Euronext announces volumes for August 2023

Euronext launches innovative ESG solutions to accelerate the transition towards sustainable finance, during the first Euronext Sustainability Week

Euronext announces September 2023 quarterly review results of the BEL® Family indices

Euronext announces September quarterly review results of the PSI®

Euronext announces September 2023 review results of the OBX® Family

Euronext announces September 2023 quarterly review results of the AEX® Family

Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index


The Euronext Biodiversity Index that excludes companies which significantly harm biodiversity.

Why support companies that protect biodiversity?

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines biodiversity as “the variability among all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part”. This includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems.

Biodiversity is essential to sustaining humanity and all life on earth. Nature plays a critical role: it covers the processes that make up our ecosystems and gives us clean water, air, food and medicines. The current acceleration of global biodiversity loss is one of the most significant threats to society (OECD, 2019).

Among these are climate change, pollution, invasive species, and exploitation of resources. These themes are echoed in the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) post-2022, adopted at the UN Biodiversity Conference at COP15 in Montreal in December 2022, and in the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index Key principles

The index is designed to exclude companies that significantly harm biodiversity such as climate change, pollution, invasive species, and exploitation of resources. Constructed in collaboration with Iceberg Data Lab, the index methodology also excludes companies with revenues coming from the production of Plastics or Pesticides and of issuers with revenues coming from the production or the consumption of non-RSPO Palm Oil.

The index leverages on biodiversity research and product involvement as assessed by Iceberg Data Lab.

Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index


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The Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index offers opportunities for a large range of investment vehicles such as ETFs, funds and structured products.

Learn more about the Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index

Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index Live Quotes

Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index Rules   |   Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index Factsheet

Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index ESG Report   |   Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index Brochure


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Euronext awarded for Biodiversity Indices in 2023

Euronext has been awarded as "Excellence Award for Robust Biodiversity Solutions 2023" at the Ethical Finance Awards, hosted by Wealth & Finance Magazine, in May 2023, as well as The Euronext® Euro Large Cap Biodiversity Leaders 30 Index has been awarded “Index of the Year” at the SRP Europe Awards Ceremony in March 2023.

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Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index


The Euronext Biodiversity World Index to highlight companies that outperform in the field of biodiversity.

Why invest in biodiversity?

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines biodiversity as “the variability among all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part”. This includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems.

Biodiversity is essential to sustaining humanity and all life on earth. Nature plays a critical role: it covers the processes that make up our ecosystems and gives us clean water, air, food and medicines. The current acceleration of global biodiversity loss is one of the most significant threats to society (OECD, 2019).

Across financial markets, conversations around Biodiversity risk remain high on the agenda, driven also by EU regulations and local regulations that require disclosures on Biodiversity. Financial regulators require that financial institutions assess nature-based financial risks and their impacts on nature.  

Euronext Biodiversity World Index Key principles

Best-in-class companies are selected based on their Biodiversity Avoided Impact score, which aims to quantify how much each corporate’s products and services perform better than the market average.

The assessment is defined as the Biodiversity Footprint measured in km². MSA (Mean Species Abundance) that a company has avoided compared to the market average, using a sectorial approach.

The index methodology also excludes companies with revenues coming from the production of Plastics or Pesticides and of issuers with revenues coming from the production or the consumption of non-RSPO Palm Oil, as assessed by Iceberg Datalab, companies with Biodiversity scores of 5 or 6, as provided by Iceberg Datalab and companies with 3-months Average Daily Traded Value lower than 10 Million EUR.

The index leverages on biodiversity research and product involvement as assessed by Iceberg Data Lab.

Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index - building blocks


contact us

The Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index offers opportunities for a large range of investment vehicles such as ETFs, funds and structured products.

Learn more about the Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index

Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index Live Quotes

Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index Rules   |   Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index Factsheet

Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index ESG Report   |   Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index Brochure



Watch the presentation:

Euronext awarded for Biodiversity Indices in 2023

Euronext has been awarded as "Excellence Award for Robust Biodiversity Solutions 2023" at the Ethical Finance Awards, hosted by Wealth & Finance Magazine, in May 2023, as well as The Euronext® Euro Large Cap Biodiversity Leaders 30 Index has been awarded “Index of the Year” at the SRP Europe Awards Ceremony in March 2023.

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