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Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Open the trading day on the Amsterdam stock exchange

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

KLM 65th listing anniversary

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Banging the drums, a 400-year-old tradition
Every day at exactly 9am, trading on Euronext Amsterdam is ceremonially opened by sounding the gong.
De gong; een eewenoude traditie

The gong: an age-old tradition

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in the world and a household name in the Netherlands and abroad. As early as the 17th century, trading was opened and closed by sounding a gong. Today, all securities trading is automated and the opening is a ceremonial act. Directors of listed companies, business people, politicians and charity ambassadors have helped keep this tradition alive in recent years. 

Amsterdam Gong Ceremonies

  • 7746690af986-5322-4f2d-821b-346f586b5950

    Netherlands Brain Foundation sounds gong for tv-show Care for your brain!

    CEO of the Netherlands Brain Foundation, Peter Schoof, sounds the gong for the tv-show Care for your brain! that is broadcasted on 16 April at 9:25 PM Ned 1 for the 25 year old foundation.

    Care for your brain!promises to be an inspiring tv-show with topics like the functioning of the brain, patient stories and special performances. At some point in their life, 1 in every 4 people will suffer a brain disorder. The Netherlands Brain Foundation wants to actively contribute to keeping our brains healthy by enabling scientific research and to support innovative projects that seek to help people with a brain disorder.

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    Female Cycling Team Médecins Sans Frontières sounds gong for Tour for Life 2014

    Nearly 140 days before the start of Tour for Life 2014, Nicole de Vries-Noah, captain of woman cycling team Médecins Sans Frontières, sounds the gong.

    The challenge is to finish the cycling tour and collect money for the life-saving work of Médecins Sans Frontières. Tour for Life is a spectacular 8-day cycling trip from Italy to the Netherlands. The teams, consisting of 6 to 9 riders, bike through five different countries. Along the way they climb Col du Lautaret, Col de la Croix de Fer and Col de Madeleine. The legendary Alpe d'Huez is also on the route. Médecins Sans Frontières is an independent medical relief organization, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

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  • AFS Group sounds gong for AFS Energy launch

     |  Amsterdam


    AFS Group sounds gong for AFS Energy launch

    AFS Group, a multi-asset wholesale broker, sounds the gong for the launch of the new department called AFS Energy.

    AFS Energy emerged from Neutralco, a company taken over by AFS Group last year, and acts as an advisor and intermediary in the European market for the sale of sustainable energy certificates, and is active as a broker in the regulated market for emission rights such CERs and EUAs. In addition, AFS energy is an intermediary in the voluntary sustainable energy and CO2 market, where products are traded such as Guarantees of Origin, Green Gas and Voluntary Emission Reduction Certificates. AFS Energy provides advice in the area of innovative financing constructions for sustainable building, for example via Energy Services Companies (ESCOs).

    The CEO of AFS Group, Mr Siemerink, has expressed his enthusiasm for the new division. “Taking over Neutralco has provided us with the professional expertise we needed to get off to a flying start.” Laurens Zonneveld, director of AFS Energy, says: “We are very satisfied with the progress that AFS Energy is making. We see that customers welcome our transparency and professionalism.” AFS Group is an independent intermediary which employs approximately 70 FTEs in its headquarters on the Euronext trading floor in Amsterdam, and also has offices in London and Zurich. It acts as an intermediary in the commercial market for interest rate products, fixed-interest securities, currencies, equity derivatives and exotic products. Managing Director AFS Energy, Laurens Zonneveld, sounds the gong.

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  • 774139844b42-6b46-4e2e-8fbf-b9d0d7445d0e

    FMO and Amsterdam Institute of Finance sound gong for The Future of Banking Academy

    The Future of Banking Academy is an invitation-only program held from the 7th till the 11th of April in Amsterdam, co-created by FMO and Amsterdam Institute of Finance.

    Executive financial sector professionals from around the world are invited to take part in this interactive 5-day journey, educating professionals that will shape the future of banking and preparing them for new levels of leadership within their organizations. The global financial landscape, its emerging risks, sustainability and innovation will be examined in the context of leadership and strategy that is needed for the future.

    FMO (the Netherlands Development Finance Company) is the Dutch development bank. FMO supports sustainable private sector growth in developing and emerging markets by investing in ambitious entrepreneurs. FMO believes a strong private sector leads to economic and social development, empowering people to employ their skills and improve their quality of life. FMO focuses on three sectors that have high development impact: financial institutions, energy, and agribusiness, food & water. Amsterdam Institute of Finance (AIF) is a self-supporting, not-for-profit foundation, specialized in providing high-level financial training for finance professionals.

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  • Gong at Week of the Entrepreneur Beatrix Theater Utrecht

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong at Week of the Entrepreneur Beatrix Theater Utrecht

    10 April 2014 - Gerjan Schoemaker of Beenen B.V., and Milou Schouten of Erasmus Consultancy Project, sounded the gong together with Roland Starmans from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ben van de Vrie, Head of Marketing for Business Clients ING Netherlands, Michaël van Straalen, Chairman MKB-Nederland, and Cees Vermaas, CEO Euronext Amsterdam. S ource: Congres in Beeld\Hennie Keeris  

    The Week of the Entrepreneur is already for 17 years the entrepreneurs event in the Netherlands. For this occasion, the opening ceremony moves to the Beatrix Theatre in Utrecht.

    The program from 8 to 10 April consists of plenary sessions, lunch meetings and inspiration sessions for entrepreneurs of the Netherlands. Euronext is present during the Week of the entrepreneur: the exchange and entrepreneurship are inseparable.

    9 April 2014 - Entrepreneurs Marco Koster, CEO Steboma B.V., and Hans Wijgers, CEO JWK Vaassen B.V., sounded the gong together with Roland Starmans from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ben van de Vrie, Head of Marketing for Business Clients ING Netherlands, Michaël van Straalen, Chairman MKB-Nederland, and Cees Vermaas, CEO Euronext Amsterdam. Source: Congres in Beeld\Hennie Keeris

    On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning at exactly 9 a.m. trading is opened during the morning sessions. CEO of Euronext Amsterdam, Cees Vermaas, will speak during these sessions to clarify the possibilities that Euronext offers to entrepreneurs, by means of good alternatives to bank loans. Each day one entrepreneur is selected to sound the gong.

    8 April 2014 - Entrepreneurs Ferry de Kok, CEO Pruko B.V., and Kelly Maynard, director marketing & sales Polygon, sounded the gong together with Ruud van Dusschoten, Executive Director Midcorporate & Institutional Clients ING NL, Michaël van Straalen, Chairman MKB-Nederland, and Cees Vermaas, CEO Euronext Amsterdam. Source: Congres in Beeld\Hennie Keeris

    This year, during the Week of the entrepreneur, ministers Ploumen, Asscher, Dijsselbloem as well as prime minister Rutte make their appearance.

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  • Museum Prize winner, Klok & Peel Museum Asten, sounds gong

     |  Amsterdam


    Museum Prize winner, Klok & Peel Museum Asten, sounds gong

    Winner of the BankGiro Lottery Museum Prize 2014, Klok & Peel Museum Asten, visits Beursplein 5 to sound the gong. The museum got 49% of the public votes. The Museum Prize is an initiative of the Prince Bernhard Cultural Fund and the BankGiro Lottery, in collaboration with the Museum Association.

    Klok & Peel Museum Asten, a museum that is almost entirely run by volunteers, was nominated by the jury for its innovative way in which the museum uses presentation techniques and for the good combination of digital, interactive and traditional presentations. The Museum Prize, founded in 1990, is the most important museum price in the Netherlands. Chairman and volunteer at the museum, Harry van der Loo, sounds the gong.

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    Know What You Spend Foundation sounds gong for Financial Literacy Week 2014

    Director of the Know What You Spend Foundation, Thea Hazel-Stals, sounds the gong to mark Financial Literacy Week 2014 and the start of the financial education impact measurement project.
    In 2013 the Know What You Spend Foundation reached 400.000 adolescents on its Edgie website and Facebook page. 10% of that group used one of the tests or tools for financial literacy and over 16.000 adolescents participated in lessons on financial education. The foundation sees an increasing interest for financial education in the classroom. To get an understanding of the effect of the lessons and online tools the foundation starts an impact measurement project, together with Utrecht University.

    The Know What You Spend Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organisation that is supported by Nibud, PGGM, SNS REAAL, Vodafone, Emakina, Microsoft, FunX and SNS REAAL Fonds. The foundation aims at improving financial capability of adolescents (12-25 years). For that purpose the foundation has continuous interaction with adolescents and it develops innovative online and offline interventions to support their financial literacy and capability.

    With the new ‘Amsterdam Exchange Experience ' Euronext Amsterdam also provides financial education on the role and the history of the exchange as well as on its listed companies. For more information about this interactive tour and registration, please visit

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    New AFM chairman of the board, Merel van Vroonhoven, sounds gong

    Merel van Vroonhoven has been appointed for a period of four years as the new chairman of the board of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

    Merel van Vroonhoven (1968) has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Dutch Railways since 2009, prior to which she worked at ING. There, she was responsible, as member of the General Management of Nationale Nederlanden, for the Collective Pensions Operations from 2002 to 2007, and from 2007 onwards as member of the management committee of ING Investment Management Europe.

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  • Gong marks World Autism Awareness Day

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks World Autism Awareness Day

    On World Autism Awareness Day all Euronext exchange locations open trading to mark the United Nations' World Autism Awareness Day. In Amsterdam the gong is sounded by Marjanka Hoogeweg and her Autism Assistance Dog, Creb (pronounce Sherp) together with representatives of the Dutch Autism Association, the Autism Fund and De Droomboom Foundation.

    Autism was once considered to be a rare condition, but today it affects around 3.3 million people in the European Union, 190.000 in the Netherlands. Many find that autism limits their possibilities in life. The United Nations’ World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 aims to help rectify this situation by raising awareness of autism internationally among policy makers and the general public. Autism is a neurophysiological disorder that affects the brain. If there is no cure for autism, early intervention and lifelong support can enable people with autism to live up to their full potential. Notwithstanding the UN Convention for Persons with Disabilities, many people with autism still lack basic access to accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, education, employment and social inclusion.

    De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Autisme (NVA) is the Dutch leading autism advocacy organization for all people with autism disorder and their families. De Droombroom Foundation is a treatment center for children between two and eight years of age who have been diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder and related learning disorders.

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    Michaël van Straalen, chairman of the SME Association of the Netherlands, sounds gong to highlight Week van de Ondernemer (Entre

    Michaël van Straalen, chairman of the SME Association of the Netherlands, sounds the gong to highlight the start of the 17th edition of Entrepreneur Week, an initiative of ING and the SME Association of the Netherlands.

    From 8 to 10 April, over 10,000 entrepreneurs from a wide range of industries will participate in the Netherlands’ biggest annual event for entrepreneurs. Guests will also be able to witness the opening of the Amsterdam exchange, as the gong ceremony will be moved to the conference floor of Entrepreneur Week for the duration of the event.

    The overall theme of this year’s Entrepreneur Week is growth. Entrepreneurs can find inspiration in the motivational words of top speakers from the world of business, politics, media, science and sports, including ministers Asscher, Dijsselbloem, Kamp and Ploumen, as well as football federation coach Louis van Gaal. This year’s event is spread over four storeys, each featuring a special theme-based programme. The themes focus on the factors that enable growth: financiering, innovation, international entrepreneurship and human resources. As in previous years, there will be a special day for family businesses, on Monday 7 April.

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  • ING opens trading for 30th anniversary EFR Business Week

     |  Amsterdam


    ING opens trading for 30th anniversary EFR Business Week

    In honor of the 30th anniversary of the EFR Business Week and the collaboration between ING and EFR, Mark Pieter de Boer, Global Head of Financial Markets Sales of ING, sounds the gong.

    This Wednesday the 2nd of April the official opening of the EFR Business Week takes place at Erasmus University. During the “World of Business” speakers from all over the world inspire students with their unique stories. For 30 years now the EFR Business Week has been the leading student organised conference in Europe. Every year at the beginning of April the event takes place at Erasmus University and other locations in Rotterdam.

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  • Nyenrode Business University and Oxyor visit Beursplein 5

     |  Amsterdam


    Nyenrode Business University and Oxyor visit Beursplein 5

    Nyenrode Business University and Oxyor visit Beursplein 5 as part of the Private Investor Programme. Course participant Jeroen Hemels sounds the gong.

    The Private Investor Programme teaches participants to analyse and manage their own investment portfolios according to the latest insights in the field of investing. After successful completion of this programme, the graduates are able to independently take control of their own portfolio.

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    Ronald de Boer opens trading and registration for the 2014 Winter Challenge

    By sounding the gong, Ronald de Boer, patron of Spieren voor Spieren Foundation, opens trading together with Coco Huiberts. At the same time, registration opens for the Winter Challenge. The Winter Challenge is an annual fundraising sporting event for Spieren voor Spieren Foundation.

    In the night of 25 to 26 October, over 50 locations throughout the Netherlands are décor for exercise events, to raise money for children with muscle disease. With over 132 Challenges and proceeds exceeding € 400,000, in 2013, this event is one of the biggest sports charity events in the Netherlands.

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  • Sounding of the gong marks start of BioCapital Europe 2014

     |  Amsterdam


    Sounding of the gong marks start of BioCapital Europe 2014

    BioCapital Europe 2014, organized by Life Sciences Partners (LSP), will take place on Thursday 27 March 2014 in Amsterdam. John P. de Koning, Partner at LSP and conference host, sounds the gong.

    BioCapital Europe is Europe's premier life sciences investment conference, offering venture capitalists (VCs) and Institutional Investors unique and timely access to around 40 exciting biotech companies from the Benelux and Europe. In 2013, the event attracted 200 attendees.

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  • 7695ebc2d48a-008f-4023-a1f9-9e79de9c6aa0

    Financial Study Association Rotterdam and Duisenberg School of Finance sound the gong

    DSF is committed to providing excellent financial education in order to create the next generation of responsible financial leaders. FSR is the study association for students Accounting, Controlling and Finance of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

    The goal of the FSR is to create a link between theory - as it is taught in universities - and the versatile financial world in practice. This is accomplished by organizing various activities and events. With around 1800 members, the FSR is the largest study association at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Gijs Romer, chairman FSR sounds the gong.

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  • Sounding of the gong in honor of new AEX-Index

     |  Amsterdam


    Sounding of the gong in honor of new AEX-Index

    The gong ceremony is dedicated to the new composition of the AEX-Index® as of March 24. From this day, Delta Lloyd NV, OCI and Boskalis are part of the main index.

    Euronext uses a new selection method for the AEX-Index family, as a result of an extensive market consultation. For the composition of the indices, now the free float adjusted market capitalization of the company is leading, where formerly the trade turnover was. This makes the AEX-Index an even better reflection of the Dutch capital market, and therefore is more in line with international standards.

    The AEX-Index was established in 1983 and offers great visibility its constituents, and additionally serves as the underlying value for more than 1000 products. Niek Hoek, CEO of Delta Lloyd, opens trading in honor of the inclusion of his company in the AEX.

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    NLdoet sounds the gong to mark the start of this year’s campaign

    Today marks the start of the two-day national volunteer campaign NLdoet, during which the entire country is invited to spend a day or part of a day participating in volunteer work. Maribi Gomez, director of an Amsterdam-based coordination centre for volunteers, sounds the gong.

    In Amsterdam alone there are over 230 volunteer jobs to be done, such as renovating a stable for riding lessons for the handicapped, taking the elderly for walks in the park, planting a vegetable garden, constructing picnic tables or picking up litter. One of the objectives of the NLdoet initiative is to shine a spotlight on volunteers and to show how important active citizenship is for society. But more importantly, to show how much fun volunteering can be!

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  • 7699b37e8e0a-5a20-441d-96ea-2f58c1e327d0

    CEO of AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV visits Euronext Amsterdam

    Dr. Heinz Schimmelbusch, CEO of AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV, is visiting Amsterdam and Euronext on the occasion of AMG's announcement of its 2013 FY results on 19 March 2014. Dr. Schimmelbusch sounds the gong at Euronext Amsterdam.

    AMG is a leading global specialty metals and materials, engineering and mining company offering highly specialized metallurgical products, minerals and vacuumfurnace systems to a wide range of industries (incl aerospace, energy, infrastructure and chemical industries). AMG has its headquarters in Wayne, PA, USA and Amsterdam, the Netherlands and has operations in Europe, North and South America and Asia, including China.

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Would you like to sound the gong with your company at Beursplein 5?

Open the trading day at Euronext Amsterdam

Companies or institutions that have a natural connection to the Amsterdam capital market can be invited to take part in a gong ceremony. For example, this might be to mark a special milestone or to raise awareness of a charity. 

The ceremony starts with a reception hosted by a senior Euronext Amsterdam representative in the former Board Room at Beursplein 5. Just before 9 am, the participants and their guests take their place on the gong stage to open the trading day, The gong is sounded at 9 am precisely. The group then  returns to the Boardroom for a cup of coffee. 

Media coverage

The gong strike is broadcast live every morning on RTL Z. A picture of the gong strike illustrates the daily stock market report on the Financiële Telegraaf's website. In addition, Euronext shares the images on its social media channels.

Photos and video footage taken of the gong ceremony are shared with guests, who are free to use them for their own communications and on social media. 

Media coverage gong

Practical information


Timings for gong ceremonies at Beursplein 5 are as follows:

Reception: 8.30 am

Sounding of the gong: 9.00 am

End: 9.15 - 9.30 am

Group size: minimum 8 people, maximum 15 people.

There is no charge for the gong ceremony.

Additional options

You can combine your gong ceremony with the Amsterdam Exchange Experience: a special tour of the stock exchange building. 

Or if you would like to use the gong ceremony to kick off a conference or event, consider organising your event at Beursplein 5. Euronext has several historic rooms where events for 10 to 150 people can be held.

The Euronext Events Team will be happy to give you all the information you need about the options available. 

Aanvraag Gongceremonie

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