Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Code
The Central Securities Depository Regulation (CSDR) states that both counterparties must have a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code.
A legal entity can only have one LEI code, which is valid globally.
Use of LEI codes at Euronext Securities
The CSDR requires issuers and intermediaries to submit their LEI code to their Euronext Securities Central Securities Depository (CSD). This is part of the admission request process.
We record your LEI code and use it in our reporting to supervisory authorities.
Why are LEI codes required?
A LEI code carries information about its entity. It enables the exchange of information and ensures high quality, reliable data.
This supports supervision practises and increases the transparency of financial markets.
LEI code structure
The Global LEI System was started by the G20 forum and Financial Stability Board.
The structure of LEI codes and the minimum data associated with each code is outlined in:
ISO standard ISO 17442 Financial services – Legal Entity Identifier (LEI).
Apply for LEIs
For legal entities from across the globe.
Euronext Dublin is accredited by the Global Legal Entity Foundation (GLEIF) .