Euronext publishes 1,900 ESG company profiles


Euronext launches My ESG Profile, the new tool showcasing listed companies’ sustainability efforts and facilitating investors’ access to ESG data.

Euronext has become the first stock exchange to make the ESG data of its issuers available in a standardised format on its website. Since Monday 13 November, nearly 1,900 company ESG profiles are displayed on Euronext Live

Centralising ESG information for the benefit of the market 

The objective of My ESG Profile is to support the transition to a sustainable economy, by providing listed companies with a digital tool that they can use to centralise relevant ESG information, showcasing to the market their sustainability efforts, while facilitating investors’ access to this key data to inform their sustainable investment decisions. 

This initiative contributes to enhancing transparency in financial markets and to the democratisation of access to reliable ESG data. It forms part of Euronext’s support for issuers at all stages of their ESG journey to accelerate the transition to a European economy aligned with a 1.5-degree trajectory. It is thus at the heart of Euronext’s strategy to shape capital markets for future generations.

Over 60,000 ESG data points now available on Euronext Live

Each profile contains a standardised ESG data section powered by Euronext and its data partner. Around 30 key ESG indicators were screened against issuers’ annual reports and other publications. 

These indicators are sourced from key European regulations such as the EU Taxonomy, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and include greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scopes 1, 2, 3), GHG intensity, carbon footprint, board gender diversity, gender pay gap, energy intensity, emissions to water, hazardous waste and share of non-renewable energy consumption and production. The data also includes information on the eligibility and alignment of companies' turnover, OpEx, and CapEx with the EU Taxonomy.

With this initiative, Euronext places non-financial data on the same level as financial data, with the ambition to increase the accessibility of the key ESG data points published by its issuers.

Issuers have the option to upload additional information to their profiles through Euronext’s customer portal, including ESG achievements and goals, documents, ESG ratings and contact details.They can also choose not to display an ESG profile. Before the launch, issuers were given six weeks to review and enrich their profiles to have them ready for publication. 


ESG tab on Euronext Live

What’s next?

The launch of this service marks an important milestone in Euronext’s ambition to provide concrete tools and guidance on ESG to all its listed companies, while facilitating investor-issuer dialogue on ESG matters. Euronext will continue to enrich this service based on issuer and investor needs and regulatory evolutions. 

A key part of Euronext’s ESG strategy is to continue to develop products and services designed to empower companies in their pursuit of ESG goals and to channel investments towards sustainable projects.

For enquiries about the full dataset, please contact:  

Explore ESG profiles Learn more