Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Paris – 5 July 2013 –In its first meeting, held yesterday and chaired by Eric Forest, the EnterNext Board of Directors clearly defined resources and priorities following announcements made on May 23.
EnterNext currently employs a team of 16 sales representatives which will rise to 20 by the end of 2013. Priority missions confirmed by the Board include:
- Deploying a local presence
In its first stage, EnterNext presents its aims and ambitions in keeping with the programme announced on May 23. It thus addresses stakeholders both Europe-wide –Lisbon on July 2, Amsterdam on July 3 and Brussels yesterday – and in regions throughout France, where its final presentation will be made in Strasbourg on July 8.
In the second stage, it will open offices in Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseilles and Nantes in September this year. These will work closely with all players and entities working for SMEs, with both Lyon and Marseille having permanent teams on the ground from the start.
Each market of NYSE Euronext in Europe – Belgium, the Netherlands and Portugal – has a dedicated resource from EnterNext already working to promote and grow the SME segment.
- Working closely with businesses
In addition to stepping up prospection, the EnterNext team is rolling out a series of meetings at national and regional level for companies listed in compartments B and C and those listed on NYSE Alternext. Designed to collect feedback on expectations and strengthen relationships built on local ties and trust, these will start up in September 2013.
- Promoting bond issues
EnterNext is expanding the range of bond offerings for SMEs with solutions including Europe-wide deployment of IBOs (initial bond offers) especially for small and mid-size companies, both listed and unlisted, that are open to retail investors.
To capitalise on the expertise of professionals making up the SME market, the EnterNext Board of Directors has also approved the following initial guidelines.
- Creating a Users' Committee for each EnterNext location in Europe
Starting in September, EnterNext will set up a Users' Committee in each country, with around ten members representing companies, intermediaries and investors. These committees will be tasked with building strong local momentum and taking the initiative to provide input on all issues of interest to SMEs.
- Analysing the market model
Immediately after summer, EnterNext will organise meetings with financial intermediaries and other key stakeholders serving SMEs to assess the existing market model and propose any improvements that may be necessary.
- Boosting investor activity
EnterNext will organise meetings with investors and their representatives to encourage their return to the market, in keeping with the efforts by public authorities in European countries to rechannel savings into the financing of SMEs.
Eric Forest, Chairman and CEO of EnterNext, said: “I am honoured by the mission entrusted to me by EnterNext's Directors. It is essential to share our understanding of the needs and expectations of SMEs, but transforming that knowledge into concrete initiatives on the ground, in our daily operations, is even more critical. This is why EnterNext was created in the first place – and it is also a commitment shared by our teams and board members. I am thus delighted that our first meeting combines pragmatism and dedication to serving SMEs – which, as we all know, play a decisive role in creating value and jobs.”
1 The 15 members of the EnterNext Board of Directors are Eric Forest and seven qualified external directors—Charles Beigbeder, Chairman, Gravitation; Jorge Freire Cardoso, Chairman and CEO, Caixa Banco de Investimento; Koen Dejonckheere, Chairman and CEO, Gimv; Louis Godron, President, AFIC; Sophie Langlois, Deputy General Manager, BIL Finance; Jean-François Roubaud, Chairman, CGPME; Chris van Schuppen, Managing Director, Head of Equity Capital Markets, ABN AMRO—and seven NYSE Euronext directors—Roland Bellegarde, Group Executive VP, Equities and Equity Derivatives; Lee Hodgkinson, Head of Sales and Client Coverage, EMEA; Luis Laginha, Chairman and CEO, NYSE Euronext Lisbon; Marc Lefèvre, Head of European Business Development and Client Coverage, Listings Europe; Vincent Van Dessel, Chairman and CEO, NYSE Euronext Brussels; Cees Vermaas, Chairman and CEO, NYSE Euronext Amsterdam; and Diederik Zandstra, Head of European Corporate Client Group.