Euronext Sustainable Finance Position


Euronext operates financial market infrastructures across Europe, offering trading, settlement and related corporate services. As a pan-European exchange, Euronext plays a central role in supporting the transition to a sustainable European economy.

We offer tailored programs to issuers to increase their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) knowledge, enabling them to connect with relevant stakeholders and advocate for their own ESG objectives. In addition, Euronext markets provide a wide range of Sustainable Indices, ETFs, Derivatives, and Bonds for market participants and we provide support to investors in identifying listed products that meet ESG criteria.

The recent EU legislative proposals for the financial sector are an essential component of the measures required to transition to a sustainable economy. On July 15, Euronext submitted its response to the Commission’s consultation on its Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy, emphasising the elements we see as essential to foster sustainable finance and, ultimately, incentivise sustainable growth.


Euronext position on Sustainable Finance

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