New Data Services available in our Issuer Services Application


Euronext Securities Oslo has just released a brand new Data Services page in the VPS Issuer Services application

During the last years, Euronext Securities Oslo has seen both the need and demand for our clients and registered companies to have a better overview of their security and related data. Not just the big events, but day-to-day operations. The value of having complete insight over your own data is assessed to be of high importance, and we’ve now made it a lot easier to get this form of insight. The products available on the new Data Services page are developed to create value-added services for our clients. With an easy click and subscribe function directly in the application, targeted products to meet different needs, and with a short delivery, frequency and cancellation periods on-demand, we are confident that our issuers will find our products valuable in the administration of their security going forward.

Four products are available on the Data Services page in our first release. They are:

Equity Pulse


  • A weekly snapshot of the performance of your security. Delivered as a pdf report every Monday morning. Learn more here.

Top 20 Shareholders

  • The required top 20 largest shareholders in a daily feed that can be displayed on your website.

Top Shareholder Changes

  • The 50 biggest changes in your shareholder base, via a daily feed. Covers changes that are larger than NOK 100,000 or 0.01% of the market value. Learn more here

Shareholder Feed

  • A daily feed of your entire shareholder base. Often used for internal analysis or publication on websites. Learn more here

Want to learn more about what we can offer in terms of data products? Contact us at: " rel="nofollow">