Euronext confirms its European leadership in equity listing and its global leadership in debt listing in 2023



  • 64 new equity listings on Euronext markets in 2023, representing an aggregated market capitalisation at listing of €50 billion, and €2.5 billion in new capital raised
  • 13 new international equity listings, confirming Euronext as the European listing venue of reference
  • 350+ issuers have raised an aggregate €23bn in equity capital on Euronext markets in 2023
  • 9,500+ new bond listings in 2023, of which 450+ new ESG bond listings

Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo, Paris – 29 December 2023 – Euronext, the leading pan-European market infrastructure, today confirms its European leadership in equity listing. Euronext is home to nearly 1,900 equity issuers worth €6.6 trillion in aggregated market capitalisation as of 28 December 2023. Euronext is the largest liquidity pool in Europe, and handles 25% of European equity trading activity on its unique single market with 7 listing points in Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Oslo, Milan and Paris.

In 2023, Euronext confirmed, this year again, its leadership in equity listing in Europe. Euronext welcomed 64 new companies to its markets, representing 40% of the total number of new equity listings across Europe. Euronext further established itself as a natural hub for the listings of major global companies and attracted the majority of international companies listing in Europe.

Euronext welcomed notably in 2023:

  • Seacrest Petroleo (€356m of market capitalisation, €221m raised at listing), a large Brazilian oil and gas operator, listed on Euronext Oslo; 
  • Lottomatica (€2.2bn of market capitalisation, €600m raised at listing), the leading Italian operator in the legal gaming market, completed a private placement on Euronext Milan;
  • Ferrovial (€21.0bn of market capitalisation), a leading global infrastructure operator based in Spain, opted for a direct listing on Euronext Amsterdam;
  • Coty Inc. (€10.0bn of market capitalisation, €339m raised at listing) listed on Euronext Paris, and became the first US company to successfully raise capital through a simultaneous EUR and USD offering at the occasion of a European listing;
  • Syensqo (€8.8bn of market capitalisation at listing), the specialty chemicals spin-off from Solvay, listed on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Paris.

More than 300 issuers have raised €20 billion through follow-on transactions, to fund their growth and investment projects. Argenx, the largest European biotech, listed on Euronext Brussels, raised €1.1 billion through an all-primary share offering. EDP Renováveis, a cleantech listed on Euronext Lisbon, raised €1.0 billion to further develop their renewable energy production capacities. Neoen, an independent producer of renewable energy listed on Euronext Paris, raised €750 million through a rights issue, to further accelerate its growth in renewable energy production.

Euronext confirmed its global position as the leading debt listing venue, with 54,000+ total bonds listed from 110+ different countries. In 2023 alone, Euronext markets have welcomed 9,500+ new bonds. Euronext has further solidified its position as the world leading venue for sustainable bonds, with 450+ new ESG bond listings in 2023 raising more than €280 billion.

Euronext Corporate Services, Euronext’s suite of leading digital and corporate solutions, sustained its growth trajectory by delivering best-in-class B2B solutions to its 4,800+ clients, hosted over 1,000 investor relations webcasts and coordinated meetings through its iBabs board management software, showcasing its capability in facilitating corporate communication and collaboration efficiently. Euronext Corporate Services enhanced its product suite with innovative solutions by launching 'Bondholder Analysis' for listed companies, upgrading IntegrityLog whistleblowing software with self-onboarding and integrating ESG data into its IR.Manager CRM.

Through 2023, Euronext has consistently delivered projects aimed at supporting companies, fostering innovation within capital markets, and launching ESG solutions to accelerate the transition towards sustainable finance.

The year marks the first anniversary of Euronext Tech Leaders, an initiative dedicated to accelerating the growth of European Tech companies. The success of the initiative was evidenced by the welcoming of 17 new members, which expanded the initiative’s total to 121 companies and bolstered Euronext’s larger pool of 700+ tech companies. The second edition of the Euronext Tech Leaders Campus was held in November, to bring together the European tech community and foster valuable dialogues between Tech companies and investors. Together with partners, Euronext also hosted IPO Days across several European cities – Warsaw, Vilnius, Athens and Zurich. These events demonstrated Euronext’s dedication to be the listing venue of choice for ambitious companies across the continent.

With the launch of My ESG Profile, Euronext introduced a first-of-its-kind digital tool which allows issuers to showcase their sustainability efforts by helping investors access more than 60,000 KPIs. Euronext became the first stock exchange to make the individual non-financial data of its issuers available in a standardized form.

Stéphane Boujnah, CEO and Chairman of the Managing Board of Euronext, said: “In 2023, we are this year again the undisputed listing venue of choice in Europe. This is the result of our efforts to build the largest European single liquidity pool that is the main gateway for global investors to trade European listed securities. The migration of Italian markets to Optiq, our cutting-edge trading platform, was a further step to build the backbone of the Capital Markets Union in Europe, and contributed to the defragmentation of European markets.  The expansion of Euronext Clearing, our multi-asset and pan-European CCP, streamlined our post-trade chain and simplifies the European post-trade landscape. Building on this foundation, we have continued to introduce new innovative services for issuers, brokers, and investors, to create value throughout the entire value chain. 2024 will see the acceleration of our transformation, to further shape capital markets for future generations.”




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+33 1 70 48 24 45  

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About Euronext 
Euronext is the leading European capital market infrastructure, covering the entire capital markets value chain, from listing, trading, clearing, settlement and custody, to solutions for issuers and investors. Euronext runs MTS, one of Europe’s leading electronic fixed income trading markets, and Nord Pool, the European power market. Euronext also provides clearing and settlement services through Euronext Clearing and its Euronext Securities CSDs in Denmark, Italy, Norway, and Portugal. As of December 2024, Euronext’s regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal host over 1,800 listed issuers with around €6 trillion in market capitalisation, a strong blue-chip franchise and the largest global centre for debt and fund listings. With a diverse domestic and international client base, Euronext handles 25% of European lit equity trading. Its products include equities, FX, ETFs, bonds, derivatives, commodities and indices. 
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