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Registry of structured securities issued by BCP - Banco Comercial Português, S.A.



We hereby inform that, on 29th November, 2018, the following issues of structured securities, with a nominal value of 10.000,00 EUR, shall be registered, of BCP - Banco Comercial Português, S.A.:

ISIN CVM Name Quantity
PTBCPABM0043 BCPABM BCP/2018 - Retorno e Participação Dividendos Autocallable XI - EUR - Nov. 2021 - SMTN SR. 24 1.480.000,00 EUR
PTBCPBBM0059 BCPBBM BCP/2018 - Reembolsos Parciais Euro Telecomunicações XI - EUR - Nov. 2021 - SMTN SR.26 1.560.000,00 EUR
PTBITMBM0072 BITMBM BCP/2018 - Performance Euro - Dividendos XI - EUR - Nov.2021 - SMTN SR 27 1.400.000,00 EUR

INTERBOLSA, 28th November, 2018