Euronext announces volumes for December 2023

Trading US and European stocks on the Euronext Global Equity Market (GEM)


350+ major US and European stocks are now available on Euronext’s retail-focused multilateral trading facility (MTF), the Euronext Global Equity Market, known as Euronext GEM.  

US and European stocks open for trading in Euros

In November 2023, Euronext enhanced the stock universe of its Euronext GEM market, which was previously run by Borsa Italiana and known as BIt GEM. Retail investors and brokers can now trade 230+ US stocks and 120+ stocks from Germany, Spain, Finland and Sweden. Trading is in Euros, and is supported by market makers to guarantee liquidity.  In addition, investors have the advantage of being able to trade these stocks after hours on the Trading After Hours (TAH) market..

How does an MTF work?

A multilateral trading facility, or MTF, provides trading services just like a regulated stock exchange, but the stocks are admitted to trading on the MTF without any capital-raising activity. Stocks available for trading on Euronext GEM, therefore, have their primary listing in the US, Sweden, or Spain, for example, but are easily available via the Euronext platform and can be traded in Euros.

Designed to support retail flow

Vincent Boquillon, head of equity trading at Euronext, explained that the platform is designed to capture retail flow. “Retail flow represents more than 50% of GEM volumes today, which is exactly how it should be: retail investors are essential to ensuring a healthy and diversified trading flow.”

Keeping costs down for private investors

Trading firms can buy or sell US and European stocks via their direct membership of Euronext GEM, instead of having to ask international brokers to trade these stocks on their behalf on NYSE, Nasdaq, or other US and European exchanges. Skipping one layer of intermediaries can mean lower execution costs for GEM members, which in turn can ultimately benefit end investors. Also, since private investors can trade US stocks in Euros via trading firms that are members of Euronext GEM, they can avoid the currency risk and the commissions related to USD-EUR conversion.

No additional connectivity or market data fees for banks and brokers

Vincent Boquillon expects more banks and brokers to join the growing community of 40+ international members that already trade the Euronext GEM multilateral order book. “Since Euronext GEM is already on the Optiq trading platform, members can use the same connectivity they already have in place for their equity trading on the Euronext markets, and there are no added charges for market data. GEM centralises our offering for trading non-Euronext shares, combining order flow and liquidity from across Euronext members.”

After-hours trading for Euronext GEM - and for Euronext’s most liquid shares

A big pull is that investors can trade US stocks before the US primary markets open, which is normally at 15:30 CET. It is also possible to continue to trade Euronext GEM stocks after the main trading session closes, through the Trading After Hours (TAH) market. This allows trading to continue until 20:30 CET, meaning a greater overlap with the US markets. In addition, the TAH session also now offers trading on over 200 of the most liquid stocks from the Euronext Regulated Markets in Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal.

A smooth and efficient post-trade set-up

Trades on both the GEM and TAH markets are cleared and settled in Euros by Euronext Clearing and Euronext Securities Milan, keeping the whole trade life cycle simple and efficient. Already clearing the Italian markets, in November Euronext Clearing was expanded to become the default CCP for Euronext Cash Markets.

See more at Euronext Global Equity Market - GEM or contact the Euronext Equities Team at


How Danish Cleantech WPU listed in Oslo to support its growth


Listing your company’s shares on the stock market is a great way to finance your growth. But first you have quite a few decisions to make. Is going public right for you? Where should you list? And when is the right time to do it? In this article, we look at the choices Danish cleantech WPU made, and how listing internationally has contributed to its success.

Taking your company public offers several advantages. It can be an effective way of increasing your company’s domestic and international profile. It can help you to raise the needed capital to achieve your company’s growth and strategic ambitions. And it can improve your ability to attract and retain top talents. To get the most out of these advantages, you need to choose the right stock market for your company. And that may not necessarily be the market in your home country. For example, over 200 of the companies listed on the Euronext stock exchange come from outside of its seven countries.

wpu truck

Why a Danish cleantech company listed on Euronext

One example of a company that decided to list outside of its home market is Waste Plastic Upcycling (WPU), which took the decision to list on Euronext Growth Oslo. Based in Denmark, WPU transforms waste plastic into plastic oils, which can be used to produce new plastic. The company had plans to build three production facilities with a total capacity to process 159,000 tonnes of plastic waste annually, and needed to raise capital to realise these ambitions.

For WPU, it was about finding the right market for its product and unique value proposition, as Klaus Lindblad, Global Head of IR and Board Member at WPU, explains.

We started off looking at the various venues in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and it was quite clear that we weren’t ready at that time to list on a regulated market. We needed to go on a growth market.

The company chose Euronext Growth Oslo because of its strong green profile, inspired by peers that had already listed there. “At that time, there were several other upcycling companies on the market. Norway also has a very active energy market, so we felt we could reach investors interested in that sector,” he says. “It’s good for business to be amongst others with the same focus area and ambitions. We could also be closer to experts who knew how to use our product.”

How going public supported WPU’s growth ambitions

WPU needed capital to accelerate its growth and decided to list through a private placement, which was the best match for its objectives. “We looked at the IPO process and we opted for doing a private placement first because then we could be sure about the results. This option gave us a lot of certainty that we would be able to meet the thresholds and fulfil the conditions to raise the capital we needed.” WPU successfully raised €3 million through a private placement, and by the time of its admission to Euronext Growth Oslo had reached a market capitalisation of €74 million.

We were able to raise the funds we needed to fulfil our ambitions and the plan we had for that time, and then we could build on top of that foundation. 

Klaus Lindblad, Global Head of IR and Board Member at WPU

plastic waste

A crucial step on WPU’s growth journey

Almost 18 months after its initial listing, WPU is still benefitting from the decision to list on Euronext Growth Oslo.

“The interest we’ve seen after the listing has been – and still is – very impressive,” relates Klaus Lindblad.

Being a publicly traded company gets you respect and credibility from financial institutions and other parties, and we get a lot of attention from potential investors.

WPU has also been able to use its listing as an effective communications platform to raise awareness for the company’s unique upcycling process. “It can be a bit challenging to help people understand what we do. So, we use our news feeds and exchange notices as communication tools to help the public understand the role we play in waste recycling and sustainability. This has helped us to get a lot of international attention in media outlets from North America to Asia. I don’t think we could get the same level of interest from international news media if we were only a private company.”

Tip #1: Evaluate your company’s potential and readiness

When it comes to making the decision to go public, Klaus Lindblad says it all starts with scalability. “The first and most important step is to look at your business and your product and ask yourself if it can be scaled,” he says. “If you can answer ‘yes’ to that question, the next step is to speak with a wide range of financial and legal advisors.” And once the advisors get involved, companies should prepare themselves for, and indeed embrace, the accompanying scrutiny.

Tip #2: Use the listing as an opportunity to set out your strategy

While the workload involved in preparing the prospectus or information memorandum might seem daunting, in Klaus Lindblad’s experience, it’s time well spent. “It’s very important to have a good prospectus. During the first year after we had listed, we received quite a few questions from people about various developments. And each time, we could refer back to the information memorandum and show that we had disclosed this information. So, from the company’s perspective, it’s a good document that we could use in many different situations after the listing.”

Tip #3: Focus on the long-term perspectives

When the time comes for your company to go public, it's important not to focus solely on the issuing price. “There’s always a huge focus on the issuing price, and many might be disappointed when that price doesn’t meet their expectations. But they have to remember that the real value is created 12 months or more down the line. At that point in time, the company’s value may have doubled or tripled, and that’s far more interesting than the issuing price, in my opinion,” says Klaus Lindblad.

WPU benefitted from the stock market’s share price formation process to optimise and safeguard the fair value of the company. “In the period leading up to our private placement, we got a lot of attention from different parties wanting to invest in our company. Listing on an exchange is expensive, but it’s a very efficient way to get protection from these kinds of offers, because now the price level is set. If others want to join us on our journey, they’re welcome, but this is the price.”

Going public is just the starting point

After listing on Euronext Growth Oslo in 2022, WPU completed construction of its first waste upcycling facility in early 2023. In April, the company ran its first process cycle at the new facility, using its unique Batch Technology to produce high quality pyrolysis oil. The construction of two new commercial facilities is on track for 2024 as the company continues its growth journey.

Fact box #1: Choosing the right market

There is a market for every company’s profile and needs. While large established companies may choose to list on Euronext’s EU Regulated Markets in one or more of the seven Euronext listing venues, smaller companies can opt for Euronext Growth or Euronext Access, which offer lighter requirements and are especially designed to support ambitious start-ups and SMEs. Benefits can vary depending on the market or listing venue a company joins, such as peer group, inclusion in a specific national or sectorial index, investors or sectorial expertise. Whatever the path you choose, listing on a Euronext market will give you access to global capital markets to finance your growth ambitions

Learn more about how to go public and useful tips in the Euronext IPO Guide: 

Download the IPO Guide | Euronext

Fact box #2: Why companies choose Euronext as their international listing partner

As the number one venue for equity listing in Europe and debt listing worldwide, Euronext is a gateway for international companies to access European economies and global capital markets. Our listing venues in seven countries are connected to Europe’s largest liquidity pool through our single trading platform. We are home to almost 2,000 equity issuers who can access a pool of over 6,400 institutional investors from 75 countries.

Learn more about international listing on Euronext: 

International listings |

wpu building

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Simone S.p.A. lists on Euronext Growth Milan

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Cloudia Research lists on Euronext Growth Milan

AEX Index


The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Dutch market.

Why invest in AEX ?

The AEX® index is part of the AEX Family, designed to reflect the price level trends in the trading of shares listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

Launched in January 1983, it is the most traded index within the AEX Family. It selects 25 of the largest tradable companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam by free float market capitalization and to this day most companies still have Dutch roots, such as fast-growing tech companies ASML and Adyen.

The AEX index forms a diversified basket of largest companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam, the index is seen as the indicator of the Dutch stock market.


Stocks are screened to ensure liquidity to ensure that the index is investable.


The index rules are transparent and publicly available on Euronext website.

The AEX Family offers opportunities for the creation of a wide range of investment vehicles such as ETFs, structured products and funds.

More about the AEX Index


AEX Index Factsheet   |   AEX Family Index Rules


Euronext Blue-chip indices

The AEX® Index is a key component in a broader suite of flagship indices across Euronext geographies.



 ESG Blue-chip indices

The AEX ESG Index, launched in May 2022, is supporting the growing demand for ESG solutions. It is designed to identify 25 companies in The Netherlands which manage their ESG risk well, based on Sustainalytics assessment.



Watch the AEX presentation:


About the AEX index

  • Quarterly reviewed

The reviews of the AEX are set quarterly, effective in March, June, September and December.

  • Supervision of the index is entrusted to a Scientific Committee.

The committee is composed of independent experts, who are not Euronext employees, and are appointed for a period of three years. The committee’s mission is to select the companies included in the AEX index based on a dedicated set of rules, and to ensure its representativeness. Committee meetings take place at least four times a year, coinciding with the AEX review periods. The dates and decisions are made public right after the meeting. All matters discussed and information provided are strictly confidential. Euronext has no voting rights in the index composition.

  • Why 25 securities?

25 securities facilitate hedging and arbitrage strategies on the derivatives markets.

  • You don’t have to be a Dutch company to be part of the AEX

Any foreign company listed on the Dutch stock market can also be part of the AEX.

  • Reference Benchmarks

The AMX index selects the next 25 largest companies not part of the AEX listed on Euronext Amsterdam. The AScX index selects the next 25 largest companies not part of the AMX listed on Euronext Amsterdam. The AEX All-Tradable index is composed of all the companies included in the AEX, AMX and AScX indices. These indices serves as benchmark for the Dutch market representing various size of the stock market.

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