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Public Offer for Buying of JOSÉ DE MELLO SAÚDE



Private Offer, exclusively to qualified investors, for Buying of the Bond Issuance "JOSÉ DE MELLO SAÚDE 2017/2023" (PTJLLCOM0009), and
for the exchange of the Bond Issuance "JOSÉ DE MELLO SAÚDE 2017/2023" (PTJLLCOM0009) for Bonds "CUF/2021-FLOATING RATE NOTES DUE 2027-TRANCHE 2 - TO BE FUNGLIBLE WITH PTJLLDOM0016" (PTJLLAOM0019)

In the sequence of the request presented by Haitong Bank, S.A. we hereby publically inform that INTERBOLSA - Sociedade Gestora de Sistemas de Liquidação e de Sistemas Centralizados de Valores Mobiliários, S.A. (from now on INTERBOLSA), will proceed to the physical and financial settlement of the operations, performed under the buying offer representative of the bond issue "JOSÉ DE MELLO SAÚDE 2017/2023" (PTJLLCOM0009), with the nominal value of 10.000 EUR each, by exchanging the bond issue of "CUF/2021-FLOATING RATE NOTES DUE 2027-TRANCHE 2 - TO BE FUNGLIBLE WITH PTJLLDOM0016" (PTJLLAOM0019), with the nominal value of 10.000 EUR each.

For effects of the physical and financial operation performed under the present offer, Haitong Bank, S.A. will transmit to INTERBOLSA until 27th October 2021, the information needed to perform the physical and financial settlement of the operations, regarding the offer.

The Settlement of the operation will be performed during the night time settlement in T2S platform in 27th October 2021, corresponding to the settlement day, 28th October 2021:

a) The physical delivery of the bonds (ISIN: PTJLLCOM0009), presented in the offer will be performed by debiting the securities accounts that the intermediaries maintain in INTERBOLSA, considering for the effect the default accounts.

b) The physical credit of the bonds "CUF/2021-FLOATING RATE NOTES DUE 2027-TRANCHE 2 - TO BE FUNGLIBLE WITH PTJLLDOM0016" (PTJLLAOM0019) will be performed by crediting the default securities accounts of the financial intermediaries.

c) The financial settlement will be performed by moving the cash accounts (Dedicated cash Accounts) maintained by the financial intermediaries in T2S.

INTERBOLSA will provide to all financial intermediaries involved in the operation, after 18:00 (CET), of 27th October 2021, the necessary information for the physical and financial settlement of the operation.

INTERBOLSA, 12th October, 2021