Index Investing

Euronext Indices

Euronext Index Services

Leading index provider

With 40 years' experience in the index space, Euronext is one of the leading index providers in Europe. We design, calculate, and publish over 1,000 indices of all sizes and profiles, including over 100 ESG indices and 7 major national indices in Europe: AEX®, BEL 20®, CAC 40®, ISEQ 20®, OBX® and PSI®, including the ESG variants: AEX® ESG, BEL® ESG, CAC 40 ESG®OBX® ESG and MIB® ESG.

Learn more about how we can create your customised index.

Index-based investment products

Our clients – banks, asset owners, data providers – license our wide range of indices to create innovative products that you can invest in. They also trust Euronext to design on-demand indices tailored to their needs.

15,000+ ETFs, funds, warrants, certificates, futures and options are associated with our indices, with billions in assets under management such as the CAC 40® Future, the second most traded national derivative product in Europe.

Looking for an index to create your investment product?


CAC 40 ESG index

ESG Indices

Euronext ESG indices serve as a benchmark for investors to incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance considerations into their investment strategies

ESg Self-Assessment for Issuers

ESG Derivatives

The Euronext® Eurozone ESG Large 80 Index Future allows investors to gain exposure to the Eurozone’s sustainable economy, supporting climate action.

Empowering sustainable growth

Empowering Sustainable Growth

Euronext connects local economies to global markets, accelerating innovation and growth, for the transition to a more sustainable economy.


Contact to obtain your index license or for your own Euronext branded custom indices.