Euronext launches a futures contract on the CAC 40 ESG index

Euronext Proximity Services


Euronext Technology Solutions announces the launch of the Euronext Proximity Service. Delivery is scheduled for October 2022.

Premium hosting and cloud capability

Euronext Proximity Service is a premium hosting and cloud capability located in Aruba IT3 Data Centre.

Aruba IT3 is a Tier-IV ESG best-in-class data centre, offering clients fast access

  • to all Euronext markets, the biggest liquidity pool for European equities,
  • and other key European and International Trading Venues, CCPs and CSDs,

    including Euronext Clearing and the Euronext Securities CSD network.

Euronext network

The Euronext Proximity Service will be accessible through the Euronext network. The network has points of presence in London, Paris, Milan and Frankfurt.

Clients can reserve either dedicated physical or ‘virtual’ infrastructure. Further we offer an array of services including

  • monitoring,

  • system and database administration services,

  • virtual storage,

  • and scalable processing capacity.

Low latency access to trading venues

The Euronext Proximity Service provides clients with a low latency access to main trading venues, benefiting from a centralised and highly connected network managed by Euronext and from a wide portfolio of value added services.


X2M-Sales & Business Development Team

+39 02 72426626

Webinar for managing board members of listed companies


The next course for board members are planned for 7 September.

  • Webinar
  • Norway

Investor Relations seminar on 8 June


NIRF and Oslo Børs invites to Investor Relations seminar on 8 June.

  • Seminar
  • Norway

ESG Reporting: the new Guide for issuers


On 12 May 2022 Euronext announced the new edition of its ESG Reporting Guide. The guide is designed to help companies engage in climate change mitigation policies with the support of their investors, and more broadly lists the key aspects to consider when reporting on ESG to make the most of the associated opportunities. This new edition has been revised with a focus on the 1.5°C global temperature increase trajectory, in line with Euronext's “Fit for 1.5°” commitment, one of the key pillars of its “Growth for Impact 2024” strategic plan. 


In particular, the guide aims to help companies to: 

  • identify and prioritise ESG opportunities and risks; 
  • report efficiently on the management of – and performance in – key areas of ESG transformation; 
  • navigate, comply with and stay ahead of regulations that require disclosure of financially material ESG information; 
  • differentiate themselves, ensuring the relevance of their ESG strategy in light of rapidly evolving market standards. 

It also aims to support SMEs as they navigate this rapidly-evolving environment by taking into account the challenges of companies preparing disclosure for the first time, in particular small and mid-cap companies. 

Since its first publication in 2020, the Euronext ESG Reporting Guide has become a reference document for listed companies and their advisers. Drawing on the model issued by the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative, this new version is enriched with contributions from Euronext issuers on best practices in ESG reporting, in the form of case studies. It takes into account the latest developments in climate-related standards and initiatives, including those applied by investors.  

Euronext is the leading European listing venue operating regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal, with close to 2,000 equity issuers. We aim to equip listed companies with the tools they need to meet the increasingly sophisticated expectations of their stakeholders around transparency on sustainability. 

This initiative forms part of our sustainability strategy, “Fit For 1.5°”,  a commitment to developing services and products that help Euronext’s clients, partners, and the European economy as a whole to curb the increase in global temperatures and transition to more sustainable business practices.  

This commitment is key to Euronext’s purpose to shape financial markets for future generations.  

Learn more about the ESG strategies of Enel, Gjensidige, Kering, Signify, and Snam 

Information about Euronext’s ESG Advisory services