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Registry of certificates issued by Société Générale Effekten GmbH



We hereby inform that, on 10th July, 2020, the following issues of certificates, were issued, of Société Générale Effekten GmbH:

ISIN CVM Name Quantity
DE000SB2PVL3 KKTAYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Long 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVM1 KKTBYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Long 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVN9 KKTCYP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Long 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVP4 KKTDYP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Long 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVQ2 KKTEYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Long 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVR0 KKTFYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Long 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVS8 KKTGYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Long 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVT6 KKTHYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Short 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVU4 KKTIYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Short 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVV2 KKTJYP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Short 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVW0 KKTKYP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Short 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVX8 KKTLYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Short 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVY6 KKTMYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Short 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PVZ3 KKTNYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Short 2x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV41 KKUAYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Long 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV58 KKUBYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Long 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV66 KKUCYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Long 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWB2 KKUDYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Short 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWC0 KKUEYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Short 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWD8 KKUFYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Short 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV74 KKUGYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Short 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV82 KKUHYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Short 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV90 KKUIYP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Short 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWA4 KKUJYP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Short 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWJ5 KKUKYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Long 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWK3 KKULYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Long 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWL1 KKUMYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Long 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV09 KKUNYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Long 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV17 KKUOYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Long 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV25 KKUPYP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Long 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PV33 KKUQYP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Long 5x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWM9 KKURYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Short 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWN7 KKUSYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Short 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWP2 KKUTYP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Short 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWQ0 KKUUYP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Short 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWR8 KKUVYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Short 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWS6 KKUWYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Short 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWT4 KKUXYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Short 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWE6 KKUYYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Long 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWF3 KKUZYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Long 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWG1 KKU1YP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Long 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWH9 KKU2YP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Long 8x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW16 KKU3YP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Short 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW24 KKU4YP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Short 10x index 2 50.000
DE000SB2PW32 KKU5YP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Short 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW40 KKU6YP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Short 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW81 KKU7YP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Long 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW99 KKU8YP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Long 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXA2 KKU9YP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Long 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXB0 KKVAYP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Long 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW57 KKVBYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Short 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW65 KKVCYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Short 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW73 KKVDYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Short 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWU2 KKVEYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Long 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWV0 KKVFYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Long 10x index 2 50.000
DE000SB2PWW8 KKVGYP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Long 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWX6 KKVHYP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Long 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXF1 KKVIYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Short 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXG9 KKVJYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Short 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXH7 KKVKYP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Short 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXJ3 KKVLYP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Short 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXC8 KKVMYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Long 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXD6 KKVNYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Long 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXE4 KKVOYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Long 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXK1 KKVPYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Short 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXL9 KKVQYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Short 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXM7 KKVRYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Short 12x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXS4 KKVSYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Long 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXT2 KKVTYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Long 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXU0 KKVUYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Long 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXZ9 KKVVYP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Short 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PX07 KKVWYP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Short 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PX15 KKVXYP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Short 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXN5 KKVYYP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Long 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXP0 KKVZYP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Long 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXQ8 KKV1YP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Long 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXR6 KKV2YP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Long 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWY4 KKV3YP SG/C.E. Dow Jones Ind Long 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PWZ1 KKV4YP SG/C.E. Nasdaq-100 Long 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PW08 KKV5YP SG/C.E. S&P 500 Index Long 10x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXV8 KKV6YP SG/C.E. CAC 40 Short 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXW6 KKV7YP SG/C.E. DAX 30 Short 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXX4 KKV8YP SG/C.E. EURO STOXX 50 Short 15x index 50.000
DE000SB2PXY2 KKV9YP SG/C.E. IBEX 35 Short 15x index 50.000

INTERBOLSA, 10th July, 2020