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Cancellation of registry of warrants issued by Commerzbank Aktiengesellshaft



NOTICE N.º 0040/16

We hereby inform that, as a result of the existence of the conditions for the anticipated loss of the rights inherent to structured warrants issued by Commerzbank Aktiengesellshaft, one has cancelled the registry of the following issues, on 11th January, 2016:

Code Name
KETLWP Warrants Est. MiniFutures s/ IBEX-Call-9.270 EUR
KEHKWP CZ/W.E. Amazon-Call-620 USD-160316
KTR1WP CZ/W.E. Facebook Inc.-Call-100 USD-160316
KEGEWP CZ/W.E. DAX 30-Call-10 000 EUR-160316
KTQFWP Warrants Est. MiniFutures s/ DAX 30-Call-9700 EUR
KEBYWP CZ/W. E.DAX 30-Call-9 900 EUR-160316
KFNBWP CZ/W.E. Nasdaq-100 Index(R)-Call-4 400 USD-160316
KE33WP CZ/W.E. IBEX-Call-9 000 EUR-160316
KE1DWP CZ/W.E. CAC 40-Call-4 400 EUR-160316
KFKTWP CZ/W.E. PSI 20-Call-5 100 EUR-160316
KEVEWP CZ/W.E. Dow Jones Industrial-Call-16 600 USD-160316
KEVFWP CZ/W.E. Dow Jones Industrial-Call-16 800 USD-160316

INTERBOLSA, 12th January, 2016