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Cancellation of registry of warrants issued by Commerzbank Aktiengesellshaft



NOTICE N.º 1356/10

We hereby inform that, for having reached the maturity on 19th October, 2010, one was cancelled, on 21 of the present month, the registry of the following issues of warrants issued by Commerzbank Aktiengesellshaft:

Code Name
KFCMWP Warrants Est. s/ GOLD SPOT-Call-1.000 USD-19.10.10
KFCNWP Warrants Est. s/ GOLD SPOT-Call-1.100 USD-19.10.10
KFCOWP Warrants Est. s/ GOLD SPOT-Call-1.200 USD-19.10.10
KFCQWP Warrants Est. s/ GOLD SPOT-Put-1.400 USD-19.10.10
KFCRWP Warrants Est. s/ GOLD SPOT-Put-1.500 USD-19.10.10
KFCSWP Warrants Est. s/ SILVER SPOT-Call-16 USD-19.10.10
KFCTWP Warrants Est. s/ SILVER SPOT-Call-18 USD-19.10.10
KFCUWP Warrants Est. s/ SILVER SPOT-Call-20 USD-19.10.10
KFCXWP Warrants Est. s/ SILVER SPOT-Put-26 USD-19.10.10

INTERBOLSA, 22th October, 2010