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Cancellation of registry of warrants issued by Commerzbank Aktiengesellshaft



NOTICE N.º 1223/07

We hereby inform that, for having reached the maturity on 19th October, 2007, one was cancelled, on 23 of the present month, the registry of the following issues of warrants issued by Commerzbank Aktiengesellshaft:

Code Name
KD4WWP Warrants sobre Apple Inc - Call - 140 USD - 19.10.2007
KD4XWP Warrants sobre Apple Inc - Call - 160 USD - 19.10.2007
KD44WP Warrants sobre Amazon - Call - 75 USD - 19.10.2007
KD45WP Warrants sobre Amazon - Call - 95 USD - 19.10.2007
KD9RWP Warrants sobre eBay Inc - Call - 33 USD - 19.10.2007
KD9SWP Warrants sobre eBay Inc - Call - 35 USD - 19.10.2007
KD9TWP Warrants sobre eBay Inc - Put - 33 USD - 19.10.2007
KD5EWP Warrants sobre Google - Call - 500 USD - 19.10.2007
KD5FWP Warrants sobre Google - Call - 540 USD - 19.10.2007
KD5GWP Warrants sobre Google - Call - 560 USD - 19.10.2007
KD5HWP Warrants sobre Google - Put - 500 USD - 19.10.2007
KD5QWP Warrants sobre Intel - Call - 23 USD - 19.10.2007
KD5RWP Warrants sobre Intel - Call - 25 USD - 19.10.2007
KD5SWP Warrants sobre Intel - Call - 28 USD - 19.10.2007
KD5TWP Warrants sobre Intel - Put - 24 USD - 19.10.2007
KD55WP Warrants sobre Microsoft - Call - 31 USD - 19.10.2007
KD56WP Warrants sobre Microsoft - Call - 33 USD - 19.10.2007
KD57WP Warrants sobre Microsoft - Put - 31 USD - 19.10.2007
KD6GWP Warrants sobre Nokia - Put - 20 EUR - 19.10.2007
KD6HWP Warrants sobre Nokia - Call - 22 EUR - 19.10.2007
KD7IWP Warrants sobre Yahoo! - Call - 26 USD - 19.10.2007
KD7JWP Warrants sobre Yahoo! - Call - 28 USD - 19.10.2007
KD7KWP Warrants sobre Yahoo! - Call - 30 USD - 19.10.2007
KD7LWP Warrants sobre Yahoo! - Put - 24 USD - 19.10.2007

INTERBOLSA, 24th October, 2007