Lemon Sistemi lists on Euronext Growth Milan

Euronext confirms its European leadership in equity listing and its global leadership in debt listing in 2023

Cloudia Research lists on Euronext Growth Milan

AEX Index


The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Dutch market.

Why invest in AEX ?

The AEX® index is part of the AEX Family, designed to reflect the price level trends in the trading of shares listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

Launched in January 1983, it is the most traded index within the AEX Family. It selects 25 of the largest tradable companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam by free float market capitalization and to this day most companies still have Dutch roots, such as fast-growing tech companies ASML and Adyen.

The AEX index forms a diversified basket of largest companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam, the index is seen as the indicator of the Dutch stock market.


Stocks are screened to ensure liquidity to ensure that the index is investable.


The index rules are transparent and publicly available on Euronext website.

The AEX Family offers opportunities for the creation of a wide range of investment vehicles such as ETFs, structured products and funds.

More about the AEX Index


AEX Index Factsheet   |   AEX Family Index Rules


Euronext Blue-chip indices

The AEX® Index is a key component in a broader suite of flagship indices across Euronext geographies.



 ESG Blue-chip indices

The AEX ESG Index, launched in May 2022, is supporting the growing demand for ESG solutions. It is designed to identify 25 companies in The Netherlands which manage their ESG risk well, based on Sustainalytics assessment.



Watch the AEX presentation:


About the AEX index

  • Quarterly reviewed

The reviews of the AEX are set quarterly, effective in March, June, September and December.

  • Supervision of the index is entrusted to a Scientific Committee.

The committee is composed of independent experts, who are not Euronext employees, and are appointed for a period of three years. The committee’s mission is to select the companies included in the AEX index based on a dedicated set of rules, and to ensure its representativeness. Committee meetings take place at least four times a year, coinciding with the AEX review periods. The dates and decisions are made public right after the meeting. All matters discussed and information provided are strictly confidential. Euronext has no voting rights in the index composition.

  • Why 25 securities?

25 securities facilitate hedging and arbitrage strategies on the derivatives markets.

  • You don’t have to be a Dutch company to be part of the AEX

Any foreign company listed on the Dutch stock market can also be part of the AEX.

  • Reference Benchmarks

The AMX index selects the next 25 largest companies not part of the AEX listed on Euronext Amsterdam. The AScX index selects the next 25 largest companies not part of the AMX listed on Euronext Amsterdam. The AEX All-Tradable index is composed of all the companies included in the AEX, AMX and AScX indices. These indices serves as benchmark for the Dutch market representing various size of the stock market.

 Contact us at   index-team@euronext.com   for any queries.

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BolognaFiere lists on the professional segment of Euronext Growth Milan

Finanstilsynet – Ordinær Inspektion


I september 2023 gennemførte Finanstilsynet en ordinær inspektion hos VP Securities A/S med henblik på at undersøge, intern governance, intern outsourcing, compliance, risikostyring, og effektiviteten i afviklingssystemet.


Læs redegørelsen fra Finanstilsynet her.

Læs kommentaren fra VP Securities A/S her.


(Read the english comment from VP Securities A/S here.)



R13616 - Settlement Analyst


Submitted by master_of_puppets1 on

Job Profile

  • Monitors and controls the Settlement Systems managed by Euronext Securities Porto.
  • Monitors and tests all the updates and improvements regarding the Settlement services.
  • Provides support to Clients regarding the Settlement services.

Key Accountabilities

Stéphane Boujnah, CEO Euronext, looks at how Euronext shaped capital markets in 2023


2023 was pivotal in fulfilling our ambition to build the pan-European leading market infrastructure, and we will accelerate our transformation in 2024 to support even more harmonised capital markets.

Euronext continued to deliver growth for the benefit of our partners, stakeholders, team members and shareholders.

We have confirmed our leadership in European listing. We hosted the majority of European IPOs and listings this year, and attracted almost all international listings in Europe.

We innovated for our clients and delivered this year again complex strategic projects. Euronext leading trading venue now handles 25% of European equities trading via our green data centre, thanks to the migration of Italian cash markets to our trading platform Optiq. We offer now to investors access to the largest liquidity pool in Europe, covering 7 European markets through a single order book, a single liquidity pool, a single technology platform and single harmonized rule book. 

We expanded our skillset to cover the entire trading value chain, supporting our customers throughout the entire market cycle. The expansion of Euronext Clearing in November 2023 to cover the whole of the Euronext Cash Markets is a major milestone in this journey, and will expand to Derivatives in 2024. 

And beyond our equity businesses and our post trade operations, 2023 has been a year of growth and transformation for our operations in trading of power, fixed income, commodities, FX, and in corporate services, investors services, advanced data and technology solutions. 

We thank our clients, stakeholders, team members for being part of our transformational journey for so many years. 

With all Euronext team members across Europe, United States and Asia, we are working hard to shape capital markets for future generations, fostering more harmonised and stronger capital markets. And we look forward to continue with you as we enter into 2024.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year.


Euronext's 2023 IPOs and listing achievements


In this year’s dynamic macro-economic landscape, 64 companies chose to list on the Euronext markets, including 13 international listings, reinforcing our position as the leading venue for equity listing and trading in Europe. 17 high-growth tech companies joined the Euronext Tech Leaders segment to reach a total of 121 companies just one year after its creation, increasing their visibility and accelerating their growth.

  • Our pre-IPO programme, IPOready, was reinforced, to support ambitious companies considering an IPO in the coming years, while companies interested in an international listing on our markets attended IPO Days organised across Europe.
  • As the world’s top debt listing venue, Euronext has over 54,000 bonds from more than 110 countries listed on its markets, with over 9,500 new bonds listed in 2023.
  • Euronext led the way in sustainable finance, making 1,900 company ESG profiles available to investors through the innovative “My ESG Profile” tool, which allows listed companies to enrich their profile with additional ESG data and content.

Euronext thanks its issuers, investors and ecosystem for their support in 2023 and we look forward to 2024 as we continue to shape capital markets for future generations.