Euronext Indices receive two awards from Wealth & Finance Magazine at the Ethical Finance Awards 2023


On 30 May 2023, Euronext was awarded “Best Pan-European Index Provider 2023” as well as the “Excellence Award for Robust Biodiversity Solutions 2023” at the Ethical Finance Awards.

The W&F Awards showcase the key players in the finance industry who are committed to ethic and sustainability in their daily business practices.

Ethical Finance Awards shines a light on the key players in the finance industry who are not only committed to excellence in their day-to-day business practices, but also ensure that those practices are ethical, sustainable, and eco-friendly.  And this award strives to become a guide to banks, investment firms, mortgage brokers, insurers, and pension providers that have adopted ethical practices across their businesses.

The winners have been determined via a process of research and shortlisting, completed by international experts. The criteria with which experts assess nominees is purely merit-based, selected due to the performance, customer service and innovation within their field rather than external factors like the number of votes.

These two sectoral recognitions demonstrate the relevance of Euronext's index-based offering for market players.

Euronext has been offering a large range of ESG, ESG Blue-chip and thematic indices since 2008

Euronext has been pioneer in the index space with advanced solutions starting with the launch of its first low carbon index back in 2008 -now compliant with the Paris Agreement. Alongside its index solutions to continue supporting the growing demand for investment solutions that include ESG, Thematic, Alternative energy and other trends, Euronext offers a full suite of climate and biodiversity-focused products and solutions aligned with EU Climate benchmarks, EU ESG/SRI labels and the different EU regulations framing the ESG space.

Discover our key ESG indices

Euronext has also been innovating ever since, by developing a wide suite of ESG blue-chip indices, designed to complete the ESG offering in our blue-chip franchise and innovative thematic indices.

Find out more about our range of indices

With more than 15,000 ETFs, funds and derivatives associated with our indices and billions of assets under management, Euronext’s ESG, climate, wealth and ethical indices are used by financial institutions and tracked by ETFs and structured products all around the world.

Euronext has extensive expertise across ESG and thematic indices and is strongly engaged in supporting the financial sector’s sustainable transition.

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