Euronext expands global reach to Hong Kong


Regulatory approval given for Hong Kong domiciled trading firms to become Members of the Euronext Paris derivatives market

Hong Kong – 29 October 2015– Euronext today announced that it has received approval from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (“HKSFC”) to provide automated trading services (ATS) to clients domiciled in Hong Kong, thus facilitating direct membership and access to Euronext’s Paris derivatives markets.

Mr. Tan Yueheng, Chief Executive Officer of BOCOM International Holdings Company Ltd and Chairman of Chinese Securities Association of Hong Kong (CSAHK), said,"Applying to become Euronext's first batch of Hong Kong members is in accordance with our group's derivatives business strategy. Euronext, also an honourable member of CSAHK, will establish a bridge for Chinese brokers and futures companies domiciled in Hong Kong to gain easy access to the European derivatives market directly taking on board local firms as its members. In the long term, this breakthrough will allow Euronext to provide a more diversified and efficient derivatives service for Chinese clients."

Mr. David Luo, General Manager of Nanhua Futures, said, “Weare very glad that Euronext has successfully gained the approval from Hong Kong SFC to publicly promote membership services for local firms. HGNH International, a fully-owned subsidiary of Nanhua Futures, will be active in becoming one of the first members of Euronext in Hong Kong. Nanhua Futures has beenfully committed to expanding its global business in recent years and until now, has mapped out trading execution and clearing structures in Chinese, Asian and North American financial markets. It is foreseeable that in the near future, Chinese companies will expand more business focus to the European markets, looking forward to establishing efficient and diversified investment channels for both domestic and international investors."

Lee Hodgkinson, Head of Global Markets & Sales, said, “China is at the core of our expansion plans and this approval is another milestone in our strategy to facilitate investment in our markets from the Chinese investment community. We can now provide clients in Hong Kong direct access to a wide range of our derivatives contracts including CAC40 index futures and options, as well as our benchmark milling wheat and rapeseed commodities.”

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