morningstar Awards 2015 winners open trading

    Every year, independent fund researcher Morningstar awards those funds that have been able to provide the best return to investors. The Morningstar Awards are designed to help investors around the world identify the year's most exceptional funds and fund managers.

    The 2015 Morningstar Awards recognize retail funds and fund groups that have been good stewards of investor capital within the context of their relevant peer group in 2014 and over longer time periods.  Winners are selected using a quantitative methodology developed by Morningstar that considers the one-, three- and five-year performance history of all eligible funds. Morningstar adjusts the returns for risk using a utility theory based screen that imposes a higher penalty for downside variation in a fund’s return than it does for upside volatility.

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  • Randstad Banking & Insurance

     |  Amsterdam


    Randstad Banking & Insurance

    Randstad launches new branch Banking & Insurance by sounding gong

    Esther Huizinga, director of Randstad Banking & Insurance, opens the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong. It marks the start of the new Randstad branch Banking & Insurance. Randstad Banking & Insurance (B&I) recruits for banks and insurers. A specialized branch is necessary to offer the banking and insurance industry a total concept. Issues like reliability, service, training and compliance are essential, for example, and require different skills and approach than in other industries. B&I capitalizes on the current demand.

    The new part of Randstad (ticker symbol RAND) is already active and a large number of customers already use the specialized services. Esther Huizinga: "With Randstad Banking & Insurance, we are a reliable partner for capacity issues and we can completely relieve customers on Financial Supervision Act matters. Through our knowledge and specialization, we are able to proactively train candidates to full Fsa-certified and service-oriented professionals who want to build a career in this industry. "

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  • Add Value Fund

     |  Amsterdam


    Add Value Fund

    Add Value Fund sounds gong for 5-year listing anniversary

    Exactly five years ago, Add Value Fund went public. The stock listing made it possible to offer shareholders daily liquidity and increase the visibility and transparency. The fund's assets under management grew strongly over the last five years to € 70 million.

    The IPO was very successful for the shareholders of Add Value Fund (symbol: AVFNV). The share price increased strongly from the introduction price of € 24 to € 41.96 on 31 March 2015. Including reinvestment of dividends, the shareholder total return – after expenses – was 93%. This is a better result than the Dutch equity indices: the AEX, AMX and AScX Index rose over the same period by 63%, 53% and 87% respectively. Also compared to similar long only investment funds Add Value Fund achieved a significant outperformance.

    Willem Burgers and Hilco Wiersma, fund managers Add Value Fund:  "We are very proud to celebrate this milestone with sounding the gong at Beursplein 5. The share price reached a new all time high what makes this five year anniversary extra special. We would like to thank our shareholders for their trust, both in good and in bad times, and we are confident that the next five years will also be successful”.

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  • Dutch Heart Foundation

     |  Amsterdam


    Dutch Heart Foundation

    Dutch Heart Foundation calls attention to yearly Heart Week by sounding gong

    5-11 April marks the yearly Heart Week by the Dutch Heart Foundation. This week, 60,000 fundraisers will ask for a contribution to the fight against cardiovascular disease in the Netherlands.

    Thanks to these donations, the Foundation can fund new research into the earlier detection of cardiovascular disease. This theme is part of the research agenda of the Foundation, which was established in 2014 in cooperation with the public. As a first, this year a pilot group of 50 fundraisers will collect with a collection box and a mobile ATM. In addition, it is also possible to donate online via and through the online collection boxes on Facebook. Every Facebook user can create their own collection box, set a personal goal and call his or her social network to donate. CEO Floris Italianer sounds the gong.

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  • World Autism Awareness Day

     |  Amsterdam


    World Autism Awareness Day

    AFM Charmain, Merel van Vroonhoven, marks World Autism Awareness Day
    By sounding the gong in Amsterdam, Brussels and Lisbon, Euronext marks World Autism Awareness Day. In Amsterdam Merel van Vroonhoven, Chairman of the Working Group ‘Looking From Within Autism’ and Chairman of the Dutch Authority for the financial markets (AFM), sounds the gong. Van Vroonhoven sounds the gong together with the Dutch Association for Autism (NVA) and the Autism Fund in order to raise awareness for autism.

    Some three million people in Europe have autism. With the United Nations designated World Autism Awareness Day autism, and the problems people with Autism experience, are brought to the attention of politicians and the general public. In the Netherlands a variety of organizations organize a myriad of activities. The NVA and the Autism Fund launch the campaign 'Autism is not curable, misunderstanding thankfully is!’ The program ‘Viewed From Within Autism’ launches an advertising spot to promote openness about autism in the workplace. This spot can be seen on the intranet of different organizations.

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  • Code of Conduct for bankers

     |  Amsterdam


    Code of Conduct for bankers

    Code of Conduct for bankers takes effect in the Netherlands

    Interim - Chairwoman of the Foundation for Banking Ethics Enforcement, Nicolet Jager, sounds the gong and symbolically introduces the new code of ethics in the financial sector.

    Dutch banks find it important that all bank employees act with integrity. Therefore, the code of conduct for bankers is created. The new and mandatory code of conduct for bankers will come into effect on April 1. As of that day, approximately 90,000 bank employees in the Netherlands are obliged to take the Bankers’ Oath, binding themselves to an ethical code of conduct and submitting themselves to disciplinary action should they break it.

    The Foundation for Banking Ethics Enforcement has been established to oversee that those who have taken the oath abide by the associated code of conduct. The foundation can impose sanctions ranging from a reprimand to an employment suspension of up to three years. Self-regulation organization DSI has been asked to provide assistance to the foundation.

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  • Gong marks intended launch Euronext Dairy Complex Placeholder

    Gong marks intended launch Euronext Dairy Complex

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks intended launch Euronext Dairy Complex

    By sounding the gong Euronext celebrates the launch of a dairy derivatives complex in spring 2015.

    The full suite of futures and options will cover the three key dairy products currently traded in Europe and internationally: butter; skimmed milk powder; and whey powder, allowing the European dairy community to hedge its exposure to price fluctuations in this volatile market, just as the milk quotas expire in the European market.

    The European market is the world leader in dairy production and the second largest exporter of dairy products worldwide. On 31 March 2015, milk quotas, originally initiated under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, will expire leading to liberalization of production and potential increased volatility in the European dairy industry. In addition, global demand for milk is increasing whilst supply chains can be unpredictable. Within this context this new product complex will allow the industry to manage their risk more smoothly in a transparent, regulated and liquid market.

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    Gong marks intended launch Euronext Dairy Complex Placeholder Amsterdam
  • 81409636ceb8-4813-45e9-9df8-0d183dfdbab0

    Himalayan Fund celebrates 25th anniversary on Euronext Amsterdam

    Chairman of the Board of Himalayan Fund NV, Ian McEvatt, sounds the gong to mark the 25th anniversary of the Fund’s launch on the Amsterdam exchange. At the time of its launch, Himalayan Fund was the largest single-country investment fund in the world and it remains one of the oldest investing in India today.

    McEvatt: “We have been impressed with the way a new government in Delhi, working with a new regime at the Reserve Bank of India have succeeded in boosting investor sentiment on India. We remain confident that upward momentum will be maintained. The RBI has confirmed its policy of monetary easing by endorsing the government’s commitment to fiscal consolidation and reform in the recent Union Budget. The current market valuation is near its historical average, with plenty of scope for multiple expansion as well as earnings-driven appreciation over the next few years. The prospects for more excellent returns are good

    McEvatt added: “We are delighted with our long association with Euronext Amsterdam which provides an excellent trading platform assuring liquidity for our shareholders”

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Would you like to sound the gong with your company at Beursplein 5?

Open the trading day at Euronext Amsterdam

Companies or institutions that have a natural connection to the Amsterdam capital market can be invited to take part in a gong ceremony. For example, this might be to mark a special milestone or to raise awareness of a charity. 

The ceremony starts with a reception hosted by a senior Euronext Amsterdam representative in the former Board Room at Beursplein 5. Just before 9 am, the participants and their guests take their place on the gong stage to open the trading day, The gong is sounded at 9 am precisely. The group then  returns to the Boardroom for a cup of coffee. 

Media coverage

The gong strike is broadcast live every morning on RTL Z. A picture of the gong strike illustrates the daily stock market report on the Financiële Telegraaf's website. In addition, Euronext shares the images on its social media channels.

Photos and video footage taken of the gong ceremony are shared with guests, who are free to use them for their own communications and on social media. 

Media coverage gong

Practical information


Timings for gong ceremonies at Beursplein 5 are as follows:

Reception: 8.30 am

Sounding of the gong: 9.00 am

End: 9.15 - 9.30 am

Group size: minimum 8 people, maximum 15 people.

There is no charge for the gong ceremony.

Additional options

You can combine your gong ceremony with the Amsterdam Exchange Experience: a special tour of the stock exchange building. 

Or if you would like to use the gong ceremony to kick off a conference or event, consider organising your event at Beursplein 5. Euronext has several historic rooms where events for 10 to 150 people can be held.

The Euronext Events Team will be happy to give you all the information you need about the options available. 

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