Euronext Membership

Our membership team is ready to welcome you

Become a member of the Euronext Cash Market or the Euronext Derivatives Market

To become a member you must complete an application form, undergo a due diligence review and execute an agreement stating you will adhere to all Exchange regulations.

Who can apply for membership

The following types of firm may apply to become a member of the Euronext Cash and Derivatives Markets:

  • Investment Firms or Credit Institutions authorised in the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • Non-MiFID Firms: firms without the right to a MiFID licence (e.g. AIFM licensed companies), including firms established within a Member State of the EEA but excluded from the scope of MiFID, provided that they can demonstrate that either:
    • an application for authorisation pursuant to MIFID is pending or
    • the proposed course of business on the Euronext markets does not require authorisation (e.g. because the firm can benefit from an exemption from authorisation) *
  • Firms from a jurisdiction outside the EU (‘third country firms’), whether or not authorised under MiFID*

* Note that if a Non-MiFID firm cannot demonstrate either a pending application for MiFID authorisation or eligibility for exemption, Euronext cannot accept or process its application for membership.

Becoming a Trading Member in 4 steps

The Euronext membership process is simple and straightforward. The membership department will coordinate the process right up until you start trading.

To start trading and become a new Euronext member you need to submit the relevant information for Euronext applications.

Please first complete and submit our Membership application form and supporting documentation as outlined in the form’s appendix.

Please also provide us with the Trading Platform Access Agreement order form after reading the Trading Platform Agreement terms and conditions.

Every member of the Euronext markets must identify a set of key contacts during its application process. Both securities/cash and derivatives members are required to identify at least two but no more than five Authorised Representative (s) (AR) and at least two Responsible Persons (RP) per member firm.

After you have submitted your application and agreement forms, you need to connect to the market via the Euronext trading platform.

Please finalise your technical connectivity choice and clearing/settlement contracts.

Order a physical connectivity solution to the low-latency, globally secure SFTI network, either directly or indirectly via accredited Application Service Provider (ASP) or Extranet Service Provider (ESP).

Once you are connected, your trading, clearing and settlement access will be configured simultaneously. Validation of order entry by Euronext takes place through conformance tests by Operational Client Services (OCS). You and your clearing partner should also conduct an end-to-end test (from order entry to clearing & settlement) before going live.

Once the Operational Client Services (OCS), Clearing and Legal teams have confirmed your readiness, the Membership team will confirm your start-up date with you.

Register now

You will find the relevant membership forms on Connect, our customer portal.

euronext membership application forms

Specific conditions for European, Non-EEA firms:

  • Switzerland: Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Oslo and Paris qualify as recognized foreign stock exchanges within the meaning of Swiss law;
  • The United Kingdom: due to the ROIE status granted by the FCA UK firms may have access to the Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris Markets only;

Specific conditions for non European firms

Applications are only considered in respect of firms located in jurisdictions with satisfactory regulatory arrangements.

Specific agreements are in place for trading activity from the following countries to the Euronext markets indicated:

Sponsored Access

Sponsored Access provides direct access to the Euronext markets for firms (Sponsored Participants) via a Euronext Member entity (Sponsoring Member). The robust Euronext Sponsored Access framework allows both Sponsoring Members and Sponsored Participants to capitalise on Euronext’s ultra-low latency access to fair and orderly markets.

Contact Euronext Membership

Further information

Regulatory framework

The Euronext regulatory authorities and their roles in the Euronext marketplaces.


Learn how to connect to the exchange and who can help.


Specific information for Market Makers, Liquidity Provider and Primary Dealers

Membership department

Contact the Membership department directly if you require additional information.

Euronext Membership

Onboarding and Client Administration

+31 (0)20 721 4264

Operational Client Services

Existing members should contact the Operational Client Services Desk for all operational queries and support requests:

  • Across the Euronext Cash Markets, Derivatives Markets and MTFs.
  • In Test and Production environments.

Operational Client Support


+32 2 620 0585

Operational Client Support


+33 1 8514 8585

Operational Client Support


+353 1 6174 289

Operational Client Support

The Netherlands

+31 20 721 9585