Euronext Biodiversity Indices


A wide range of biodiversity index solutions

We offer a high-level range of indices focusing on biodiversity. Euronext suite of Biodiversity Indices aims to identify companies that are managing well their material biodiversity impacts from different perspectives, either by excluding the worst performers or by selecting the best performers.

Why invest in biodiversity?

Biodiversity is essential to sustaining humanity and all life on earth. Nature plays a critical role in sustaining life, it covers the processes that make up our ecosystems and gives us clear water, air, food and medicines. The current acceleration of global biodiversity loss is one of the most significant threats to society (OECD, 2019). 

Human-driven biodiversity loss is one of today’s main challenges: financial institutions and companies are encouraged to monitor and disclose their risks and negative impacts on biodiversity and the demand for index solutions that consider the biodiversity impact of companies is still growing. Financial institutions have an important role to play in tackling the preservation of biodiversity. 

Euronext, as a leading pan-European index provider, is strongly committed to early action. 

Euronext biodiversity indices key principles

On top of excluding companies with a high negative impact on biodiversity, the index methodology also includes broad ESG consideration with exclusions based on controversial products involvement exclusions and UN Global Compact principles controversy.

Our suite of Biodiversity indices:

Euronext awarded for Biodiversity Indices


SRP Awards logo 2023




The Euronext® Euro Large Cap Biodiversity Leaders 30 Index has been awarded “Index of the Year 2023” by structured products data and market intelligence provider at SRP Europe 2023.

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Euronext has also won “Excellence Award for Robust Biodiversity Solutions 2023” by neutral and independent finance experts at the Wealth&Finance Awards 2023.


Euronext indices are used by financial institutions all around the world with more than 15,000 ETFs, funds and derivatives associated to our indices with billions of AUM.


As a leading index provider in Europe for 40 years, Euronext has extensive expertise across a wide range of ESG and thematic indices, and is strongly engaged in supporting the financial sector’s sustainable transition. Our ability to adapt and offer suitable and innovative solutions to our clients makes Euronext one of the main ESG index providers.


Contact us at  for any queries.


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Successful migration of Borsa Italiana equity and ETF markets to the European Optiq® trading platform

How Euronext Securities is strengthening its focus on data with a dedicated new team


The new Data Services and Analytics team will help Euronext Securities realise its ambitions to become more data-driven and capitalise on data to offer customers more value-added data services.

Over the past few years, datamining and analytics have become one of the most prominent trends in the financial services arena. Data-driven insights play a key role in making decisions and understanding market and investor behaviour, and more CSDs are realising their untapped data potential.

Christian Viken, Executive Vice President and Head of Customer Experience and Analytics at Euronext Securities Oslo, explains:

Euronext’s network of CSDs holds a unique data set with millions of private and institutional investors, divided over 4.5 million securities accounts with aggregated assets under custody of EUR 6 bilion

“With our new Data Services Team, we will be able to prioritise developing ancillary services based on our data, so we can deliver new value-adding products to existing and new customers alike.”

Moving from data governance to advanced analytics

In addition to developing value-added services, Euronext Securities will focus on scaling these services – expanding them from a local product offering through one CSD to a cross-border offering across all Euronext CSDs and opening the services to more customers and markets than is the case today. “Traditionally, our CSDs have been part of their local market infrastructure and have typically worked with a limited customer base,” Christian Viken says. “Now, we’re broadening our approach and partnering with data providers, fintech and other companies who wouldn’t traditionally be customers of a CSD.”

The new team is a part of a larger, five-year data services strategy, which Euronext Securities initiated in 2018. The strategy’s initial phases covered data governance, structure and visualisation, and the company has now entered the product development and data distribution phases, where Euronext Securities is actively bringing new products to market and creating new channels for distributing data to new and existing customers. The final phase is to develop a Euronext Securities data hub, which will leverage advanced analytics to help customers use available data more effectively.

The first data products will focus on settlement data and reports, covering areas like settlement fail trades and predictions, penalty data, efficiency and liquidity. “With all the recent regulations targeting settlement efficiency, we can see that this area is top-of-mind for our customers,” states Christian Viken. “They’re asking us if we can develop solutions that can strengthen the monitoring of settlement processes and take the most time-consuming pain points within the process and make them more efficient.”

Leveraging the power of a diverse CSD network

Creating a cross-CSD data services team and a harmonised product portfolio enables Euronext Securities to capitalise on the strengths and competencies each Euronext CSD has to offer. For example, Euronext Securities Oslo has considerable experience in commercialising data products, such as TradeLog, which streamlines the monitoring of employees’ personal trading activity through electronic pre-clearance, screening list capabilities and automated rule checking. TradeLog has been a tremendous success in Norway and is now one of the first products to be expanded across all Euronext CSDs, starting in Denmark. Transaction Monitoring – a digital web solution that enables customers to monitor transactions across their entire investor base – is another example of a data service product initially offered in Euronext Securities Oslo and now in the process of being rolled out in Denmark.

And central to harmonising the entire data services product portfolio is the technical expertise that Euronext Securities Milan brings to the table, as Christian Viken points out. “All of the settlement products that we are now bringing to market were created in Euronext Securities Milan,” he says. “They have a mature infrastructure and understanding of the applications we need to develop our data services products, including AI, machine learning and advanced data technology, not to mention their partnership with universities offering  Data Science master’s programmes.”

This combination of commercial experience, infrastructure and IT prowess provides an excellent foundation for creating innovative data services. And this innovation, as Christian Viken sees it, is an essential ingredient for growth.

Data is one of the most valuable assets that any company holds, and we have made significant strides in turning our data into added-value services that will help our customers work more efficiently and make better decisions. We look forward to bringing our data services portfolio to new and existing customers in all Euronext Securities’ markets.

The Euronext Securities data strategy is aligned with the overall Euronext strategy for data services.


Christian Alexander Viken

Head of Data & Analytics

Euronext Securities


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The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Norwegian market.

The new ESG index reference in Norway

The OBX® ESG Index was created for the Norwegian market to serve as the new national ESG reference and is the first ESG-related index within the OBX family.

The OBX ESG Index is designed to identify the 40 companies in Norway which demonstrate good management of their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk.

A methodology with globally recognised standards

The index methodology includes exclusions filters with regards to the United Nations Global Compact principles (UNGC), determined by Sustainalytics.

The index methodology also includes exclusions filters based on involvement related to Tobacco, Thermal Coal, Oil Sands, Shale Energy, Arctic Oil & Gas, Small Arms and controversial Weapons.

OBX ESG building blocks

Contact Us

The OBX® ESG offers opportunities for the creation of a large range of investment vehicles such as ETFs, funds and structured products.

Learn more about OBX ESG:

OBX ESG Live Quotes

OBX ESG Index Rules   |    OBX ESG Factsheet

OBX ESG ESG Report   |   OBX ESG Press Release


Watch the presentation:

Euronext ESG Blue-chip indices

The OBX® ESG index is a key component in a broader suite of flagship ESG indices across the Euronext geographies.

Discover more Euronext ESG Blue-chip Indices


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Half-day training session


The training programme, addressed to Board Members of Norwegian companies and their management, i

  • Course
  • Norway

Euronext biodiversity index awarded “Index of the Year” 2023 at the SRP Europe Awards


The Euronext® Euro Large Cap Biodiversity Leaders 30 Index has been awarded “Index of the year” at the SRP Europe Awards Ceremony, held on 8 March 2023 in London, UK.

What is the Euronext Euro Large Cap Biodiversity Leaders 30 index?

The Euronext Euro Large Cap Biodiversity Leaders 30 helps investors identify large-cap companies from Euronext Eurozone 300 Index that score well on biodiversity. Designed by Euronext Indices in partnership with BNP Paribas, the index leverages biodiversity impact analytics (BIA-GBS) co-developed by Carbon4 Finance and CDC Biodiversité.

The index aims to support the financial sector in its sustainable transition, to align with international targets, and reduce multiple pressures on biodiversity including climate change.

The Euronext® Euro Large Cap Biodiversity Leaders 30 index is an example of an innovative benchmark designed to provide exposure to large-cap companies with a low normalised impact on biodiversity. It considers different biomes (aquatic freshwater and terrestrial) and different time horizons (static and dynamic).

The index also includes a set of exclusion filters that are widely adopted by financial institutions.

Tackling the preservation of biodiversity is a key focus for Euronext

Responsible investment has become increasingly important, with the aim of supporting sustainable growth. Across financial markets, conversations around Biodiversity risk remain high on the agenda, driven also by various EU regulations (EU Taxonomy, SFDR) and local regulations (Article 29 of the French law on Energy and Climate) that require disclosures on Biodiversity.

At Euronext, we offer a full suite of Biodiversity indices which are tracked by several ETFs and Structured Products.

Euronext indices are used by financial institutions all around the world

With more than 15,000 ETFs, funds and derivatives associated to our indices with billions in assets under management, Euronext has extensive expertise across a wide range of ESG and thematic indices, and is strongly engaged in supporting the financial sector’s sustainable transition.

This recognition as 'Index of the Year' from the industry is testament to the relevance of Euronext’s Index offering for market participants.

Find out more about all Euronext Indices

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