Introducing a new robotic process operating on the Portuguese National Numbering Agency


Starting December 27, a new #Bot software will automate the task of assigning ISIN codes for commercial paper issues not registered in the centralised system managed by Euronext Securities Porto. 

This initiative was developed in close collaboration with Euronext Securities Milan, which has extensive experience in delivering #RPA (Robotics Process Automation) technology to support business processes.

This tool will allow Euronext Securities Porto to optimise the reliability, efficiency and accuracy of key processes, while contributing to the digitalisation of Euronext’s CSDs. 

Euronext Securities Porto will reduce its fees from 1 July 2023


Euronext Securities Porto has decided to change its price lists with the main purpose of responding to client requests, encouraging the direct participation of financial intermediaries in more than one CSD of the Euronext Group, encouraging the integration of fund units in a centralised system, as well as contributing to the revival of the warrants and certificates market in Portugal.

Issuer Entities:

  • Reduction of registration and cancellation fees for warrants and certificates;
  • Reduction of processing fees for corporate events (namely capital reductions, income payments, splits and reverse splits) on fund units;
  • Reduction of fees on operations resulting from the transfer of securities between different securities codes belonging to the same bond issue;
  • Increase of fees charged for subscriptions/redemptions of open-ended funds that do not use the order routing functionality.

Financial Intermediaries

  • Creation of a Family Fee, which grants discounts on settlement operations processed on the T2S platform, for Financial Intermediaries participating in more than one CSD of the Euronext Group (Euronext Securities Milan, Euronext Securities Copenhagen and Euronext Securities Porto);
  • Reduction of fees charged for connecting via VPN to its private communications network;
  • Reduction of fees for cross-border operations carried out by investor CSDs;
  • Removal of the fee charged to Financial Intermediaries for subscribing to the service of notification/confirmation of events and general meetings;
  • Increase of fees charged for the settlement of warrants and certificates.

Details of the changes made to the Fee Books

Warrants and Certificates

After several discussions with the issuers of warrants and certificates, and in order to encourage the offering of warrants and certificates in Portugal, Euronext Securities Porto decided to reduce the price of registering and cancelling warrants and certificates from a sliding scale price, with a discount to be applied depending on the number of warrants and certificates issued, to a fixed fee for the registration and cancellation of warrants and certificates. On the other hand, it was also decided to increase the fees charged for the settlement operations of warrants and certificates.

As a result, items 6.5 and 6.7 have been created in the Fee Book of Financial Intermediaries and items 3.2 and 5.9 of the Fee Book of the Issuer Entities have been amended.


In order to encourage the integration of fund units into the centralised securities system, Euronext Securities Porto has decided to reduce the processing fee for corporate events (namely, capital reduction, income payment and split and reverse split) to meet the specific needs of these products.  On the other hand, it was decided to increase the fee charged on subscription/redemption operations of open-ended funds that do not use order routing functionality, in order to encourage the use of this functionality, thus reducing manual procedures and the inherent risk.

To give form to these changes, the table in point 6.10 of the Fee Book of the Issuer Entities has been changed, points 5.3, 5.6 and 6.5 of the same Fee Book have been added and the text of point 5.2 has been changed, excluding funds and ETFs from the application of the fees established therein.

Settlement Transactions carried out by CSD Investor

In order to encourage the settlement of cross-border operations performed by investor CSDs, Euronext Securities Porto decided to apply only T2S pricing to these operations. As a result, point 6.10 was added to the Financial Intermediaries’ Fee Book.

Family Fee

In order to encourage direct participation of Financial Intermediaries in several Euronext Group CSDs, it was decided to create a Family fee across Euronext Securities Milan, Euronext Securities Copenhagen and Euronext Securities Porto , which will allow Financial Intermediaries to obtain discounts on the settlement operations processed in the T2S platform that they execute in each CSD, i.e. the discount will be based on the sum of the settlement operations executed in T2S by (common) participants of Euronext Group CSDs. To give shape to this change, items 2.8 and 2.9 have been added to the Financial Intermediaries Fee Book.

Connection to Euronext Securities Porto private network

Euronext Securities Porto has decided to reduce the fee it charges for connection via VPN to its private communications network. For this purpose, the fee set out in table 7.1 “Primary connection to systems via VPN” of the Financial Intermediaries’ Fee Book has been amended.

Notification and/or confirmation of events and general meetings

Euronext Securities Porto has decided to discontinue the fee charged to Financial Intermediaries for subscribing to the service of notification/confirmation of events and general meetings. As a result of this change, the first paragraph of point 8.2 of the Fee Book for Financial Intermediaries has been removed.

Registration and Cancellation of Issues

With the purpose of responding to the request of clients, it has been decided to charge the minimum amount established in the registrations and cancellations table of the Issuers’ Fee Book to operations resulting from the transfer of values between different security codes, belonging to the same bond issue. Therefore, a paragraph has been added to the text of point 3.1 and point 5.8 of the Issuers’ Fee Book.

Other changes have also been made to the Fee Books, with no impact on the fees charged, and some items in the Fee Books have been renumbered, following the addition of new items.

Current Fee Books can be found here.

Commodities Newsletter - Summer 2023


Weather patterns and geopolitical factors continue to be the main drivers shaping volatility and price dynamics in grain and oilseed markets. Despite a bearish trend throughout the second quarter, prices became tense in June, with a dynamic weather market, due to adverse climate conditions impacting the coming harvest across the northern hemisphere and seeding in the south. Additionally, the Black Sea situation and the closure of the Black Sea grain corridor increase the uncertainties for the new campaign. 

Last week, we reached another high stress point, and the Euronext MATIF commodity markets continued to offer the users safe and liquid hedging tools. 20 July in fact marked the all-time daily volume record on our Milling Wheat Futures with 187,898 lots traded, equivalent to 9.4 million tonnes of physical products.

During Q2-2023, prices on Euronext commodities contracts remained bearish, with an average price of €238/T vs €393/T in Q2-2022 for Wheat Futures, €435/T vs €834/T in Q2-2022 for Rapeseed Futures and €240/T vs €338/T in Q2-2022 for Corn Futures.

Volumes were up by +23% vs Q2-2022, led by Rapeseed Futures (+81% vs Q2-22) and Wheat Futures (+25% vs Q2-2022).

Average daily volumes were at 89K lots per day, including 62K lots of Wheat Futures, 2K lots of Corn Futures, 15.5K lots of Rapeseed Futures, 8K of Wheat Options and 1.2K lots of Corn and Rapeseed Options.

The Euronext Commodities team
Euronext MATIF contracts ADV and OI per month

Corn consultation

We are running a market consultation about the Corn Futures contract to further its traction and expand the current liquidity. Feel free to contact us at to share your input/opinion on this product.

Euronext Clearing migration

Following the communication made back in 2022, the Euronext Group has initiated a large reorganisation of its post-trade services with the deployment of its newly acquired clearing house, Euronext Clearing on all Euronext segments.

At this stage, the project is on track: a first milestone with the migration of the cash equity segment by Q4-2023 will be followed by the Euronext MATIF migration in June 2024.

Trading fees waiver for commodity options executed in the Central Order Book

The average daily volumes traded in commodity options on Euronext have increased by 120% since 2018, exceeding 10K lots per day in 2023, an important milestone. This growth has resulted from a strong interest from market participants and confirms the importance of the Euronext MATIF franchise as an efficient tool for price risk management in highly volatile markets.

To accelerate liquidity building in the commodity options markets, we introduced as of 1 July 2023 a trading fee holiday for options executed in the Central Order Book.

Options Central Order Book Trades

Trading  fees

Milling Wheat, Corn, Rapeseed

€0 per lot

Milling Wheat, Corn, Rapeseed - strategies legs

€0 per let

Introduction of a liquidity provision programme for options

To further boost the liquidity in the Central Order Book, we introduced a liquidity provision programme at the same time as the trading fees holiday programme.

  • Submission of bids and offers on the screen every day for 80% of the time that the Euronext market is open (between 10:45 CET and 18:30 CET).
  • Quoting the three first maturities with minimum quote size of 10 lots.
  • Spread between bids and offers for the same month and the same strike to be within a range of 15 ticks.
  • Minimum number of strikes required for a given trading day is calculated as 20% of the number of strikes available within the Near-The-Money area.
  • Top performer (highest volume during a given month) will be granted a stipend.

New on the Euronext website

We publish every Monday the weekly average of the Sitagri European Durum Wheat Index (SEDWI) provided by FinanceAgri for the calculation of the EDW Futures EDSP.

View the weekly average of the index

Two new Commodities Insights articles were released. Read the articles on:

The Durum Wheat market

Black Sea Grains

We also released a second version of the Commitments of Traders (COT) report, in addition to the mandatory one. It includes historical graphs, making it easier to read and understand.

Access the additional COT report

The Commodities team at events

During Q2-2023, we were pleased to take part in several events such as the Bourse de Sète, Euro Grain Hub Exchange & Forum in Bucharest, GrainCom in Geneva, the International Grains Conference and FIA IDX in London, and the Bourse Internationale de Paris.

These events are an opportunity for us to meet all the European agricultural industry.

Find out more

See all our MATIF Commodities contracts on the Euronext Live Markets website.

Contact our team:


Commodities Newsletter - Summer 2023


Weather patterns and geopolitical factors continue to be the main drivers shaping volatility and price dynamics in grain and oilseed markets. Despite a bearish trend throughout the second quarter, prices became tense in June, with a dynamic weather market, due to adverse climate conditions impacting the coming harvest across the northern hemisphere and seeding in the south. Additionally, the Black Sea situation and the closure of the Black Sea grain corridor increase the uncertainties for the new campaign. 

Last week, we reached another high stress point, and the Euronext MATIF commodity markets continued to offer the users safe and liquid hedging tools. 20 July in fact marked the all-time daily volume record on our Milling Wheat Futures with 187,898 lots traded, equivalent to 9.4 million tonnes of physical products.

During Q2-2023, prices on Euronext commodities contracts remained bearish, with an average price of €238/T vs €393/T in Q2-2022 for Wheat Futures, €435/T vs €834/T in Q2-2022 for Rapeseed Futures and €240/T vs €338/T in Q2-2022 for Corn Futures.

Volumes were up by +23% vs Q2-2022, led by Rapeseed Futures (+81% vs Q2-22) and Wheat Futures (+25% vs Q2-2022).

Average daily volumes were at 89K lots per day, including 62K lots of Wheat Futures, 2K lots of Corn Futures, 15.5K lots of Rapeseed Futures, 8K of Wheat Options and 1.2K lots of Corn and Rapeseed Options.

The Euronext Commodities team
Euronext MATIF contracts ADV and OI per month

Corn consultation

We are running a market consultation about the Corn Futures contract to further its traction and expand the current liquidity. Feel free to contact us at to share your input/opinion on this product.

Euronext Clearing migration

Following the communication made back in 2022, the Euronext Group has initiated a large reorganisation of its post-trade services with the deployment of its newly acquired clearing house, Euronext Clearing on all Euronext segments.

At this stage, the project is on track: a first milestone with the migration of the cash equity segment by Q4-2023 will be followed by the Euronext MATIF migration in June 2024.

Trading fees waiver for commodity options executed in the Central Order Book

The average daily volumes traded in commodity options on Euronext have increased by 120% since 2018, exceeding 10K lots per day in 2023, an important milestone. This growth has resulted from a strong interest from market participants and confirms the importance of the Euronext MATIF franchise as an efficient tool for price risk management in highly volatile markets.

To accelerate liquidity building in the commodity options markets, we introduced as of 1 July 2023 a trading fee holiday for options executed in the Central Order Book.

Options Central Order Book Trades Trading  fees
Milling Wheat, Corn, Rapeseed €0 per lot
Milling Wheat, Corn, Rapeseed - strategies legs €0 per let

Introduction of a liquidity provision programme for options

To further boost the liquidity in the Central Order Book, we introduced a liquidity provision programme at the same time as the trading fees holiday programme.

  • Submission of bids and offers on the screen every day for 80% of the time that the Euronext market is open (between 10:45 CET and 18:30 CET).
  • Quoting the three first maturities with minimum quote size of 10 lots.
  • Spread between bids and offers for the same month and the same strike to be within a range of 15 ticks.
  • Minimum number of strikes required for a given trading day is calculated as 20% of the number of strikes available within the Near-The-Money area.
  • Top performer (highest volume during a given month) will be granted a stipend.

New on the Euronext website

We publish every Monday the weekly average of the Sitagri European Durum Wheat Index (SEDWI) provided by FinanceAgri for the calculation of the EDW Futures EDSP.

View the weekly average of the index

Two new Commodities Insights articles were released. Read the articles on:

The Durum Wheat market

Black Sea Grains

We also released a second version of the Commitments of Traders (COT) report, in addition to the mandatory one. It includes historical graphs, making it easier to read and understand.

Access the additional COT report

The Commodities team at events

During Q2-2022, we were pleased to take part in several events such as the Bourse de Sète, Euro Grain Hub Exchange & Forum in Bucharest, GrainCom in Geneva, the International Grains Conference & FIA IDX in London, and the Bourse Internationale de Paris.

These events are an opportunity for us to meet all the European agricultural industry.

Find out more

See all our MATIF Commodities contracts on the Euronext Live Markets website.

Contact our team:


Commodities Newsletter - Summer 2023


Weather patterns and geopolitical factors continue to be the main drivers shaping volatility and price dynamics in grain and oilseed markets. Despite a bearish trend throughout the second quarter, prices became tense in June, with a dynamic weather market, due to adverse climate conditions impacting the coming harvest across the northern hemisphere and seeding in the south. Additionally, the Black Sea situation and the closure of the Black Sea grain corridor increase the uncertainties for the new campaign. 

Last week, we reached another high stress point, and the Euronext MATIF commodity markets continued to offer the users safe and liquid hedging tools. 20 July in fact marked the all-time daily volume record on our Milling Wheat Futures with 187,898 lots traded, equivalent to 9.4 million tonnes of physical products.

During Q2-2023, prices on Euronext commodities contracts remained bearish, with an average price of €238/T vs €393/T in Q2-2022 for Wheat Futures, €435/T vs €834/T in Q2-2022 for Rapeseed Futures and €240/T vs €338/T in Q2-2022 for Corn Futures.

Volumes were up by +23% vs Q2-2022, led by Rapeseed Futures (+81% vs Q2-22) and Wheat Futures (+25% vs Q2-2022).

Average daily volumes were at 89K lots per day, including 62K lots of Wheat Futures, 2K lots of Corn Futures, 15.5K lots of Rapeseed Futures, 8K of Wheat Options and 1.2K lots of Corn and Rapeseed Options.

The Euronext Commodities team
Euronext MATIF contracts ADV and OI per month

Corn consultation

We are running a market consultation about the Corn Futures contract to further its traction and expand the current liquidity. Feel free to contact us at to share your input/opinion on this product.

Euronext Clearing migration

Following the communication made back in 2022, the Euronext Group has initiated a large reorganisation of its post-trade services with the deployment of its newly acquired clearing house, Euronext Clearing on all Euronext segments.

At this stage, the project is on track: a first milestone with the migration of the cash equity segment by Q4-2023 will be followed by the Euronext MATIF migration in June 2024.

Trading fees waiver for commodity options executed in the Central Order Book

The average daily volumes traded in commodity options on Euronext have increased by 120% since 2018, exceeding 10K lots per day in 2023, an important milestone. This growth has resulted from a strong interest from market participants and confirms the importance of the Euronext MATIF franchise as an efficient tool for price risk management in highly volatile markets.

To accelerate liquidity building in the commodity options markets, we introduced as of 1 July 2023 a trading fee holiday for options executed in the Central Order Book.

Options Central Order Book Trades Trading  fees
Milling Wheat, Corn, Rapeseed €0 per lot
Milling Wheat, Corn, Rapeseed - strategies legs €0 per let

Introduction of a liquidity provision programme for options

To further boost the liquidity in the Central Order Book, we introduced a liquidity provision programme at the same time as the trading fees holiday programme.

  • Submission of bids and offers on the screen every day for 80% of the time that the Euronext market is open (between 10:45 CET and 18:30 CET).
  • Quoting the three first maturities with minimum quote size of 10 lots.
  • Spread between bids and offers for the same month and the same strike to be within a range of 15 ticks.
  • Minimum number of strikes required for a given trading day is calculated as 20% of the number of strikes available within the Near-The-Money area.
  • Top performer (highest volume during a given month) will be granted a stipend.

New on the Euronext website

We publish every Monday the weekly average of the Sitagri European Durum Wheat Index (SEDWI) provided by FinanceAgri for the calculation of the EDW Futures EDSP.

View the weekly average of the index

Two new Commodities Insights articles were released. Read the articles on:

The Durum Wheat market

Black Sea Grains

We also released a second version of the Commitments of Traders (COT) report, in addition to the mandatory one. It includes historical graphs, making it easier to read and understand.

Access the additional COT report

The Commodities team at events

During Q2-2022, we were pleased to take part in several events such as the Bourse de Sète, Euro Grain Hub Exchange & Forum in Bucharest, GrainCom in Geneva, the International Grains Conference & FIA IDX in London, and the Bourse Internationale de Paris.

These events are an opportunity for us to meet all the European agricultural industry.

Find out more

See all our MATIF Commodities contracts on the Euronext Live Markets website.

Contact our team:


Euronext makes TradeLog, its employee trading monitoring tool, available to companies across Europe

Business Continuity Plan Test (October 22, 2022)


On the 22nd of October 2022, Euronext Securities Porto carried out a global external test of business continuity with the activation of its disaster recovery center, allowing financial intermediaries to verify Euronext Securities Porto’s recovery capacity, acting normally from their own offices. This test is part of the plan for the verification of the adequacy and of the operation of the recovery procedures and necessary resources as described in the Business Continuity Plan of Euronext Securities Porto.

This test is part of the plan for the verification of the adequacy and of the operation of the recovery procedures and necessary resources as described in the Business Continuity Plan of Euronext Securities Porto.

Euronext Securities Porto took advantage of the availability of the T2S platform during a non-working day to test with external participation the activation of the Business Continuity Plan. This availability was made possible by ECB extending the real time settlement window after the NTS settlement on the night from Friday to Saturday until Saturday afternoon.

The test was open to the voluntary participation of all financial intermediaries affiliated to Euronext Securities Porto, and eight institutions participated in this test of the disaster recovery center by accessing from their own offices, namely Banco Comercial Português, S.A, Banco Santander Totta, S.A., Banco Finantia, S.A., BNP Paribas Securities Services, S.A., Citibank International, PLC, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A., Caixa Banco de Investimento, S.A and Banco de Portugal (DMR).

The test began on Saturday morning with a simulated incident, which left its main data center unavailable, with the consequent activation of the disaster recovery center and the re-routing of the communications decided after a meeting of the Crisis Management Team, thus allowing all participants to access the recovery system.

Immediately after the activation of the disaster recovery center, the Support and Recovery Teams activated the applications in the disaster recovery site and proceeded with the verification of the existence of information that resulted from the previous processing, as well as the accessibility to the services. After this the services were made available to the participants that they carried out testing activities using their terminals in their offices. These activities consisted of queries and data entry operations as well as information upload and download using the file transfer functions and real time messages of the STD system.

During the tests no critical issues were identified that could jeopardize the functioning of Euronext Securities Porto’s backup systems in a real disaster situation. This asserts the adequacy of the Business Continuity Plan of Euronext Securities Porto, as well as, of the disaster recovery data center.

All the activities executed according to a predefined test plan, which was thoroughly carried out. The testing was concluded with success, which was recognized by all internal and external participants.

This result reinforces once more the engagement of Euronext Securities Porto in satisfying international recommendations and good practices for Business Continuity, thus contributing to the mitigation of the risks associated with possible disasters. This achievement contributes to the continuity of the business and the safety and reliability of the market structures, strengthening the trust of the investors and the participants and benefiting, in the end, the whole Portuguese Financial Market.

SRDII services from Euronext Securities Oslo


SRD II regulation in the Norwegian market is about to be decided upon. Euronext Securities Oslo is in the process of developing services ensuring that issuers and intermediaries will be able to meet the requirements from the new regulation.

We will enhance the Issuer Portal (VIS) with all services needed for the issuers to be compliant with the new regulation. In cooperation with Euronext Corporate Services, Euronext Securities Oslo will offer shareholder analyses so that the issuer can interact with its shareholders, increase liquidity and expand their shareholder base. Investors will receive information about corporate actions through use of ISO messages and existing portals like the Investor Portal (VIP). Finally, Euronext Securities Oslo will enable communication with intermediaries through automated processes that will ensure an efficient flow of communication.

SRD II services from Euronext Securities Oslo

Euronext Securities Oslo is currently developing services and features for SRD II based on the following three pillars:

  1. General Meeting Services

    Our General Meeting Services will be improved to secure that issuers and their intermediaries remain compliant with SRD II requirements.
  2. Shareholder Identification Services

    Euronext Securities Oslo are currently developing ISO 20022 messages to support the issuers need for disclosure of their beneficial shareholders. Furthermore, we will offer functionality for the issuers to order shareholder identification by using the Issuer Portal (VIS). Shareholder Identification Services will be delivered in cooperation with Euronext Corporate Services.
  3. Corporate Action

    Euronext Securities Oslo will provide services that ensure shareholders exercise of the shareholders rights by give the end investor information about all corporate actions in the VPS investor Portal (VIP) and by sending information to intermediaries in ISO messages.

SRDII regulation in Norway

A proposal for the implementation of SRD II was submitted for public consultation in November 2019. The consultation follows a previous consultation of January 2019. The comments received in the previous consultation has resulted in an amended proposal. The consultation addresses the implementation of the provisions in SRD II regarding the issuer’s right to identify its shareholders and the intermediaries’ obligations to transmit information regarding corporate actions from the issuer to the shareholders and to facilitate the shareholders’ exercise of shareholders rights.

The proposal also sets out significant amendments to the rules regarding the general meetings. The purpose of the amendments is to facilitate the participation of nominee registered shareholders. To this end it is proposed that nominee registered shareholders that intend to take part in the general meeting must notify the issuer three days before the date of the meeting. It is also proposed that the record date for shareholders- meeting shall be five days before the date of the meeting. Companies with shares admitted to trading on a regulated market must make public a list of the shareholders that attended the meeting.

Under the proposed rules Norwegian limited companies will be obligated to make public a list of all shareholder in the company, included nominee registered shareholders.This guide provides a detailed overview of why it helps to know shareholders and how your company can benefit from SRD II.

Under the proposal the rules in SRD II is made applicable for all Norwegian limited companies which allows nominee registered shareholders. The rules of the directive will therefore be applicable not only for companies with shares admitted to trading on a regulated market.

The consultation closed 6 January 2020. It is expected that a proposal will be presented to the Norwegian parliament in the first half of 2020 in order for the amended rules to be implemented within the implementation deadline of the SRD II in September 2020.

Euronext Securities Oslo will continue to monitor and engage in dialogue with clients and authorities on further implementations on SRD II, and will invite for a SRD II seminar late March. A separate invitation will be sent shortly.

Central Securities Depositories Act enters into force


The new Central Securities Depositories Act which implements the CSDR enters into force 1 January 2020.

The new Central Securities Depositories Act which implements the CSDR enters into force 1 January 2020. This means that Euronext Securities Oslo must apply for authorisation under CSDR within 30 June 2020. On the 20th December the Ministry of Finance adopted transitional provisions clarifying that Euronext Securities Oslo’ current authorization will remain in force and that the current Securities Register Act will continue to apply to our business and to account operators, settlement participants and holders of nominee accounts in Euronext Securities Oslo until the authorisation process is completed.

The Central Securities Depositories Act

Private investors rush to Oslo Stock Exchange and Merkur Market


The growth in number of investors has increased significantly the last year. On Oslo Stock Exchange alone we see an 18% increase in Norwegian private investors.

This year, Norwegian market places see a large increase in both new listings and number of new private investors. As many as 70.000 new private investors have this year chosen to invest on Oslo Stock Exchange. We are also seeing an increase in new investors on Merkur Markets, where at the end of September as many as 51.000 investors where registered, of which 83% are men.

Investing in ESG companies are very popular for both women and men in both market places. The ESG companies that attracted the most number of Norwegian investors are NEL ASA (OSE) and Aker Offshore Wind (Merkur).

Key figures from Merkur Market:

Average age on Merkur Markets for Norwegian private investors per September:

Women = 45.9 years (OB = 50.4 years)

Men = 45.5 years (OB = 53.3 years)

The number of Norwegian private investors per September:

Women = 8.863

Men = 42.451

Status September (third quarter) Norwegian private investors:


Top 5 companies based on the number of unique investors:






Top 5 companies based on the most value on value on accounts:







Top 5 companies based on the number of unique investors:






Top 5 companies based on the most value on value on accounts:






Most popular stock

Aker offshore and Aker carbon are the most popular stocks based on number of private investors in all counties in Norway, as well as all age groups per September.

Aker Carbon:

Women: Allmost 60% of the female investors are between 30-54 years old. 15% are below 30 years of age.

Men: 53% of male investors are between 40-69 years old. 17% are below 20 years of age.

Aker Offshore:

Women: Allmost 60% of the female investors are between 30-54 years old. 13% are below 30 years of age.

Men: 52% of male investors are between 40-69 years old. 18% are below 20 years of age.

Most values

Looking at where women and men have the largest share of their values on Merkur Markets, QUANTAFUEL ASA comes out on top. If you look at the number of stocks, Lavo. TV AS has the biggest number of stocks amongst women, while Zenith Energy is the company with the biggest number of stocks amongst the men.

Play Magnus

In total, Play Magnus attracted 149 investors on the first day of trading;

• 33 of these are foreign investors

• 116 of these are Norwegian investors (102 organizations and 14 private individuals)

The 14 Norwegian private investors in Play Magnus are mainly men between the ages of 40-69, the majority of the new investors have their residential address in the county of Oslo.