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Christmas Tree for Charity


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Christmas Tree for Charity sounds gong

With the sounding of the gong, Sky Radio, the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation and Foundation DON ask for attention for the impact an severity of diabetes.

During Sky Radio’s yearly event ‘Christmas Tree for Charity’ nine pairs of national celebrities competed for the ‘best decorated Christmas tree’ of the year. For the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation and Foundation DON, ambassadors Barry Atsma and Do battled for the good cause. With their symbolic tree topper, they asked for attention for the increasing numbers of diabetes patients, and the necessity of the search for a cure.

The ambassador’s pair is proud to have won the first prize of 10.000 euro and Sky Radio commercial time worth 25.000 euro, for the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation and Foundation DON: ‘Diabetes is a much underestimated disease. We are happy with this first prize, which will support important diabetes research, that is fantastic’.

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