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Registry of certificates issued by SOCIÉTÉ Générale EFFEKTEN GMBH



NOTICE N.º 0157/24

We hereby inform that, on 9th February, 2024, the following issues of certificates, shall be issued, of SOCIÉTÉ Générale EFFEKTEN GMBH:

ISIN CVM Name Quantity
DE000SU72UP0 KKVIYE SG/C.E.Altri Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UQ8 KKVJYE SG/C.E.Altri Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UR6 KKVKYE SG/C.E.BCP Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72US4 KKVLYE SG/C.E.BCP Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UT2 KKVMYE SG/C.E.BCP Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UU0 KKVNYE SG/C.E.CTT Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UV8 KKVOYE SG/C.E.CTT Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UW6 KKVPYE SG/C.E.CTT Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UX4 KKVQYE SG/C.E.EDP Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UY2 KKVRYE SG/C.E.EDP Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72UZ9 KKVSYE SG/C.E.EDP Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U03 KKVTYE SG/C.E.Galp Energia Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U11 KKVUYE SG/C.E.Galp Energia Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U29 KKVVYE SG/C.E.Galp Energia Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U37 KKVWYE SG/C.E.Jeronimo Martins Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U45 KKVXYE SG/C.E.Jeronimo Martins Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U52 KKVYYE SG/C.E.Jeronimo Martins Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U60 KKVZYE SG/C.E.Portucel Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U78 KKV1YE SG/C.E.Portucel Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U86 KKV2YE SG/C.E.Portucel Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72U94 KKV3YE SG/C.E.NOS Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VA0 KKV5YE SG/C.E.NOS Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VB8 KKV6YE SG/C.E.NOS Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VC6 KKV7YE SG/C.E.REN Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VD4 KKV8YE SG/C.E.REN Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VE2 KKV9YE SG/C.E.REN Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VF9 KKU5YE SG/C.E.Sonae Long 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VG7 KKU6YE SG/C.E.Sonae Long 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VH5 KKU7YE SG/C.E.Sonae Long 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VJ1 KKYAYE SG/C.E.Altri Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VK9 KKYBYE SG/C.E.Altri Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VL7 KKYCYE SG/C.E.Altri Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VM5 KKYDYE SG/C.E.BCP Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VN3 KKYEYE SG/C.E.BCP Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VP8 KKYFYE SG/C.E.BCP Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VQ6 KKYGYE SG/C.E.BCP Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VR4 KKYHYE SG/C.E.CTT Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VS2 KKYIYE SG/C.E.CTT Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VT0 KKYJYE SG/C.E.CTT Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VU8 KKYKYE SG/C.E.CTT Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VV6 KKYLYE SG/C.E.EDP Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VW4 KKYMYE SG/C.E.EDP Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VX2 KKYNYE SG/C.E. EDP Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VY0 KKYOYE SG/C.E. EDP Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72VZ7 KKYPYE SG/C.E. Galp Energia Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V02 KKYQYE SG/C.E. Galp Energia Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V10 KKYRYE SG/C.E. Galp Energia Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V28 KKYSYE SG/C.E. Galp Energia Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V36 KKYTYE SG/C.E. Jeronimo Martins Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V44 KKYUYE SG/C.E. Jeronimo Martins Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V51 KKYVYE SG/C.E. Jeronimo Martins Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V69 KKYWYE SG/C.E. Jeronimo Martins Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V77 KKYXYE SG/C.E. Portucel Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V85 KKYYYE SG/C.E. Portucel Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72V93 KKYZYE SG/C.E. Portucel Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WA8 KKY1YE SG/C.E. Portucel Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WB6 KKY2YE SG/C.E. NOS Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WC4 KKY3YE SG/C.E. NOS Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WD2 KKY4YE SG/C.E. NOS Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WE0 KKY5YE SG/C.E. NOS Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WF7 KKY6YE SG/C.E. REN Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WG5 KKY7YE SG/C.E. REN Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WH3 KKY8YE SG/C.E. REN Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WJ9 KKY9YE SG/C.E. REN Short 1.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WK7 KKUKYE SG/C.E. Sonae Short 5.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WL5 KKULYE SG/C.E. Sonae Short 3.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WM3 KKUMYE SG/C.E. Sonae Short 2.0x index 25.000
DE000SU72WN1 KKUNYE SG/C.E. Sonae Short 1.0x index 25.000

Euronext Securities Porto, 8th February, 2024