VP Rule Book

When you sign a Participation Agreement or an Issuance Agreement with VP, you submit to the VP Rule Book, which constitutes an integral part of your agreement with us.

VP is entitled to make changes and additions to the VP Rule Book. The VP Rule Book published on our website will be the one in force at any time in question.

The VP Rule Book consists of 6 Parts

  • PDF

Part 1 - Definitions.pdf

English Version

Part 1 - Definitions.pdf English
  • PDF

Part 2 - General Terms and Conditions (PDF)

English Version

Part 2 - General Terms and Conditions (PDF) English
  • PDF

Part 3 - Book-entry Rules (PDF)

English Version

Part 3 - Book-entry Rules (PDF) English
  • PDF

Part 4 - Settlement Rules (PDF)

English Version

Part 4 - Settlement Rules (PDF) English
  • PDF

Part 5 - DCP Service Rules (PDF)

English Version

Part 5 - DCP Service Rules (PDF) English
  • PDF

Part 6 - FundHub Rules.pdf

English Version

Part 6 - FundHub Rules.pdf English

Please note that the changes to the payment terms set out in section 5.10.4 of Part 2 of the VP Rule Book (General Terms and Conditions) have been postponed as notified in VP Information of 16 November 2023 until further notice.


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+45 4358 8888
