INTERBOLSA implements the Shareholders Rights Directive II (SRD II)


Today, September 3, 2020, INTERBOLSA implemented in its systems the necessary changes in order to comply with the Shareholders Rights Directive II (Directive 2017/828, of May 17, 2017), namely the requirements needed and defined in the Regulation 2018/1212, of September 3, 2018.

Therefore, the amendments to the INTERBOLSA’s Regulation 2/2016, as introduced by INTERBOLSA Regulation 1/2020, can be accessed through the following LINK

Webinar – Investment Funds distribution in Portugal


Promoted by Euronext Lisbon and INTERBOLSA, this session took place via Teams, on October 29, in which the main developments in demand and supply of funds in Portugal and trends in the evolution of the market structure were discussed.

The new features of INTERBOLSA’s Fund Order Routing platform (SFI) were also presented.

The speakers at this webinar were the following ones:

  • Isabel Ucha (Euronext Lisbon)
  • Rui de Matos (INTERBOLSA)
  • João Pratas (APFIPP President)
  • Emanuel Silva (IM Gestão de Ativos CEO)
  • Corina Oliveira (INTERBOLSA)

A large number of participants joined this successful initiative, which proved to be relevant that INTERBOLSA and Euronext Lisbon continue to organize this kind of initiatives, with meaningful content for their Clients and for the Market.

If you have not had the opportunity to follow or want to review the webinar, you can access the recording at the linkonly available in Portuguese.

You can also have access to the presentation of the session, only available in Portuguese.

Euronext publishes Q2 2023 results and announces a share repurchase programme

R09587 - Market Cash Project Leader


Submitted by Ariel on

European Market Services

Euronext Market Services (EMS) is the front line for Euronext Cash, Derivatives and Commodities business to ensure fair and orderly markets for all Cash, Derivatives and Commodities products, including Corporate Actions, Euronext Indices, Euronext Market Data, Member on boarding and Hosted Commercial Markets. EMS staff have access to all relevant EMS Cash and Derivatives business and technical monitoring tools and make use of integrated EMS tools and procedures.

Role Summary

Weekly COT Report - Rapeseed Market


Publication date: 10th April 2024     

Report date: 5th April 2024

Market participants' market share : 




Financial participants' market share : flat VS last week and down by -6% year on year




Market participants' net positions :




Financial participants' net position :




Part of hedging in the commercials' positions :




Data explanations :

* Financials = Investment firms (as defined in MIFID II), Credit institutions, Investment funds (either undertaking for collective investments in transferable securities or alternative investment fund manager) and other financial institutions including insurance and reinsurance undertakings and institutions for occupational retirement provision

* Commercials = Commercial activities (defined in ESMA guidelines ref.2013/611) and operators with compliance obligations under Directive 20003/87/EC

Data source :

Weekly COT Report - Corn Market


Publication date: 10th April 2024     

Report date: 5th April 2024

Market participants' market share :




Financial participants' market share : down by -2% VS last week and down by -4% year on year




Market participants' net positions :




Financials' net position :




Part of hedging in the commercials' positions :




Data explanations :

* Financials = Investment firms (as defined in MIFID II), Credit institutions, Investment funds (either undertaking for collective investments in transferable securities or alternative investment fund manager) and other financial institutions including insurance and reinsurance undertakings and institutions for occupational retirement provision

* Commercials = Commercial activities (defined in ESMA guidelines ref.2013/611) and operators with compliance obligations under Directive 20003/87/EC

Data source :

Weekly COT Report - Milling Wheat Market


Publication date: 10th April 2024     

Report date: 5th April 2024

Market participants' market share :




Financial participants' market share :  down by -2% VS last week and down by -3% year on year




Market participants' net positions :




Financial participants' net position :




Part of hedging in the commercials' positions :




*Data explanations :

* Financials = Investment firms (as defined in MIFID II), Credit institutions, Investment funds (either undertaking for collective investments in transferable securities or alternative investment fund manager) and other financial institutions including insurance and reinsurance undertakings and institutions for occupational retirement provision

* Commercials = Commercial activities (defined in ESMA guidelines ref.2013/611) and operators with compliance obligations under Directive 20003/87/EC

Data source :

Fee Book 2023


Updating of the fees charged by Euronext Securities Porto, to Financial Intermediaries and Issuers, as from 1 January 2023.

The consequences of the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have prompted an inflationary spiral that has been taking place in Western countries, including Portugal. In the course of 2022, the inflation rate has been growing every month, having accelerated since February 2022. If the pandemic had already brought a major shortage of raw materials, the war in Ukraine caused an energy crisis with the consequent increase in energy prices, as well as substantially reducing the global supply of food, with significant global impacts in several areas of activity. The outlook for inflation in Europe and for global economic developments is uncertain, but inflation rates are expected to reach two digits in Europe.

In this geopolitical and economic context of inflationary pressure, Euronext Securities Porto has decided to change the price list to be applied to the services provided to Financial Intermediaries and the price list to be applied to the services provided to Issuers. It should be noted that, since 2005, Euronext Securities Porto has made significant price reductions for both Financial Intermediaries and Issuers. The occasional price increases made since 2005 have essentially affected securities that were exempt from maintenance fees. In 2017, following the price increase communicated by the ECB – European Central Bank, resulting from the use of the T2S platform, Euronext Securities Porto revised and consequently increased the prices related to settlement services.

Euronext Securities Porto continues to invest in updating its technology and in the talent of its human resources to support the needs of its clients, in addition to maintaining high levels of investment to face operational changes resulting from new regulations with an impact on Euronext Securities Porto’s activity and from European projects, namely those led by the ECB. In this context, it should be noted that, in the recent past, Euronext Securities Porto decided not to burden the Portuguese market by adapting its systems (which was substantial) to implement Settlement Discipline in the Portuguese market, as it was done by other European CSDs.

Throughout 2022, Euronext Securities Porto absorbed the increased costs (of suppliers, energy, and equipment), but due to the current economic and inflationary environment, it became necessary to share a portion of these cost increases with our clients.

Therefore, from 1 January 2023, the commissions charged by Euronext Securities Porto will be updated by 5.9%, which is well below the inflation rate forecast by the Portuguese government and international entities.

It was also decided not to increase the commissions on some products or services, such as:

  • settlement of OTC instructions;
  • maintenance and subscription / redemption of funds
  • identification of holders and,
  • T2S information.

Introducing a new robotic process operating on the Portuguese National Numbering Agency


Starting December 27, a new #Bot software will automate the task of assigning ISIN codes for commercial paper issues not registered in the centralised system managed by Euronext Securities Porto. 

This initiative was developed in close collaboration with Euronext Securities Milan, which has extensive experience in delivering #RPA (Robotics Process Automation) technology to support business processes.

This tool will allow Euronext Securities Porto to optimise the reliability, efficiency and accuracy of key processes, while contributing to the digitalisation of Euronext’s CSDs. 

Euronext Securities Porto will reduce its fees from 1 July 2023


Euronext Securities Porto has decided to change its price lists with the main purpose of responding to client requests, encouraging the direct participation of financial intermediaries in more than one CSD of the Euronext Group, encouraging the integration of fund units in a centralised system, as well as contributing to the revival of the warrants and certificates market in Portugal.

Issuer Entities:

  • Reduction of registration and cancellation fees for warrants and certificates;
  • Reduction of processing fees for corporate events (namely capital reductions, income payments, splits and reverse splits) on fund units;
  • Reduction of fees on operations resulting from the transfer of securities between different securities codes belonging to the same bond issue;
  • Increase of fees charged for subscriptions/redemptions of open-ended funds that do not use the order routing functionality.

Financial Intermediaries

  • Creation of a Family Fee, which grants discounts on settlement operations processed on the T2S platform, for Financial Intermediaries participating in more than one CSD of the Euronext Group (Euronext Securities Milan, Euronext Securities Copenhagen and Euronext Securities Porto);
  • Reduction of fees charged for connecting via VPN to its private communications network;
  • Reduction of fees for cross-border operations carried out by investor CSDs;
  • Removal of the fee charged to Financial Intermediaries for subscribing to the service of notification/confirmation of events and general meetings;
  • Increase of fees charged for the settlement of warrants and certificates.

Details of the changes made to the Fee Books

Warrants and Certificates

After several discussions with the issuers of warrants and certificates, and in order to encourage the offering of warrants and certificates in Portugal, Euronext Securities Porto decided to reduce the price of registering and cancelling warrants and certificates from a sliding scale price, with a discount to be applied depending on the number of warrants and certificates issued, to a fixed fee for the registration and cancellation of warrants and certificates. On the other hand, it was also decided to increase the fees charged for the settlement operations of warrants and certificates.

As a result, items 6.5 and 6.7 have been created in the Fee Book of Financial Intermediaries and items 3.2 and 5.9 of the Fee Book of the Issuer Entities have been amended.


In order to encourage the integration of fund units into the centralised securities system, Euronext Securities Porto has decided to reduce the processing fee for corporate events (namely, capital reduction, income payment and split and reverse split) to meet the specific needs of these products.  On the other hand, it was decided to increase the fee charged on subscription/redemption operations of open-ended funds that do not use order routing functionality, in order to encourage the use of this functionality, thus reducing manual procedures and the inherent risk.

To give form to these changes, the table in point 6.10 of the Fee Book of the Issuer Entities has been changed, points 5.3, 5.6 and 6.5 of the same Fee Book have been added and the text of point 5.2 has been changed, excluding funds and ETFs from the application of the fees established therein.

Settlement Transactions carried out by CSD Investor

In order to encourage the settlement of cross-border operations performed by investor CSDs, Euronext Securities Porto decided to apply only T2S pricing to these operations. As a result, point 6.10 was added to the Financial Intermediaries’ Fee Book.

Family Fee

In order to encourage direct participation of Financial Intermediaries in several Euronext Group CSDs, it was decided to create a Family fee across Euronext Securities Milan, Euronext Securities Copenhagen and Euronext Securities Porto , which will allow Financial Intermediaries to obtain discounts on the settlement operations processed in the T2S platform that they execute in each CSD, i.e. the discount will be based on the sum of the settlement operations executed in T2S by (common) participants of Euronext Group CSDs. To give shape to this change, items 2.8 and 2.9 have been added to the Financial Intermediaries Fee Book.

Connection to Euronext Securities Porto private network

Euronext Securities Porto has decided to reduce the fee it charges for connection via VPN to its private communications network. For this purpose, the fee set out in table 7.1 “Primary connection to systems via VPN” of the Financial Intermediaries’ Fee Book has been amended.

Notification and/or confirmation of events and general meetings

Euronext Securities Porto has decided to discontinue the fee charged to Financial Intermediaries for subscribing to the service of notification/confirmation of events and general meetings. As a result of this change, the first paragraph of point 8.2 of the Fee Book for Financial Intermediaries has been removed.

Registration and Cancellation of Issues

With the purpose of responding to the request of clients, it has been decided to charge the minimum amount established in the registrations and cancellations table of the Issuers’ Fee Book to operations resulting from the transfer of values between different security codes, belonging to the same bond issue. Therefore, a paragraph has been added to the text of point 3.1 and point 5.8 of the Issuers’ Fee Book.

Other changes have also been made to the Fee Books, with no impact on the fees charged, and some items in the Fee Books have been renumbered, following the addition of new items.

Current Fee Books can be found here.