Rana Gruber lists on Euronext Growth Oslo

Arctic Bioscience lists on Euronext Growth Oslo

Guidelines for buy-back programmes and price stabilisation


Upon the entry into force of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) on 1 March 2021, Commission Regulation 2016/1052 on buy-back programmes and stabilisation measures will also enter into force in Norway. This will replace Commission Regulation 2273/2003. Oslo Børs has been appointed to supervise compliance with the conditions for buy-back programmes and stabilisation measures, cf. section 17-1 of the Securities Trading Regulations.

Oslo Børs has published updated guidelines for buy-back programmes and price stabilisation pursuant to MAR. These will apply from 1 March 2021 and includes, among other things, templates for publication and reporting of trades made in connection with buy-back programmes and price stabilization.

Notice - Guidelines for buy-back programmes and price stabilisation

Euronext distingue participantes do mercado de capitais

Changes to the issuer rules


Reference is made to the consultations on changes to the issuer rules on Oslo Børs, Euronext Expand and Euronext Growth Oslo as published on 1 February 2021. The background for the proposed amendments is that the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) enters into force in Norway on 1 March 2021.

The changes in the issuer rules have been resolved by Oslo Børs in accordance with the proposals presented in the hearings. The changes will take effect on 1 March 2021.

The rule books are being updated and will be made available on the website within 1 March 2021.


Skandia GreenPower lists on Euronext Growth Oslo

New Membership and Trade Reporting Rules for Nordic ABM


Following the acquisition of Oslo Børs by Euronext in June 2019, trade reporting on Nordic ABM will migrate onto the Euronext trade reporting platform Saturn on 7 December 2020.

The new set of rules that that will govern membership and trade reporting on Nordic ABM after the migration to Saturn are now resolved by Oslo Børs.

The Rule Book will enter into force for members on Nordic ABM from 7 December 2020, subject to completed migration to Saturn.

Changes to the issuer rules for bonds on Oslo Børs


Following the acquisition of Oslo Børs by Euronext in June 2019, trading on Oslo Børs will migrate onto the Euronext trading platform Optiq. The migration for derivatives and fixed income will according to revised plan be completed on 7 December 2020.

The Issuer Rules for bonds that will apply after the migration to Optiq are now resolved by Oslo Børs.

The Rule Books for issuers of bonds will enter into force from 7 December 2020, subject completed migration to Optiq.

Attached are a description of the amendments and new rule books. Notices and other relevant documentation are available here