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INTERBOLSA in the Market


The post-trade structure in Portugal



Agência da Gestão e da Tesouraria e da Dívida Pública, IGCP, EPE 

The public entity responsible for the integrated management of cash, funding and the direct debt management, which includes, under the applicable law, the debt of public corporations whose financing is ensured through the state Budget. It is also responsible for coordinating the financing of autonomous administrative and financial services and funds, in accordance with Decree-Law No. 200/2012 of 27 August;


Banco de Portugal

The central bank of the Portuguese Republic;


Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A.

The entity designated by INTERBOLSA to provide financial services in a currency other than the euro, inherent to the settlement of operations through the systems managed by this managing company;


CMVM – or the “Competent Authority” 

The designated authority, in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EU) No. 909/2014, as responsible for the authorisation and supervision of INTERBOLSA;


Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGD) 

A public legal entity, the FGD was created in 1992 by Decree-Law No. 298/92, of December 31, and is managed by Banco de Portugal. Its mission is to guarantee the repayment of the total value of the cash balances of each depositor, according to certain conditions, in particular when that value does not exceed 100,000 euros and as long as the deposits of the respective credit institution become unavailable;



Euronext Lisbon – Sociedade Gestora de Mercados Regulamentados, S.A., the managing Entity of regulated markets and MTFs and INTERBOLSA sole shareholder;

Investor Compensation Scheme (SII)  

The Investor Compensation Scheme is a legal entity, established under the terms of Decree-Law No. 222/99 of 22 June, which operates jointly with the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), aimed at protecting small investors;


The entities with securities registered in the systems managed by INTERBOLSA;


The Clearing House and Central Counterparty, of the operations carried out in the markets and systems managed by Euronext Lisbon;

OMIClear, C.C., S.A. 

A company established in Portugal that provides clearing and settlement services as a Clearing House and Central Counterparty since July 3rd, 2006;


The entities authorized under the specific rules of INTERBOLSA to participate in the systems and services provided by INTERBOLSA, in accordance with and in compliance with the rules established for the operation of those systems and services. (The term Participant does not include Issuers with securities registered in the systems managed by INTERBOLSA);


The real-time gross settlement (RTGS) for the Eurosystem, based on a single shared platform, which enables settlement in central bank money; by law, TARGET2 comprises a series of decentralised components by country, which are harmonised in every aspect that is not in conflict with a national legal impediment. In the case of Portugal, the system is ruled by the Instruction of Banco de Portugal No. 54/2012, which regulates the TARGET2-PT system;

TARGET2-Securities (T2S) 

The technical platform set up by the Eurosystem to provide securities settlement services to CSDs and, through them, to the Participants of CSDs in central bank money.