Hoteles BESTPRICE lists on Euronext Access Paris

Business Continuity Plan Test (October 30, 2021)


Euronext Securities Porto has in place a process for constant maintenance of its Business Continuity Plan, according to the best international practices, in order to ensure that the strategy and the procedures defined within the plan are capable to address any foreseeable crisis situation allowing, thus, the good functioning of the Market.

On the 30th of October 2021, Euronext Securities Porto carried out a global external test of business continuity with the activation of its disaster recovery center, allowing financial intermediaries to verify Interbolsa’s recovery capacity, acting normally from their own offices. This test is part of the plan for the verification of the adequacy and of the operation of the recovery procedures and necessary resources as described in the Business Continuity Plan of Euronext Securities Porto.

Euronext Securities Porto took advantage of the availability of the T2S platform during a non-working day to test with external participation the activation of the Business Continuity Plan. This availability was made possible by ECB extending the real time settlement window after the NTS settlement on the night from Friday to Saturday until Saturday afternoon.

The test was open to the voluntary participation of all financial intermediaries affiliated to Euronext Securities Porto, and ten institutions participated in this test of the disaster recovery center by accessing from their own offices, namely Banco Comercial Português, S.A., Novo Banco, S.A., Novo Banco Açores, S.A., BEST – Banco Electrónico de Serviço Total, S.A, Banco Finantia, S.A., BNP Paribas Securities Services, S.A., Citibank International, PLC – Sucursal em Portugal, S.A., Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A., ABANCA Corporacion Bancária, S.A. – Sucursal em Portugal and Banco de Portugal (DMR).

The test began on Saturday morning with a simulated incident, which left its main data center unavailable, with the consequent activation of the disaster recovery center and the re-routing of the communications decided after a meeting of the Crisis Management Team, thus allowing all participants to access the recovery system.

Immediately after the activation of the disaster recovery center, the Support and Recovery Teams activated the applications in the disaster recovery site and proceeded with the verification of the existence of information that resulted from the previous processing, as well as the accessibility to the services. After this the services were made available to the participants that they carried out testing activities using their terminals in their offices. These activities consisted of queries and data entry operations as well as information upload and download using the file transfer functions and real time messages of the STD system.

During the tests no critical issues were identified that could jeopardize the functioning of Euronext Securities Porto’s backup systems in a real disaster situation. This asserts the adequacy of the Business Continuity Plan of Interbolsa, as well as, of the disaster recovery data center.

All the activities executed according to a predefined test plan, which was thoroughly carried out. The testing was concluded with success, which was recognized by all internal and external participants.

This result reinforces once more the engagement of Euronext Securities Porto in satisfying international recommendations and good practices for Business Continuity, thus contributing to the mitigation of the risks associated with possible disasters. This achievement contributes to the continuity of the business and the safety and reliability of the market structures, strengthening the trust of the investors and the participants and benefiting, in the end, the whole Portuguese Financial Market.

Euronext joins the Ring The Bell For Financial Literacy 2022


In celebration of International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) World Investor Week 2022, Euronext colleagues from all seven exchanges joined The World Federation of Exchanges “Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy”. 

#WIW2022 is a week-long, global campaign promoted by International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) to raise awareness of the importance of investor education and protection.  We, at Euronext, are at the heart of European financial markets and communities, and are committed to improving financial knowledge, skills and attitudes beyond our organization.

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What is an ETF?


What is an ETF and how do I invest in one?

Silvia Bosoni, Group Head of ETFs at Euronext, explains what an ETF is, how ETFs work and how to invest in them.

Listen to the full interview. Watch the video.

What is an ETF?

ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund. An ETF is a fund that can be traded on an exchange just like a traditional financial instrument, and is made up of a basket of securities such as stocks, commodities, bonds, or a mixture of these.

ETFs opportunities

ETFs offer great diversification and risk management opportunities, which are typical of funds, together with flexibility and transparency of information, typical of shares. For this reason they are often a popular choice of investment for both institutional and retail investors. 

How do ETFs work?

ETF providers, or ETF issuers as they are commonly known, create ETFs and then list them on an exchange, making them available to investors for trading. 

There are two types of ETFs:

  • Passive ETFs track an index, generally called a benchmark index. They are known as "passive" because they simply track the index's performance. Investors usually pay a lower commission for passive ETFs because there is less cost involved in operating and managing this type of fund.
  • Active ETFs have the aim of investing in a portfolio of securities directly selected by an active manager through a process called the "asset allocation" process. The asset manager continuously works to increase the performance of the fund. Unlike passive ETFs, the investment strategy of active ETFs is established by the fund manager following the manager's own investment strategy. Active ETFs are more sophisticated and therefore they can be more costly. 

How do I invest in an ETF?

Retail investors cannot directly access the stock market, so they need to go through a broker to buy and sell ETFs. There are several ETFs to choose from. 

Example: the CAC 40 ETF

For example, buying a passive ETF that has the Euronext CAC 40 as its benchmark index will give you exposure to the 40 largest companies in France. This means that you will obtain an average performance of all the stocks in the index. This not only mitigates the risk but is also cost-effective, as it would be much more expensive to buy all the stocks of an index separately. With one ETF, you can get exposure to all the securities in which the ETF is invested.

How to choose an ETF?

When you are looking to choose ETFs for your portfolio, you must first decide what you are interested in. What asset class do you want to invest in? Do you want to choose a specific geography? Or sector? A certain theme? For instance, if you are interested in investing in sustainable companies, it can be difficult as a retail investor to go through all the paperwork and research to find the right information about each company. Instead, by choosing an ETF tracking an ESG index, you can rely on the expert, the index provider, who will do this job for you. You can therefore buy ETFs tracking ESG indices to get your sustainable investment. 

What kind of ETFs are listed on Euronext?

At Euronext, we have over 1,500 ETFs listed on our seven European markets, covering a huge variety of themes, sectors and geographies. These are issued by leading and innovative asset management firms, that are continuously offering new ETFs to invest in. There is a lot of innovation out there to provide unique ETF products following the latest trends and supporting sustainable growth. Visit the Euronext website to discover our wide ETF offering and find out more about ETFs trading.

Euronext is delighted to be attending Sibos in Amsterdam


Sibos is the largest event for the securities post-trade industry. It brings together decision-makers, experts and peers from the global financial community.  

Teams from Euronext, Euronext Clearing and Euronext Securities will be present on our stand to showcase our complete Post-Trade offering.  Euronext is building the leading market infrastructure in Europe,  connecting trading, clearing and settlement through the expansion of our clearing house and our network of European CSDs. 


From 10 to 13 October Euronext will be joining the debate on “Progressive finance for a changing world”, this year’s conference theme, and discuss the need to embrace digital transformation and drive sustainability and ethical change.  

Throughout the week, come by our stand to learn how we intend to shape capital markets for future generations.  

Euronext Speakers at Sibos


Monday 10 October 2022, 12:30 

Is T+1 the goal or a step to instant securities settlement?

Pierre Davoust (Head of CSDs) 


Monday 10 October 2022, 16:00

Big Issue Debate: Hype vs reality: how can digital value solve real world problems? 

Emilie Rieupeyroux (Head of Innovation)


Tuesday 11 October 2022, 14:10 

Live interview on Sibos TV

Anthony Attia (Global Head of Primary Markets & Post-Trade)